Because of Cui Hao's words after he was hypnotized, the senior level of the whole witch clan fell into a boiling state and was very excited.

As a member of the witch clan, they know more about the hidden pain of their own clan than anyone else. They are not only cursed at birth, but also have a strange toxin on their body. They must attack every other month. The more pure their blood is, the more ferocious this outbreak will be. It is said that it is because the spirit clan betrayed by their ancestors finally claimed to be a sin clan, but they still couldn't get the understanding of the spirit clan. They were cursed for some reason. All the children born had a terrible poison in their blood, which made people feel miserable every other month. Moreover, with the increase of strength, This virulence will not shrink, but will intensify.

Therefore, one of the lifelong wishes of the members of the witch family must be to contact the curse and poison. According to an ancient book, only by forgiving the existence of the most precious blood of the spirit family can we resolve this curse and poison. How to resolve it is unknown. This is an old thing many years ago. For the members of the witch family, the spirit family is only a record existing in ancient books. It is said that they have incomparable blood and are naturally close to flowers and trees, containing Zhong Ling's beauty. However, no one has ever really seen them.

Spirit clan, does it really exist? Many members of the witch family know that there are thousands of doubts. Only the old ancestors of the witch family know the inside story very well. Moreover, she knows why the spirit family left the earth and why the witch family betrayed again in those years! It turned out that in the early stage of its birth, the witch family was born by the combination of the spirit family and the earth people in order to cultivate the hybrid blood descendants of the center of gravity. Between that world shaking war and the choice between the two sides, for various reasons, the ancestors of the Witch family chose their hometown, which has been cursed and poisoned for generations.

With the passage of time, the dusty past of countless years ago has long faded, the trauma left by the world shaking War I has long been healed, and almost no one remembers the right and wrong of the past. However, after suffering from curse and poison for generations, the witch family began to urgently want to invest in a noble spirit family. Of course, this is human nature and understandable.

After a long time of confusion, Cui Hao woke up. At this time, he was stunned to find that he was lying in a quiet bedroom with simple and elegant decoration, giving people a feeling of unspeakable value.

"Are you awake?" a hoarse voice came over. The old woman came over and smiled.

Looking at each other, Cui Hao couldn't help but be awestruck. He recalled the previous scenes again, and his face suddenly became very embarrassed. The other party crushed himself with powerful soul power and successfully hypnotized himself. Then, did he get what he needed? However, why should she be so polite to herself, a half magical ancestor of the witch family? Moreover, the tone of address is full of respect. This word fully expresses the old woman's attitude.

Turning over and sitting up, Cui Hao looked at the bedroom in amazement. Then he said, "senior, are you... Are you talking to me?"

Hearing Cui Hao's inquiry, the old woman changed her face, hurriedly stopped and waved her hand "You don't have to be so polite to me. Since you are the lovers of the two noble women, I can only claim to be an old slave in front of you. I'm sorry, I was forced to explore your soul and torture you. Who knows that you really have something to do with them. Please take me to the two noble women immediately. Thank you! I can swear to you that there is absolutely no malice!"

The old woman's words are precise, her tone is positive and humble, which is absolutely rare for a strong half step supernatural power. Cui Hao has no doubt about her words, because it's not necessary at all. If the old woman really means harm, she doesn't need to say so much nonsense to herself, and does it directly with her half step supernatural power.

After pondering for a while, Cui Hao nodded and said, "well, I can take you there. Let you deal with the relationship between your witch family and spirit family by yourself. However, I must make it clear that even if Cui Hao is not your opponent, I will definitely not see big yu'er and little yu'er suffer!"

"No, no, don't worry about that!" shaking her head, the old woman didn't care about Cui Hao's disrespect.

With Cui Hao's consent, the ancestor of the Wu clan immediately ordered her to guard the ancestral court of the Wu clan. Shangguan Feiyan, the eldest elder, the second elder and the third elder, and herself took the special plane of the Wu clan to Jiangzhou.

As the defending king of miaojiang, the Wu nationality has great power. This special plane was purchased in the name of private tycoons. Everything went well. It took more than four hours. They successfully arrived in Jiangzhou.

Along the way, the old ancestor of the witch family knocked sideways and asked Cui Hao about many things about twin sister flowers. Because it involved some privacy, Cui Hao only gave some general answers, but Rao surprised the old ancestor. According to Cui Hao's meaning, twin sister flowers were obviously included in his bed, and he was still helping him manage a business What a big hotel, this is simply some blasphemy!

Instinctively, the old ancestor was going to be angry, but she finally resisted it and began to think about some other things. In fact, although she wanted to worship the twin sisters as the master, it could unlock the source of the witch's pain and make everyone no longer suffer from the severe poison and curse, the old ancestor still had some thoughts in his heart, that is, he didn't want to betray mankind ! the spirit clan is not a creature belonging to the human race. In that war, she was very clear that her ancestors finally betrayed and chose the human side. Which side should she stand on this time?

From the bottom of my heart, the old ancestors still want to stand on the human side, because the spirit family is only a distant legend for the witch family. Although they also admire it, they are not fanatical and devout. All the witch families prefer to treat themselves as human beings, and they combine with human beings and reproduce generation by generation. In a certain essence, they are already human beings, It's just that there are some spirit family blood in the blood.

If she can, she naturally hopes that the witch family will still firmly stand on the human side, because in the spirit family, the descendants of mixed blood are only a very humble existence and are not valued at all.

The more rich the blood of the witch family, the higher the status, because this blood seems to be born noble and powerful. Having this blood can make a person's potential more developed. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. The thicker the blood, the stronger the poison and curse you need to bear.

Now, through various oral traditions, fraternity hotel has become the Holy Land in the hearts of many Chinese eaters. Some rich people even come to Jiangzhou to have a good meal. The twin sisters have prepared many secret seasonings. In addition, the ten disciples they taught in person are completely out of school. In addition, there are five top chefs in the hotel. The business here can only be described as extremely hot.

After arriving in Jiangzhou, Cui Hao made a call to inform Duan Guorong that his son a Guang had been rescued and would be sent back to Jiangzhou in the near future. Cui Hao did not describe many details. Duan Guorong is naturally grateful for this. Now, with the prosperity of Cui Hao's fraternity group, he has many relations with the imperial capital. A small mayor is not in his eyes, but he still takes care of it. Duan Guorong is very grateful.

When Cui Hao came to the fraternity Hotel, he was also frightened by the extremely hot scene. There were a large number of people queuing everywhere. At this time, it should have been ordered, but it was still so hot.

Although Cui Hao was confident that the hotel could be hot after tasting the cooking skills of the twin sisters, he didn't expect it to be so hot.

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