Seeing the scenes between the devil Satan and the ten thousand heavenly beads, Cui Hao was already shocked. A gradually solidified portal unexpectedly had such terrible power. As soon as it was opened, it burst out a mysterious smell to kill the devil Satan. All this was like a dream.

Feeling his own situation, the devil Satan sadly found that he was about to collapse. He didn't even have the qualification to enter the portal and become a prisoner. Therefore, he felt angry, unwilling, crazy and hysterical.

Trapped animals are still fighting, not to mention the king of demons on the verge of death. At the moment, he howled hysterically, but made an action in an instant, absolutely harming others and not benefiting himself. Because at this moment, he did not hesitate to burn his soul that was about to collapse completely, urged his most powerful secret method, and released a strange and incomparable curse in the most resentful way!

The arrogant, almost crazy laughter came from the devil Satan "Humble human, tremble at the last blow of my great demon king. You will suffer from the collapse of your soul and feel your slow death in endless despair! This is the anger of my great demon Satan and the anger of a powerful Lord. Even if there are ten thousand heavenly beads, they can't help you, because my curse will be integrated with your soul and your spirit The stronger the soul is, the longer it can support, and the more it can experience the despair and helplessness before death! Ha ha... "

Burning the soul, completely giving up all the hope of life, and cooperating with special secret methods, can burst out terrible power in an instant. Although this power is like a flash in the pan, it can often cause a fatal blow to the enemy. For example, now, the devil Satan is desperate to burn the soul. All the forces converge and change to form a gray and give people a kind of heart The palpitating airflow suddenly rushed to Cui Hao.

Even if I die, I have to pull a cushion, even if it is just a humble mole ant. This is the moment when the devil Satan burns his soul.

Come on! Come on! Come on!... all this was so fast that it was like lightning and flint, and Cui Hao didn't even have time to make any response. The gray air flow suddenly integrated into his body and impacted his soul!

Because of the previous chance coincidence, Cui Hao was superb and opened up the sea of knowledge that only half a step of magic can have. At this moment, this sea of knowledge was attacked at the first time, but it was broken in a moment. After the gray air flow decreased a little, he continued to break into Cui Hao's soul

Originally, Cui Hao's soul was very solid due to various opportunities, emitting a strong crystal light. At the moment, it was trembling, and the gray air flow wrapped around it and soon penetrated into it. At this moment, Cui Hao's soul was like porcelain, with turtle cracks everywhere, and ferocious black marks appeared on it.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Almost at this moment, Cui Hao screamed hysterically. He felt intense pain, too strong, from his soul. Rao's willpower could not bear it. He fell to the ground in pain and trembled constantly. The whole person bowed like a big shrimp.

In an instant, the soul suffered unprecedented great trauma. Even, this trauma is still slowly aggravating. It is a pain that makes people completely crazy and desperate to death. It is much stronger than any bone penetrating pain and heartburning pain. Cui Hao died and lived in pain.

In those days, when Cui Hao took a terrible medicine bath, he also suffered from death and life. However, the pain is still not as fierce and fierce as today's pain!

The devil Satan disappeared, and Wanjie Tianzhu, who had lost his goal, flew back to Cui Hao's body again. It was already very dim. It sent out some weak golden light and penetrated into Cui Hao's body to help him dispel the evil curse. However, the effect was not ideal, and it seemed to consume too much. It soon completely converged all the light and remained silent in Cui Hao's body The portal that has just been opened really consumes a lot for the Wanjie Tianzhu at the moment.

Seeing through the golden light, Cui Hao felt better. These curses had penetrated into his soul and began to erode slowly. Although the speed was very slow, Cui Hao could clearly feel that this erosion never stopped, but the speed slowed down too much!

In his heart, Cui Hao couldn't help saying to himself, "bad! My perception is declining rapidly. I'm so tired, so painful, my heart is in sharp pain, covered with dust..."

The strength of the soul is declining, and the overall strength is weakening. So are perception, sensitivity, etc. Moreover, although Cui Hao feels that his spiritual pain has been reduced a lot, it has never stopped. Moreover, it seems to be covered with dust. Cui Hao has a feeling that he can't see everything, and there is no sense of transparency before.

At this time, Cui Hao couldn't help recalling the arrogant words of the devil Satan "Humble human, tremble at the last blow of my great demon king. You will suffer from the collapse of your soul and feel your slow death in endless despair! This is the anger of my great demon Satan and the anger of a powerful Lord. Even if there are ten thousand heavenly beads, they can't help you, because my curse will be integrated with your soul and your spirit The stronger the soul, the longer it can support, and the more it can experience the despair and helplessness before death! "

Combined with his various situations, although Cui Hao didn't want to believe this fact, he had to accept the fact that he was about to suffer endless pain and finally collapsed and died in despair!

With a heavy heart, although Cui Hao has excellent medical skills, he sadly finds that he is now in a desperate situation and can only wait to die in endless despair.

I felt it carefully. If the speed of soul collapse in the later stage would not intensify, I could last for about two or three months. Cui Hao's heart trembled and realized for the first time how important life is.

With a life span of two or three months, Cui Hao felt cold and stood on the roof of the ruined building. Cui Hao couldn't calm down for a long time. In fact, this is also normal. Anyone who suddenly knows that he has only two or three months left to live will not be in a good mood.

The car has turned into a raging fire. Cui Hao thought about it and didn't continue to go to Tian Bonong's home. Since he was attacked on the way, it seems that words such as Tian Bonong's mother's serious illness are just an excuse to lure him.

Having lost the vehicle as a means of transportation, Cui Hao walked on foot. He was thinking about how to save himself. Although the devil Satan shouted before his death that he would die if he was cursed by him, Cui Hao was unwilling to wait for death slowly, so he needed to save himself.

First of all, it seems that the Wanjie heavenly beads in the body have been consumed and have stopped without any change. Even how Cui Hao urges them is completely useless. Second, he has read all kinds of medical classics, but there is no way to save the soul. As for the mysterious thing of soul, even the powerful ones are only involved. It is impossible to make great achievements in this field. The soul is too mysterious.

After thinking about it, Cui Hao doesn't have a suitable method. However, he believes that there is no way to save people, and he may find a way to save them. All the time, you can clearly feel the slow collapse of your soul. Although it is the slightest every time, it can not be underestimated over time. Cui Hao knows that the thousand mile dike was destroyed by the ant nest.

Naturally, he will not despair. However, Cui Hao also knows how difficult the situation he is facing at the moment. Therefore, he must also prepare for the worst, that is, his soul will collapse and die in two or three months!

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