Yuan Yizheng's tone was overbearing. His last words were almost an order. Hearing this, Cui Hao was silent and followed him out of the room.

In the girl's bedroom, she was weak and lying on the bed. However, she was very excited at the moment, because she just got a message from xiaorou that her father appeared! After she was unconscious, her father came in a domineering way. She was very smart and guessed it all at once. When she first came to the Miao village, she wanted to come to her father and knew it. She just kept secretly caring about herself and deliberately avoided herself... But why did she avoid herself when she knew she was in Longjian Miao village?

"Ru Ru, how do you feel when you wake up?"

With great strides, Yuan Yizheng came in. At the moment, his spine is straight. Where is he or the previous hunchback? It turned out that his hunchback was deliberately disguised by himself. An empty sleeve fluttered, which was very eye-catching.

Looking at Yuan Yizheng who came quickly, the girl's eyes turned red. Especially looking at his empty sleeves, she couldn't help but sour her nose and shed tears. "Father! You made Ru Ru look so hard! You left me when I was two years old. Do you know how Ru Ru wanted to miss you? Grandma said you loved me most since I was a child. Why are you so cruel?"

As she spoke, the girl struggled and fell into yuan Yizheng's arms, excited and sad.

There was a touch of kindness on his face. Yuan Yizheng stroked the girl's supple 3000 green silk and said sorry, "Ru Ru, it's all my father's fault! In those years, I was expelled from Zuting. If I went back to see you, it would bring you great trouble. Moreover, if I was caught, it would be difficult for your mother to do it. You've suffered over the years!"

Although very sad, the girl shook her head when she heard yuan Yizheng's explanation "No pain, RuRu no pain, just miss you very much! Father, why is your arm broken? I've been in Longjian Miao village for so long, why don't you want to see me? Is it because of the broken arm? I know, it was my mother who cut it off, isn't it? I heard that my mother used to like a Qingshuang sword very much and always liked to wear it on her waist, but she hasn't seen it since 18 years ago Seeing the trace, she should have cut off your arm with that sword, so I'm sad! "

The girl was very intelligent and soon made such an inference. Although yuan Yizheng tried her best to cover it up, she still saw a touch of sadness in her eyes. Her mother, the noble high priest of the witch family, cut off her father's arm with her own hands! Although she was a typical female superior and male inferior in the witch family, it was very unusual to do such a thing, and the girl was very angry.

Knowing that too many explanations were useless, Yuan Yizheng could only touch the girl's hair and comfort her "Ru Ru, don't blame your mother. The situation was very special in those years. If she didn't cut off her father's arm, I might have cut off my head! Although I was expelled from the ancestral court of the Wu family, Kung Fu has not been abolished, which is a great gift in itself. The high priests of all dynasties were love insects, and her son insects are still in my body, so I can feel her The mood is not heartless to me. I know her! "

The girl had already burst into tears. She shook her head and said, "father, don't explain. Mother, she is a high priest. If she really wants to protect you, she can use the amnesty order that every high priest can use once. Why didn't she use it? I, I hate her!"

The girl was crying with tears. Yuan Yizheng didn't know how to explain this situation. Indeed, this was also a knot he had always had. His wife was indeed able to save herself, but she chose to cut off one of her arms. Then she expelled from the ancestral court of the witch family and never returned

After crying for more than 20 minutes, the girl stopped crying. At this time, she noticed that Cui Hao was also in the room. She blushed immediately. Because of the emotional insects, she had an uncontrollable excitement to watch Cui Hao so close.

Seeing his daughter in this situation, Yuan Yizheng frowned more tightly, he said "Ru Ru, have you heard your mother mention some things about emotional insects? This is not right for you! All the high priests who have emotional insects in the past dynasties have taken the absolute initiative and consumed their blood essence after meeting the predestined person. They can make their own insects hatch a sub insect again, and then make the sub insect enter the predestined person, so that they can fall in love with each other. Moreover, Take the initiative yourself. In your case, why does the life Gu always want to rush into the boy's body and let him take the lead? "

Hearing the speech, the girl was also depressed and thought for a long time, "father, I'm not sure about this situation. It seems that my mother told me about this situation. If the predestined person's constitution is extremely special or his blood is extremely noble, it may make the emotional Gu vote back."

Mentioning the emotional Gu, the girl seemed to think of something again and blushed immediately.

Seeing her mind, Yuan Yizheng said "Ru Ru, because of this boy, your original love bug has just been born and has been hurt one after another. Now, it has left great damage. Therefore, you must have a skin relationship with this boy within one day, otherwise you may be eaten by the love bug and die! We can't gamble in this situation, so I discussed with this boy and wanted to ask your opinion See you. "

When asked by her father, the girl immediately blushed and shyly lowered her head. For a long time, she was as thin as a fly and said, "I... I want to hear his opinion..."

Cui Hao didn't expect this to happen. He didn't know what to say for a while. If you refuse, it is equivalent to the death of the other party. However, if you agree, you will be contaminated with more peach blossoms. Not counting Vivian, there are more than one or two women around Cui Hao, such as MEIHUIZI Ono, who has a headache.

So, after thinking for a while, Cui Hao simply told the girl his situation again. At the moment, he was also very confused and didn't know how to answer.

Yuan Yizheng was silent. He had to wait for his daughter's decision.

After pondering for a long time, the girl blushed and said to Cui Hao "Forget to introduce me. I'm the daughter of the high priest of the witch family, Shangguan Yaru. You can call me Xiao Ru. We... We have lovers. I didn't think of it myself. If it bothers you, I can only say I'm sorry. But my life bug has awakened. If we don't have skin relatives tonight, I'll die. I don't want to die yet, so we can't Yes... I just have skin relatives and don't do in-depth things. In this way, I'm still a pure girl physically. "

Shangguan Yaru began to explain to Cui Hao that the so-called skin blind date is not a relationship, but to hold two people together without cover. In this way, their heartbeat, body temperature and so on will gradually reach a certain frequency. At that time, the one born Gu will swim away from the two people's bodies, absorb their blood essence, and give birth to a child Gu. Then, the child Gu will be born It's finished the Ao Gu.

How much courage does it take for a 17-year-old girl to say such words? When Cui Hao heard this, he was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath, nodded and said, "well, it's just that. It seems very unfair to you..."

Cui Haonai is a man. He hugs a pure little girl and has a blind date. Naturally, he doesn't suffer a loss, but Shangguan Yaru suffers a lot.

Hearing her daughter say so, Yuan Yizheng was very unhappy. She was ready to say something, but was stopped by Shangguan Yaru. She smiled and said calmly and casually, "nothing! Brother Cui, this is my choice, I am willing to take it! Thank you!"

Cui Hao could only smile bitterly for such thanks. For a moment, he felt a little uncomfortable and didn't know what to do. Naturally, he didn't want Shangguan Yaru to suffer, but

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