Perhaps it was because of the original life of the insects in her body that Shangguan Yaru couldn't help looking at Cui Hao. She was like an amorous woman. If she was seen by familiar people, she would be surprised. Is this still the ancient spirit and monster, who is always the first little devil in the ancestral court of the witch family who likes to make trouble?

Cui Hao naturally won't let go of such a great opportunity. Immediately, he made a request to Shangguan Yaru and asked her to help check the news of a Guang. When Cui Hao explained a Guang's situation in detail, Shangguan Yaru's face changed and said "No! Brother Cui, the ah Guang you want to save has abandoned our Witch woman, which is a big taboo of our ethnic group. Now that he has been caught, he must be crushed and sent to the ancestral court of the witch family. According to the rules, this kind of man will be bound in Xingtai for a month, and then thrown out by my mother's high priest in the morning of the opening of the high prayer meeting Torches will burn them completely. Fortunately, the big prayer meeting will be held in more than ten days. There is still a chance. "

Speaking of this, Shangguan Yaru paused and said, "it's just... This kind of man has violated the taboo of our ethnic group. It's basically impossible for you to save him. Even if I intercede for you, I'm afraid it won't have much effect."

When Cui Hao took out his witch gold order, Shangguan Yaru was stunned and thought, "brother Cui, although you have a witch gold order that can represent China, I'm not sure you can save that a Guang. However, with this gold order, it may be a bit possible."

After receiving such an answer, Cui Hao finally felt more comfortable. He thought and said, "Xiao Ru, can you take me to the ancestral court of the witch family? If you are willing to intercede for me, maybe the possibility of saving a Guang has increased."

"This... I... OK!" evasively. Finally, Shangguan Yaru bit her teeth and nodded and agreed.

Cui Hao didn't know that she was sneaking out from the ancestral court of the witch family, and didn't know that she had another engagement. Naturally, she was very happy to hear that she promised.

There seemed to be some worries in his heart. Yuan Yi was looking at Cui Hao and said, "Xiao Cui, come out with me and let Xiao Ru have a good rest. As for the skin blind date, it's not suitable in the daytime. It's OK to do it at night."

"OK!" nodded, and Cui Hao agreed.

At present, Cui Hao followed yuan Yizheng out. After they left the witch doctor's residence, they walked at will. Finally, they stopped at the Bank of a Pentium river outside Longjian Miao village. There was no one around. Yuan Yizheng said "Xiao Cui, I don't know what you're thinking, but I still want to ask you for help. Xiao Ru is not easy these years. I know her troubles these years, so I want to ask you for help. If you see a man named Yang Tiangang in the future, please help me kill him! Also, I can feel that you don't have much time. In that case, why do you have to hide it in your heart Why don't you be free and easy? My little Ru is also a good child... "

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was stunned and said, "senior, I may be able to make your first request. As for the second, I really can't help it. As you said, I don't have much time, so why bother a person more? Xiaoru, there should be a better choice. I'm not suitable."

Cui Hao has said this for his own sake. Yuan Yizheng doesn't talk nonsense anymore. He smiled "Xiao Cui, since I asked you for two things, I naturally want to give you some benefits. Most of my things are from the ancestral court of the witch family. It's inconvenient to pass them on to you. However, I have a body method secret at the bottom of the box, which is the only unique level secret script I know. I can pass it on to you!"

With that, he reached directly into his arms and took out something the size of a palm.

This is a non gold, non jade, non stone and non iron lotus. It is fragmented and glitters with a mysterious luster. It also has a mysterious texture. People can't extricate themselves from it at a glance.

Give the strange lotus to Cui Hao, and Yuan Yizheng laughs "In fact, this is a secret treasure of Buddhism. As long as you drop blood on it, you can accept the inheritance of a unique body method. This body method is a lotus growing step by step. I've practiced it for many years. Now I'm in the house. It's amazing, but it has been inherited several times, so it shows that it is fragmented. However, it's enough to support you to inherit it again."

"The secret treasure of Buddhism? Growing lotus step by step?" Cui Hao's eyes lit up when he heard the speech.

Cui Hao is powerful now. He is extremely strong in attack and defense, whether it's touching clothes and falling, or vacuum seal. However, he has always been short in body method. Although the top body method of eight steps to catch cicadas is powerful, it still dwarfs. Therefore, Cui Hao has always been eager to get a unique body method. Unexpectedly, he can't grow flowers with intention, many things grow in the garden that were never sown there.

For a great master of Chinese martial arts, unique learning has a great attraction to him. Cui Hao's heart itches with this lotus.

Obviously, seeing the idea in Cui Hao's heart, Yuan Yizheng said with a smile, "in order to go further in this unique skill, I have specially raised a large jar of water lilies in my home. I can observe it from time to time. The effect is excellent. Let's go with me."

"OK! Thank you, master!" Cui Hao nodded and thanked him.

At present, Cui Hao came to his home with Yuan Yizheng. It was a simple house. There was a large jar of water lilies in the yard. They were well raised, with lush branches and many flower buds. Several of them had already bloomed and swayed gently. The posture was unspeakably elegant, noble, beautiful and pure

"You should understand the secret Dharma of growing lotus step by step. I will protect the Dharma for you. I won't disturb you until dark." Yuan Yizheng said with a smile on his face.

Cui Hao was naturally grateful for this. Then he forced his blood to drip on it.

Tick, tick, tick

As drops of blood fell on it, the whole lotus suddenly burst into a golden brilliance. Moreover, it was clearly not a real lotus, but Cui Hao seemed to smell a kind of lotus fragrance, especially delicate fragrance.


At a certain moment, the lotus seemed to be resurrected. A strange and incomparable force gushed out of it. It gushed out with a kind of sandalwood and Zen singing, and wrapped Cui Hao in it all at once.

Generally, things that have placed unique knowledge on them are not trivial. There will be many strange phenomena in excitation, which Cui Hao can accept. However, to his great surprise, his body had a resonance at this moment, shaking and catering.

Cui Hao was shocked to find that there seemed to be a burst of golden light in his body. It was kind and bright. It seemed to be Buddha light. They suddenly blended with the lotus with a sense of joy.

Cui Hao doesn't know why the Buddha light is born in his body. He wants to have a lot to do with his acquisition of the Buddha's great day Tathagata Sutra.

In a trance, Cui Hao heard a series of detailed clicks, which was shocking. Then, there was a sound of falling to the ground. He knew that the fragmented lotus completely collapsed.

Almost with this sound, a clear stream of Zen came out and suddenly instilled into Cui Hao's body.

"What a wonderful feeling..."

In a panic, Cui Hao closed his eyes and felt that a large number of words and pictures poured into his mind, which was deeply imprinted in his mind. In addition, he also showed a figure. He was an old monk wearing a broken cassock and kind-hearted. There was a kind light in his eyes and a smile on his face, giving people a kind, courage, confidence and joy, Infinite beautiful feeling.

Although the monk is wearing a ragged cassock, it gives people a feeling of cleanliness and purity like a lotus. He walks slowly step by step without the slightest smell of fireworks, but it is wonderful. With each step, a wonderful lotus appears. With each step, he is very soothing, but ghostly, flickering and unfathomable.

Buddha steps, lotus step by step!

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