Fighting is also a kind of perception and cultivation. Cui Hao's strength is also improving in the fight again and again. Moreover, he has more and more understood the attack method of the devil Satan and integrated into himself, which is of great benefit.

On the uncompleted residential building, the sand and stones are flying, and the ground is cracked everywhere. The demon Satan who can fly also makes full use of his advantage to constantly dive and kill. Over and over again, he occupies an absolute advantage. However, Cui Hao reluctantly resisted such an attack with his clothes stained and falling for 18 years.

At one moment, the devil Satan suddenly soared up, suddenly turned into a flash of streamer, and came to kill Cui Hao. This time, his speed was much faster than before. Moreover, a strange black smoke spewed out of his mouth, which filled the surroundings in an instant. In an instant, Cui Hao felt his limbs soft and couldn't exert any strength.

"Bad! I'm still careless!" Cui Hao regretted it.

He was really careless, especially after a hard fight with the devil Satan for a long time. He thought he could barely resist the terrible devil in the legend. However, he forgot that the most powerful devil was not only his battle and strength, but also his cunning heart!

From the beginning, the devil Satan has been accumulating strength. He has to wait for this moment! As a legendary demon king, even if he has only a wisp of remnant soul left, his transformed body also contains incredible power. For example, this one can accumulate power and release soft poisonous smoke. Moreover, this kind of poisonous smoke is very strange and can't be prevented.

The poisonous smoke was so strange that it permeated Cui Hao's whole body and penetrated into him in an instant. Rao was unable to carry his golden dragon lock and jade pillar. For a moment, he was soft and weak. It seemed that his flesh and blood had lost consciousness.

In fact, if you expand Cui Hao's flesh and blood hundreds of millions of times at the moment, you can see that there is a kind of dark, ferocious and terrible little devil attached to his flesh and blood. They are crazy swallowing flesh and blood, bones and everything.

Of course, their swallowing is not too fast. After all, Cui Hao's physical body is very strong, and there are some perspective golden lights. He immediately fought with such a little devil, regardless of each other.

In this case, Cui Hao was shocked because he found that he couldn't even use the attack magic talisman! For today's plan, Cui Hao had to place all his hopes on the ten thousand heavenly beads in his body.

At the same time of sending out the terrible black smoke, the devil Satan naturally will not miss such a rare opportunity. With a sharp howl, he suddenly flew forward, and his sharp claws twinkled with the light of Sen Han, as if he could tear everything up.

Cui Hao was shocked and anxious. At this time, the Wanjie Tianzhu in his body seemed to feel the crisis he was facing, and suddenly began to rotate rapidly. Then, a large amount of golden light filled the air and radiated in all directions

"Crash, crash, crash..."

The rich golden light filled Cui Hao almost instantly, and in it, he felt an unprecedented comfortable feeling. The strange black smoke in his body seemed to encounter natural enemies at this moment. It melted quickly and turned into invisible.

All this was just in an instant, and the black smoke seemed to annoy Wanjie Tianzhu. After removing the black smoke from Cui Hao, it vibrated and rushed out of Cui Hao's body.


Rotating in the void, the state of Wanjie Tianzhu at the moment is very strange. In the dark, Cui Hao feels that he has formed a strange connection with it. It seems that he can feel the meaning of care from it.

This feeling is very strange. It seems that he is an old guy who protects the calf. When he sees his little guy being bullied, he is angry and wants to fight back.

Originally, the devil Satan came to attack Cui Hao quickly and wanted to launch a devastating attack on Cui Hao. However, when he saw the ten thousand heavenly beads rushing out of Cui Hao's body, his eyes suddenly lit up. After carefully looking at his feelings, he laughed wildly and was very excited.

In his eyes, Cui Hao is just a mole ant. The only thing he really cares about is Wanjie Tianzhu!

At this moment, Cui Hao's body is free again. He looks at the scene in front of him in some horror. Vaguely, Cui Hao has a bad idea in his heart. This feeling is very abrupt, and he can't explain it clearly.

"Ha ha... It's the Pearl of the world! Great!......" he laughed and the devil Satan was almost dancing with excitement.

In those years, he paid a terrible price to get the ten thousand heavenly pearls. He fought with many super strong people. He was almost completely destroyed by a group of guys. Now, he finally saw hope. How can he not be excited?

Suspended in the void, the Wanjie Tianzhu suddenly shook, and even the surface began to ripple layer by layer. Then, a looming portal began to appear on it. Gradually, the portal became clearer and clearer.

"This... This... How is it possible?"

Seeing such a scene, Satan, the devil who was just laughing, changed his face and was so embarrassed that he seemed to swallow a dead fly. Then his voice began to tremble.

"How could it be that war... You... You damn Wanjie Tianzhu imprisoned so many experts and had already consumed clean power. How could you open this door? It's not so easy to scare me!" said the devil Satan in a dignified tone.

Although he was skeptical, he couldn't help but be shocked when he looked at the increasingly clear door on the Wanjie Tianzhu. The scenes of countless years ago reappeared in his mind, making him unable to keep quiet.

For this situation, Cui Hao is full of imagination. He can't help thinking about what this portal is. Listening to the meaning of the devil Satan, it seems that he has imprisoned many real super experts

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

When the devil Satan talks to himself like this, the ten thousand heavenly pearls are buzzing and shaking, and the door on it is more and more clear. It even emits a detached, invincible breath that really overlooks all things in the world. With the emergence of this breath, the originally tightly closed door creaks and opens slowly!


The moment the door opened, an indescribable strange force burst out immediately, shaking and locking the devil Satan. Although it is invisible, it contains an incomparable smell of terror.

"Ah! No! I'm not reconciled! How could this happen?"

The whole body trembled violently. At this moment, the devil Satan howled hysterically. He was really going crazy. For this portal, he had boundless fear and knew it too well. Not to mention him, it was a stronger existence. Once he fell into it, he would become a complete prisoner and lose himself.

Although he tried his best to escape, the devil Satan could not even escape after being locked away from afar. To his surprise, the situation is at least dozens of times weaker than that when the door was opened. However, Rao is so, and it can't resist it now.

You know, today's devil Satan has only such a wisp of remnant soul. I don't know the gap is more than hundreds of times from his peak strength. Otherwise, with Cui Hao's strength, it is absolutely impossible to fight with him for a while. If it is the peak strength, he is afraid to kill Cui Hao casually. It's not a grade at all.

Screamed, the devil Satan felt that his mortal soul was shaking. In an instant, it shook hundreds of millions of times. The next moment seemed to collapse completely. At this time, he knew that he was really going to die. The strength of his soul was too weak, and he didn't even have the qualification to become a prisoner in the entry door!

Unwilling, angry, crazy, many emotions are intertwined. In an instant, the devil Satan looks at Cui Hao and makes a final crazy move to harm others and not benefit himself.

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