While Cui Hao was very excited to discuss the next big plan of fraternity group with Qin Xiangxiang and others, Meng Ying and Tang Qianqian left the dance with some sadness. The car drove aimlessly on the road. When passing a busy snack street, Tang Qianqian ordered the driver to stop here and wait, while she got off with Meng Ying and headed for a night market stall, Since I'm unhappy, I naturally want to drink.

Tang Qianqian, who is usually cheerful and lively, seems to be frosted eggplant and listless at the moment. As for Meng Ying, her expression is cold. People nearby can feel the air around her. It seems to be freezing and cold.

Although they were in a bad mood, they were both born beautiful and could not abandon themselves. They walked to the night market stall side by side. For a time, they attracted the attention of many male animals who drank. They casually found an empty table. Tang Qianqian ordered some barbecue and two beers. He was very unhappy. He directly opened a bottle of beer, Gudong, Gudong, and dried most of the bottles in one breath.

Put the beer bottle on the table. Tang Qianqian was still full of fire. He accidentally found the eyes of an obscene man wearing glasses. He stared at the towering on his chest. His expression was very shameless. It seemed that he was thinking of something. Suddenly, Tang Qianqian flew into a rage and shouted angrily, "what are you looking at, and then look at this baby poking your dog's eye blind. Do you believe it?"

In fact, for such a vision, Tang Qianqian, who has a child's face and huge breasts, is not uncommon. After all, she is such a beautiful school flower, no matter where she is, she is so outstanding. Although there is some annoyance in weekdays, it is not easy to drink and scold. After all, there are too many such men, and they can't prohibit each other from having sex in their hearts? But at the moment, Tang Qianqian was very angry. He stared at the man angrily. He had a kind of strange and beautiful taste.

Being so scolded, the man with eyes hurriedly took back his eyes. Instead of feeling shy, he had a bit of surprise in his heart. "God, was she talking to me just now? God opened his eyes, and finally a beautiful woman noticed me. Otherwise, what are you scolding me for?"

Thinking so, the man in his eyes showed a handsome smile, and to his surprise, Tang Qianqian turned his head again after scolding, and didn't even look at him again.

Attracted by the two super beauties, naturally, it was not only the man with eyes, but also a thin man dressed in trendy clothes as if he were a hip-hop man. His eyes twinkled with an extremely excited light, as if he were a hunter who had found excellent prey and walked over quickly.

Gently shook his long flowing hair. The thin man put out a shape that he thought was very windy. His eyes were very gentle. He quickly came to Meng Ying and said, "this beauty, you are really beautiful, and your skin is tender and smooth. What brand of cosmetics do you use?"

The man's modesty and courtesy, especially with his trendy dress, is a great impact and temptation to some girls. Obviously, he took a fancy to Meng Ying. Meng Ying, who took off her police uniform, was beautiful and vulgar, just like the snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain, giving people a feeling that can not be profaned.

When making such an inquiry, the thin man's face showed his 120000 love and appreciation for Meng Ying. Which woman doesn't like men's praise and appreciation? Although he tried his best to hide it, he could also see that there was a kind of flame flashing in the depths of the thin man's eyes!

His chat-up method is very technical. At the beginning, he talked about the cosmetics that women care about and are best at. Moreover, he directly praised and admired each other and praised each other very highly. As long as Meng Ying picks up, he will have enough opportunities. Maybe there will be a wonderful little sheep on his bed tonight

Sitting in the seat, Meng Ying was cold. She naturally saw the thin man's eyes. However, she was not angry at all. Instead, she hooked her middle finger. Her eyes were very charming and charming. Seeing Meng Ying's charming smile, the thin man was excited, and his whole body trembled slightly. His courage rose. He secretly lamented that he was wearing red underpants today. It was really different. Peach blossom luck came, and he couldn't stop it! For Meng Ying's gesture, he naturally recognized that he was winking at himself as a goddess.

Some other male customers of the night market stall saw such a scene. They all stared wide and looked at the thin man with great envy. At the same time, many men regretted that they didn't fall. They knew that the goddess was so hungry and thirsty, so they should go up to chat up!

Take a deep breath, the thin man barely calmed down his ecstasy, tried to make his pace steady, walked over gracefully, and said in what he thought was very gentle words, "Hello, this beauty, I'm really glad to know you tonight. I feel lucky..."

"Step back!"

Meng Ying directly interrupted the thin man before he finished his words. Tang Qianqian was in a bad mood at the moment. Seeing such a scene, he looked at it with great interest.

”Beauty, has anyone ever told you that your appearance is really similar to a big star? Do you want to know who that big star is? " Obedient took a step back, but his fingers continued to chatter. At the same time, he threw a question to arouse Meng Ying's curiosity.

"Step back!"

Meng Ying didn't seem to think about such a problem at all, but continued with a smile on her face. This posture seems to want to ask a thin man for help.

Very obedient, the thin man continued to retreat, with a gentle smile on his face, but in his heart he was thinking about how to continue chatting up, so as to win the best beauty? He thought for a moment and asked humbly, "this beautiful woman, you have been asking me to step back, but is there anything I can do for you? It's my golden glory to be able to serve such a beautiful woman as you..."

This time, the thin man's words were still not finished, but he was not interrupted by Meng Ying's words, but... With his feet!

The thin man screamed and covered his stomach in pain. The whole man flew out and hit a pile of empty beer bottles behind him. Suddenly, there was a constant noise of noise. I don't know how many beer bottles were broken by him, and those broken glass pieces were not fun. They pierced his ass in a moment, which was very sad.

It turned out that when the thin man was still racking his brains to think about how to praise Meng Ying's beauty, the other party flew up and kicked him on his lower abdomen. The power of high-heeled shoes was not small. He immediately kicked him out and screamed.

"Yeah! Good play!..."

Seeing this, Tang Qianqian jumped up excitedly, patted his palm and said, "sister Meng, the kick you just kicked is so handsome! This guy thinks he is so handsome. In fact, he is a fool and deserves to be kicked!"

Nodding, Meng Ying took a breath and said in a happy way, "such scum is a typical social scum, but it's really cool to kick, ha ha ha!"

Never thought that she was the captain of Jiangzhou police station. Meng Ying and Tang Qianqian met face to face and smiled heartlessly. The depression in her heart was finally reduced.

Seeing such a scene, the man who just admired the thin man was very lucky. Fortunately, he was not as good as he was. Otherwise, I was afraid he would fall into the glass debris!

He took a breath, and one of the short men murmured "How fierce! How fierce! It's terrible that the long legged beauty kicked this thin man with at least more than 100 kg out with a kick just now. It's true that beautiful roses often have thorns! In this case, if the girl with big breasts gets angry, she's afraid she's also very fierce!"

Nodding, a man beside him said, "I also agree with this idea! Hey, beauty is beauty. Everyone feels so good when kicking. Hey, I like it!"

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