The breeze was blowing gently. At the moment, in the center of the sparkling lake, the towering yin-yang Liangyi magnetic mountain, which stood like a Tianzhu, suddenly shook again. Then, a figure shot out of it, holding a crutch and stepping on the water. It was very natural and unrestrained. Apart from other things, just this style of walking on the water is shocking and worship.

If an ordinary master of Chinese martial arts practices to the level of King Kong, his legs have great strength. He can use his toes as a cattail to paddle the water surface, so that he can stand in the river and the water can't reach his knees. However, he can't step on the water like this figure in front of him. This is a shocking picture that can only be achieved by a strong half step supernatural power.

In the public's attention, I saw this figure stepping on the water very quickly. Soon, he came to the public. At this time, Cui Hao saw this person's face clearly. Almost as Cui Hao imagined, she was a white haired old woman with a cold and fierce face. Her eyes twinkled with a strange light. There was a terrible majesty and spirit all over her. She held a tungsten iron crutch in her hand, which was extraordinary.

"Is this man the old ancestor of the witch family? The half step magic power is really powerful. She was hurt and swallowed back, indicating that she can't see it. It's still terrible!" Cui Hao thought secretly in his heart.

"See your ancestors! Congratulations on your exit!"

Seeing the old woman leaving the water, she came to the crowd in disillusionment. Shangguan Feiyan hurriedly and respectfully led the crowd to salute with a respectful attitude. At present, the old man's dignity accumulated in the witch family is too strong. As an old ancestor, she carried the rise and fall of the whole witch family alone. Therefore, she has strong dignity. Even the high priest dare not disobey.

"Hmm!" nodded indifferently, and the old woman glanced at the crowd at will.

When her eyes fell on Cui Hao, she frowned slightly and was stunned for a while. Then, it seemed that she felt something in vain. The whole person was excited at once. Hua La, the foot stepped on it, which was very mysterious. There was a feeling of shrinking into an inch. She had come to Cui Hao in a ghostly way. Her eyes were bright and excited.

"What a fast speed. This body method is faster than my step-by-step lotus. The half step magic power is really extraordinary!" Cui Hao was startled and barely kept calm.

Staring at Cui Hao's neck, the old woman suddenly opened her mouth and her voice was very hoarse "Boy, what's hanging around your neck? Why do you have the smell of the supreme witch insect and sky insect? The master of this insect must be the real spirit family, and it's the most noble spirit family blood that can stimulate the breeding. Where did you get this thing? Take it out and let me see what it is!"

"What? It turns out that big yu'er and little yu'er, their sisters, are really related to the witch family. They claim to be the noble blood of the spirit family, which is completely consistent with what the old ancestor said. No, I can't reveal their trace without understanding the accurate relationship between the witch family and the spirit family!" Cui Hao was shocked, his eyes flickered, and many thoughts flashed away in a moment.

The old woman's vision was so great that she saw Cui Hao's mind in a moment. She sneered. Seeing that he didn't open his mouth, he clattered and spread everywhere. The terrible soul power suddenly burst out and filled Cui Hao's surroundings.

In fact, this is a powerful soul attack method. After becoming a half step magic power, the soul will undergo a terrible transformation, qualitative change, overall leap growth, and have various incredible abilities, one of which is hypnosis. It is different from the hypnosis of Cui Hao with the help of perspective eyes The hypnosis of the strong man of Bu Shentong may be very poor in metaphysics, etc., but his soul power is really terrible. The so-called one force reduces ten meetings. Therefore, his soul hypnosis can not be underestimated, which is quite terrible.

"Hua la la... Hua la..."

Almost for a moment, Cui Hao felt dizzy. The whole person was like being beaten hard in the heart again and again by a heavy hammer. He was really sad. He felt more and more weak. Although he tried his best to resist, his consciousness weakened rapidly

To deal with some weak people, Cui Hao's favorite is hypnosis. This is an excellent way. Feng Shui turns around in turn. This time, it's his turn to be hypnotized. A moment later, Cui Hao stood sluggishly on the spot and was completely hypnotized.

After all this, the old woman smiled with satisfaction and began to ask, "boy, what's hanging around your neck? Now, take it out for me to have a look. Also, do you know the information of the supreme witch insect and sky insect? Have you heard of the spirit family?"

"There is a healing elixir on my neck, which was refined by my two lovers. They are twin sisters, claiming to be spirit family and have noble blood. Tiangu insect is their own life......"

The tone was very stiff. Cui Hao responded in this way. As he spoke, he took out a pill from his neck. It was as crystal as crystal, emitting a faint and very strange aroma. This was the self-defense thing prepared for Cui Hao by big yu'er and little yu'er, who spent their efforts and energy. According to them, as long as you take this pill, as long as you don't die It can almost protect life. It is a holy medicine. Because of the perspective eye, Cui Hao's own medical skills are also very rebellious. Therefore, he has never used it and always wears it on his neck.

"This..... This..... This...... great! Hahaha...... great! For many years, the Wu family has been living in miaojiang as a sin family. Unexpectedly, it finally came to the arrival of the great spirit family! Only when the great spirit family controls the Wu family can we break the inherent curse and poison of our Wu family! Great, I didn't expect that my Shangguan Qinglian would die in the rest of my life However, we can wait until this day! "

"Hahaha..... Great! I'm so happy! The witch clan is saved and will be saved! Hahaha......"

Excited, the old ancestor even began to dance. Finally, she knelt down and burst into tears. It seems that she thought of something very long ago. The witch family at that time was not what it is now

"What? The spirit clan, does it really exist? Our inherent poison and curse can be dissolved?" he opened his mouth in surprise. Shangguan Feiyan was unbelievable and didn't pay attention to his posture. It was very impolite.

"That's great. The ancestors have made such a judgment. It seems that the rumor is true. That's great!" a witch elder was very excited.

At the moment, an elder of the witch family said happily, "the noble spirit family blood can certainly dissolve our curse and poison. In this way, we don't need to bear the pain of body eating every other month! Great!...."

Because of the words of the old ancestor, everyone present was surprised. Shangguan Yaru was not happy at all when she heard such a news. First, she was very worried about Cui Hao. Her brother Cui was hypnotized by the old ancestor. When she woke up, would there be any mental disorder? Second, He said the twin sister flowers again, and it was said in the tone of his two lovers, which showed that he had already regarded the twin sister flowers as his lover in the deepest part of his heart. Such a situation made her feel very jealous and envious.

The whole body trembled with excitement. After a moment, the old ancestor looked carefully at the pills hanging around Cui Hao's neck. The more she looked carefully, the more she affirmed that it was the ability of the spirit family, which contained a strange smell. It should be the breath of the spirit family's essence blood, which stirred the deepest part of her blood and gave birth to a kind of induction.

For this situation, Cui Hao did not know it at all and still fell into this hypnotic state.

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