In the hinterland of miaojiang, there is a mysterious place hidden among the continuous mountains. There are peaks inserted into the sky everywhere, straight as arrows. Several thousand foot waterfalls pour down from the peaks, roaring like a jade dragon. All these waterfalls converge into one, forming a crystal clear river, surging and flowing by the river, There are many ancient palaces scattered like stars. Each palace is huge enough to live many people.

Obviously, this is a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers, flowing springs and waterfalls, birds singing and flowers smelling like a paradise.

Here is the ancestral court of the Miao Wu nationality. The Wu nationality has lived in seclusion here for too long. With the accumulation and dress up from generation to generation, it has the scale and momentum now.

Although many palaces are disordered on both sides of the river and look very random, they are actually regular. They vaguely form a strange yin-yang reversal five element array, and the core of this array is a huge mountain towering into the clouds!

The huge peak presents a strange black-and-white color, intertwined with chaos. Its shape is huge and towering, just like an indomitable Tianzhu. It supports the sky from the top and the earth from the bottom. It is magnificent and breathtaking. Around this huge mountain, there is a lake with rippling water waves. I don't know how deep it is. It emits a palpitating smell, a terrible mess!

Anyone who sees this peak will be surprised and strange, because it is bare, barren, and the whole body is black intertwined color, which is really strange.

In the area not too far away from the mountain, there is a different palace. Although other palaces are ancient, they all have a kind of gorgeous and excellent decoration, but this palace is only one tenth the size of ordinary palaces. It is very simple. The whole body is made of a kind of cyan gray stone, with mottled stone traces and moss on it, which is full of a long history, In fact, there are some mottled blood stains. It seems that there has been a terrible war in the stone hall, and the blood has dyed the whole stone hall red.

At the door of the stone hall, like King Kong, there stood eighteen tall, powerful and fierce men, all of whom were as big as a da. They wore war clothes, their eyes were firm, and they separated the two sides motionless, giving people a feeling of momentum like a rainbow.

At the moment, there are many people in the stone hall, all of them are women, sitting on the stone chairs one by one. Some women have weak breath and strong medicine fragrance. However, some women have strong breath, but they are many years old. Many of them are white haired old women. These people are many elders of the Wu clan Presbyterian Council.

According to the idea that witch women are superior to men, men are naturally not qualified to step into it. However, one person is an exception. He is an old man in black robes who is in the forefront of the Presbyterian Council. He has a hooked nose, poisonous snake eyes, dry skin and thin bones. He has a vulture head crutch in his hand. His breath is powerful and turbulent like a vast ocean.

If Cui Hao was here at the moment and felt the old man's breath, he would be shocked, because it was so terrible that he was a bit more ferocious than his master Yang Dian. Obviously, the old man is a terrible strongman at the peak of the King Kong realm. He doesn't have the great majesty of half step magic like a ghost like God. He should be at the limit of the peak of the King Kong realm and hasn't broken through.

In the center of the stone hall, there is a luxurious and huge throne. On it, there is a gorgeous woman with beautiful face, slender figure, protruding forward and backward, with classical beauty. She can't see her specific age. Her eyes are very cold, with a cold and ruthless feeling. It seems that she doesn't care about everything in the world.

At the moment, the gorgeous woman was overlooking a young man sitting in the guest seat below, with an angry light shining in her beautiful eyes.

There are two people on the guest seat. One is a young man sitting upright. He is about 20 years old. His face is even more handsome than a woman. He has a special feminine beauty all over his body. His eyes are cold and cloudy, giving people a sense of killing and cold. He is high above the world. Ji refers to Qi and orders everywhere. I dare not refuse. There is also an old man standing behind the young man. His spine is straight, like a magic gun standing between heaven and earth. His face is very resolute, and the whole person is like a statue made of steel.

"Yang Tiangang, don't go too far. Don't think you are the most beloved son of the Lord, so I dare not kill you! Hum, your Divine court has developed well over the years, but I have also formed a big enemy with several major forces. I am not afraid of your Divine court, because the Miao Wu nationality is located in China!" Dai Mei raised her head, and the gorgeous woman burst out, as if she was very angry.

Still sitting upright, the extremely feminine young man smiled "Hahaha..... Don't be angry, my mother-in-law. My son-in-law can't help it. You always don't let my wife see me. It's a shirk every time. I naturally have to use some means. As long as you are willing to let Yaru see me, the two sides discuss the exact wedding time, and promise me another condition, I'll promise to give you the seven star gold sand monopolized by our divine court at a high price How about you witches? "

Hearing the young man's words, the gorgeous woman became more angry and scolded "Don't talk nonsense, Yang Tiangang, who is your mother-in-law? Has my family Yaru married you? If you do such a thing today, even if I had such an idea before, I should think about it now! When you and Yaru were married, the old ancestor said it casually. Your God court still took it seriously. Seize this engagement and die. I really think we can't let go Are the witches easy to bully? "

At the moment, the woman was really angry, her chest fluctuated violently, and her eyes glittered with cold light.


Seeing the woman's expression and words, the old man in black, who had been silent, stepped out step by step, and his fierce momentum was slightly released. Lang said, "Friends of the divine court, do you want to bully us? No one in the witch family? Others can stand you, but Zhong Shan doesn't agree!"

The old man in black is no one else, but Zhong Shan, the Lord of the God of war hall. As for the gorgeous woman, she is naturally the high priest of the witch family, the mother of Shangguan Yaru and Shangguan Feiyan.

His eyebrows wrinkled slightly. At the moment, the old man standing behind Yang Tiangang also moved. The whole man was still straight, just like a magic gun. He stepped out and laughed "Hahaha... Elder brother Zhong Shan, I haven't seen you for many years. You're still so hot tempered. It's not good. You're so hot when you're old. It's easy to die quickly! Now, there are two and a half powerful supernatural powers, but also five, eight vajras, Thirty-six Dharma protectors, four patrol envoys from East, West, North and south, 108 supervision envoys, and many secret means, such as In addition, there are many bases around the world. Moreover, there are not one or two small countries secretly controlled. Our Lord is a global overlord. Are you still afraid of a small Witch family? China is strong, but are they willing to fight with our God court for you ?”

When he said these words, the old man was very proud. At the same time, he had a cold and incomparable taste on his face. Compared with his personal strength, he might be much weaker than Zhongshan, but he had more confidence. Moreover, he was confident that Zhongshan didn't dare to really do anything. Even the high priest didn't dare!

"Damn, dare you threaten me?" Zhong Shan was furious when he heard the speech. He blew his beard and stared angrily. He was jealous of evil. How can he bear it.

However, thinking of the other party's words, Zhong Shan finally swallowed the anger and tried his best to calm down. As this person said, the witch family can't provoke the terrible existence of the divine court and must be patient.

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