Time flies, and five days have passed unconsciously. For ordinary people, it's nothing at all, but for Cui Hao, it's definitely a terrible torture and suffering! Why? Because in these five days, it is more and more obvious day by day. He feels that the speed of his soul collapse is increasing and becoming more and more intense! This is definitely a bad thing. Cui Hao has a vague feeling that he is afraid that he will not last for a month, more than ten days at most. If there is no way to save it, he will inevitably usher in a great collapse of his soul and be completely scared. I don't know how many times I cursed the devil Satan. Finally, Cui Hao thought hard for a long time and found that he seemed to have only one road left. Soul cutting! Although it is breathtaking, there is still a glimmer of hope. You can't sit back and wait to die, can you?

Five days later, when Cui Hao was ready to inform the twin sisters, they returned, very weak, looking extremely tired and greatly injured. Seeing this, Cui Hao was surprised and distressed. After repeated questioning, he knew that it was caused to refine Tianzhiyuan essence for him. Cui Hao felt very guilty and moved.

"Brother Hao, the speed of your soul collapse is much faster now. You can't delay any longer. If you continue, even if you use the soul cutting method, it won't work at all! We have gathered 150 drops of heaven essence for you, which is enough for you to use, but the secret method is really too dangerous. Are you sure you want to use it?" I'm very worried, Big yu'er asked.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao smiled and asked, "silly girl, do you think I have a second way to go? You consume a lot to refine Tianzhiyuan essence for me, so I can't live up to your wishes. Even if there is a glimmer of hope, I have to fight for it. Can't sit and wait to die?"

Of course, Cui Hao doesn't know how to refine the yuan essence these days. Otherwise, he's afraid he'll die of heartache.

The twin sisters were very worried, but they also knew there was no second way, so they had to nod. Then they found Shangguan Qinglian and took them to the yin-yang Liangyi magnetic mountain. They sat down to protect the Dharma in person. As for the three, they went deep along the entrance. Finally, after a series of obstacles and mechanisms, they came to a hollow hidden stone cave. There is a strong and intoxicating fragrance in the air, and all this comes from a round pool with a radius of about three meters in the stone cave.

This is a pool carved out of rock. The rock is simple and atmospheric, gray and dull, filled with a kind of ancient meaning accumulated over the years, but there is a vast wave inside, just like an ocean. In the pool, large tracts of auspicious gas are steaming and fragrant, all of which are a kind of reddish gold liquid. This liquid emits a mysterious smell, constantly refracts charming beams, and forms a golden auspicious light, which is very magical.


After taking a deep breath, Cui Hao's face showed a kind of shock and intoxication. I have to say that this liquid is really amazing and worthy of being the treasure liquid of the witch family! According to the introduction of twin sister flowers, Cui Hao also understood the effect of this treasure pool. On the contrary, it is the noble blood of the spirit family. With Tiangu insects, he can open up his own poison pool and treasure pool. These consume all kinds of rare treasures. Once successful, he can get unimaginable benefits. For example, this treasure pool, any drop of treasure liquid, has amazing absolute value, Although it can't bring the dead back to life, it is definitely the best choice to continue life. Moreover, it contains all kinds of incredible miracles and has an extraordinary effect on nourishing the soul.

It is for this reason that twin sister Hua insisted that Cui Hao come to Baochi for the final fight of life!

Pale into insignificance by comparison, Cui Hao's feeling of incomparable "Dao," I thought I was a well informed person, and unexpectedly gained a lot of milk essence, but compared with this pool of treasure, it was a little bit more powerful. "Big jade, little jade, I am going to start a fight. If I fail, take care of yourselves, do you know?"

Hearing the speech, the twin sisters burst into tears when their noses were sour. Big yu'er held back the urge to sob and handed him a jade bottle. Among them, there seemed to be liquid flowing, which was the essence of heaven refined by their painstaking efforts.

"Brother Hao, there are Tianzhiyuan essence prepared for you by me and xiaoyu'er. You can pour them into this treasure liquid. They contain great vitality and play a great role in you." big yu'er said with a worried look on his face.

Hesitated for a moment, xiaoyu'er also came over. She hugged Cui Hao heavily, but her tears flowed out, which could not be contained. Cui Hao felt very much about this scene. He gently hugged the sisters and then smiled at them and said, "you two silly girls, I'm going to get through the difficulties, not to die. If you two are so reluctant to give up me, how can I bear to die? Don't worry, I have me!"

Knowing that this is not a time for excessive love, Cui Hao comforted the twin sisters with words. Then he opened the jade bottle.

"What a rich breath of life. It's really wonderful!"

When he opened the jade bottle, Cui Hao took a deep breath. Then, the whole person was intoxicated, because it was really wonderful. The taste could not be described in words! Although he only took one bite, Cui Hao felt as if he had eaten some peerless elixir. He was very comfortable and the whole person was unspeakably refreshed. While breathing, Cui Hao subconsciously looked into the jade bottle. When she looked at it, she was stunned, frowned, and a vague guess came out of her heart in vain.

The yuan essence of this day presents a bright red color, as if it is a blood with incomparably concentrated and powerful Aura! Do you?

After careful identification, Cui Hao was more confident. At this time, he realized in vain why the twin sisters didn't come to see him for more than 20 days. He must have paid a great price to refine the yuan essence of this day! Thinking of this possibility, Cui Hao was distressed and suddenly wanted to hold them again.

With a deep breath, Cui Hao poured the 150 drops of Tianzhiyuan essence into the treasure pool. Suddenly, they dispersed. They were still drops of blood the size of soybeans, emitting a rich and incomparable breath of life. If you carefully observe the yuan essence of this day, you can find that there seem to be thousands of stars flashing in it. An unspeakable mysterious feeling permeates the heart. It floats slightly in the treasure liquid, and immediately emits a kind of extreme terror, as if it is high above the heaven. It's terrible!

Looking at the Tianzhiyuan essence floating in the treasure liquid, Cui Hao turned his head again and took a deep look at the twin sisters. He was very worried and reluctant to give up. He thought that if he failed in one fight, he might lose his soul directly. In fact, Cui Hao was unwilling and afraid.

In the face of unknown dangers, it is not humiliating to have a psychology of fear.

"Brother Hao, come on, xiaoyu'er is waiting for you to come back. Don't forget when you go, but you promise to travel with me!" xiaoyu'er said with an attachment and worry on her face.

Her eyes were wet. Big yu'er tried her best to resist her tears. She also smiled and said, "brother Hao, there is me. Our sisters are waiting for you to come back! You must resist!"

Cui Hao can naturally feel their worries. His heart is very warm. At the same time, he also has a great determination in vain. No matter what, he must succeed!

Nodding heavily, Cui Hao said firmly, "don't worry, big yu'er, little yu'er, I won't let you down! Well, I'm going to start!"

After saying this, Cui Hao turned his head and took a deep breath. Then he jumped into the treasure pool with a puff to fight the most difficult and dangerous fight in his life!

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