Daimei picked it up, and Shangguan Feiyan said, "Lord Zhong, step back and I'll talk to him."

Hearing what the high priest said, Zhong Shan also happened to find a step, so he quickly nodded and said, "yes!"

Looking at Yang Tiangang, Shangguan Feiyan used a very indifferent language "Yang Tiangang, you should know the details of our Witch family. We're really anxious. No one can get benefits if we break the net with your Divine court! Moreover, your Divine court is not the only one with half step magic power. Your father is in charge of the divine court. However, I heard that he was seriously injured in those years. I don't know whether he recovered? Who else, although he is nominally the half step magic power of your Divine court, he often Sitting in the Great Buddha Grottoes in, I don't care about the life and death of the divine court? "

Being able to become a high priest, she obviously knows many secrets. Now the two sides are negotiating. Naturally, they should reduce each other's cards and chips as much as possible.

"Ha ha ha..."

Hearing this, Yang Tiangang smiled. He smiled very presumptuously, sarcastically "My father's injury has already healed. Otherwise, how dare you make a big plan to invade China? It's an old ancestor of your witch family. I got accurate information. She tried to attack the magic power some time ago. Finally, she was eaten back. Did Tao die? Even if she didn't die, how much strength would she have under serious injury? In that case, why Occupying the treasure pool of the magnetic mountain of yin and Yang? How precious is that treasure liquid? It's better to give it to the people who need it most! Now I'm half holding the pill and can hold the pill anytime and anywhere, but I've always resisted not holding the pill. I can guarantee to hold the pill for the sake of this treasure liquid and their nourishing and quenching body! "

Arrogant, Yang Tiangang threw out such a heavy news in front of the people in the hall!

Hearing his words, Shangguan Feiyan's face was very ugly, very ugly! Such a secret thing was only known to the members of the Wu clan Presbyterian Council, but the other party knew it and said it bluntly, which only shows that there are ghosts in the Wu clan Presbyterian Council!

In fact, Shangguan Feiyan doesn't have to guess who the internal ghost is, because the whole witch family is not an iron plate, and Zhongshan is her person. In addition, about one-third of the elders of the Presbyterian Council are her people. As for the rest, they belong to two factions, each supporting a woman. They are talented girls in the witch family. They are all love insects for their own lives.

His face was very gloomy. The eyes of Shangguan Feiyan swept over many elders. He was very depressed. It was difficult to prevent domestic thieves! This time, Yang Tiangang got the news. He was obviously prepared. The most obvious thing is that they spent a lot of money in advance to monopolize the few Seven Star Gold sands in the market.

What is the most precious thing of the witch family? Not many precious medical skills, but the towering magnetic mountain of yin and Yang, in which there is the witch family's Gu pool. In addition, there is a more precious pool, which condenses a kind of precious liquid, which is a real priceless treasure. Not to mention a pool, it is a drop, which is very precious. This is their inside story Of course, in addition, there are some precious things in the witch family, such as miraculous medicine, elixir and so on.

At this moment, Yang Tiangang finally told the wolf's ambition and his real intention. Hearing his words, Shangguan Feiyan was very angry again! The existence of the treasure pool is a real top secret, and only a dozen people know it in the Presbyterian Council. It makes it clear that the real power faction in the Presbyterian Council colludes with the divine court! She is very angry, if only it is For herself, in order to compete for the position of high priest, maybe she can have people, but this betrayal may pose a great threat to the ancestors, so she can't accept it.

Not only was Shangguan Feiyan, but all the elders present showed angry expressions. Of course, some of them were deliberately disguised. Their real intention was to let Yang Tiangang marry Shangguan Yaru. In this way, they could be expelled from the ranks of high priest candidates in name. Because of Yang Tiangang's character, they would never allow themselves to stay in the Witch of female and male inferiority for a long time Family.

The wishful thinking between the two sides can be said to be well-known, but no one will talk to the public and still pretend to be deaf and dumb.

"Yang Tiangang, you should be polite! Our ancestors of the Wu clan are healthy and good. They didn't attack any magical level at all, let alone hurt. Now she has an understanding. She is closed in the magnetic mountain of yin and Yang. When she leaves the customs, she may be able to beat your father everywhere looking for teeth!" with a cold smile, Shangguan Feiyan satirized tit for tat.

Ha ha, with a smile, Yang Tiangang showed a disdain for it and said sarcastically, "in that case, why do you have to collect seven star gold sand everywhere? I know its role in the magnetic mountain of yin and Yang!"

Shangguan Feiyan knew that she couldn't hide it, and sneered, "you guess casually. I just ask you, what conditions do you need to take out the seven star golden sand? Don't talk about Yaru. I don't know where she is now. The dead girl has left early when she heard that you're coming."

As soon as the thin eyebrows were picked, Yangtiangang said, "since Yaru doesn't know where she is, I'll put her things aside for the time being. However, if you want me to take out the seven star gold sand, you must let me practice in the treasure pool for three days and help me break through the Baodan product! I can only consume a part of Fenbao liquid at most. Without the seven star gold sand, your ancestors will be dangerous!"

With that, he boldly took out a palm sized crystal bottle from his arms and turned it upside down again and again.

In this crystal bottle, there are golden crystals the size of corn grains, as if they were gravel, but they are very dazzling. There seem to be seven faint light spots inside, which are unusual at first sight.

Seeing this, many members of the witch clan, including Shangguan Feiyan, brightened up and showed a look of longing. This thing is too precious. It has been monopolized by the Holy Church in advance. It is the key thing to cure the old ancestors. It can't be lost! In the past, the gold sand occasionally produced some things, which were not very precious, but it was monopolized by the Holy Church, so it was difficult to raise money in a short time, and the value immediately increased.

Yang Tiangang smiled and made it clear that he wanted to rip off the seven star gold sand. As for taking out the seven star gold sand, he was not worried that the witch family dared to rob it. If this is true, it will be equivalent to tearing the skin with the holy religion. The price is heavy, which the witch family can't bear.

How to choose?

This is a very heavy choice. Even the high priest, Shangguan Feiyan, has no right to make a ruling. We must seek the consent of the elders present.

After thinking for a while, finally, Shangguan Feiyan said, "Yang Tiangang, please leave for a moment. We will hold an internal meeting of the witch family to decide this matter."

Shangguan Feiyan was able to say so, which was basically a compromise. He put forward the conditions that 80% or 90% would be adopted. Therefore, Yang Tiangang nodded with a smile and agreed.

"Huang Lao, let's go outside first?" he smiled, and Yang Tiangang said to the old man behind him.

Smiling, the old man, who was like a magic gun, said, "well, the scenery of the ancestral court of the witch family is still good. I'll take a good stroll with the fifth son."

With these words, the two of them went out of the stone hall with a look of pride on their faces.

This time, they occupied an absolute advantage. In the past, although a bottle of seven star gold sand was extremely precious, it could not be compared with that treasure liquid. If it was not monopolized in advance and curbed the other party's throat, how could it be so smooth?

After Yang Tiangang left, Shangguan Feiyan's face was cold and held a elders' meeting to discuss how to choose this transaction. At the same time, Shangguan Feiyan is extremely strict. No matter who divulges the secrets of the ancestors and the yin-yang magnetic mountain, once verified, she declares that the other party will be killed without amnesty as a high priest!

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