The whole person was immersed in the treasure liquid for a moment. Cui Hao was almost groaning comfortably. It was wonderful, really wonderful! He felt a comfortable feeling he had never had before. He was floating. The whole person seemed to fly to the clouds. 480 million pores all over his body dilated at the same time. He greedily swallowed the liquid and got great nourishment. To the present level of practice, Cui Hao has already reached the stage of falling white tiger. When he moves at random, the pores of his body will be closed and relaxed. At the moment, he will relax all the pores of the body and draw the essence of this treasure.

"Hua la... Hua la..."

Under Cui Hao's absorption, the whole treasure pool vibrated slowly. The treasure liquid in it was slowly decreasing and rushed crazy into Cui Hao's body. He felt an unprecedented comfort and strength! This kind of treasure liquid is worthy of being the treasure of the spirit family. Even the strong who surpasses the divine power will use it. It is too extraordinary. It is a mess with strong power. It is also very docile. It seems not to be overbearing. It is stored in Cui Hao's body, making him continuously improve himself.


As a large amount of treasure liquid rushed into Cui Hao's body, the 150 drops of Tianzhiyuan essence also dissipated some power and was absorbed by Cui Hao. In this case, the dark and silent Wanjie Tianzhu in his body suddenly vibrated and sent out a wave of surprise. It seems to be really weak. It can't absorb these forces independently. However, it is connected with Cui Hao's heart. In an instant, it transmits that desire to Cui Hao, longing for the yuan essence of heaven!

"Hmm? Wanjie Tianzhu is revived? Great! If it can be recovered, I will have more success! I need Tianzhiyuan essence..... I'll give it to you!" Cui Hao was shocked, and then he showed joy.

All along, Wanjie Tianzhu has been helping Cui Hao, which has become an indispensable part of him, just like a bosom old friend. Therefore, Cui Hao just hesitated and immediately did it according to his requirements. At that moment, Cui Hao grabbed a few drops of Tianzhiyuan essence and swallowed it directly into his stomach. Then he squirmed his intestines and stomach and carried it to the side of Wanjie Tianzhu. Suddenly, it began to devour with great excitement, just as the hungry ghost saw the delicious food.


After three drops of Tianzhiyuan essence were absorbed, Wanjie Tianzhu showed that a halo began to appear. Although it was very dark, it was no longer silent and really recovered. At the moment of its halo, it immediately turned into a streamer, a flicker, which already appeared in the treasure pool, clattered, and sent out a powerful swallowing force. A full hundred drops of Tianzhiyuan essence were absorbed by it and put into it. Like a bottomless pit, it has absorbed so many days of Yuan essence at once. If it is an ordinary person, I'm afraid it has exploded dozens of times, but it's all right. Instead, it sends out a joyful fluctuation.

The body is a twinkle again, and the ten thousand heavenly beads appear in Cui Hao's body again, sending him a sense of satisfaction with food and wine.

One hundred drops of Tianzhiyuan essence were absorbed in an instant. In fact, Cui Hao was also very distressed, but he also had a little more confidence in his heart. He trusted Wanjie Tianzhu very much.

"Brother Hao, what's the matter? Why is there so much less Tianzhiyuan essence in the treasure pool? Don't you mind?" asked anxiously. Sister Hua was very surprised.

With a smile, Cui Hao hurriedly replied, "it's not in the way, you don't have to worry about me!"

After adjusting his state again, Cui Hao felt that he had reached an unprecedented peak. However, the soul collapse continued, and the curse before the fall of the devil Satan was really no small matter.

His face was very solemn, and he clenched his teeth. Cui Hao urged the soul cutting method. The whole person suddenly fell into a very strange state. At this moment, he clearly felt his soul. At the same time, he condensed a kind of willpower of great determination, and immediately turned into a strange weapon, like a sword rather than a sword, like a knife rather than a knife, and suddenly suspended, Cut it hard!


Cui Hao's cutting was very clever, just cutting all the soul forces on the edge of collapse.

"Ah ah..."

Although he had already been prepared, Cui Hao could not help crying miserably. For such a moment, his soul seemed to be swallowed up by hundreds of millions of ants. It was really too painful. His whole person howled miserably.

At the same time, Cui Hao felt that his soul was getting weaker and weaker. It seemed that he had been hit too hard and was about to collapse

It's definitely a terrible suffering to feel these under the pain of life, but Cui Hao's painful hysteria has a layer of death shadow in his heart, which suddenly shrouded down, and even he himself gave birth to an illusion that in the next moment, he will be swallowed up by boundless pain and completely disappear himself!

"No! I can't fail, I want to live, live!" roared in my heart, Cui Hao insisted.

The sharp pain of the soul was so terrible that Cui Hao had an impulse to go crazy. At this time, the ten thousand heavenly beads in his body suddenly shook up, emitted a series of perspective golden lights and rushed into his soul.

With the penetration of the golden light of perspective, Cui Hao finally got a little better. He gasped violently, gritted his teeth and insisted. His soul is still very weak. It may collapse and turn into nothingness all the time.

Cui Hao has no doubt that if it weren't for the continuous protection of the perspective golden light, his soul would have collapsed at the moment. At this time, he realized that he was playing big again. A strong man at the level of supernatural power was still dying before he finally succeeded. He dared to try. He was really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers.

Nowadays, no amount of regret is useless. Abandon many regrets and other distractions. Cui Hao runs the Yun spirit method, but the effect is very little. The cut soul collapses in a moment, and a dark gray terrible fog is scattered. Unexpectedly, it is integrated into the intact soul in an instant!

Cui Hao's soul is like a big cake polluted by the edge. He reluctantly cuts a part of the edge and hopes to keep the rest. However, at the moment when the corner collapses, the rotten material in it is contaminated with the intact part

"I'm so angry!"

Feeling such a scene, Cui Hao's whole body trembled with anger, and almost a mouthful of old blood gushed out. He was depressed and desperate. Thousands of calculations, he did not expect that the curse was so strange. Now, it was too late to say anything. The soul was contaminated with the smell of the curse again and began to collapse slowly and incomparably again

To tell the truth, Cui Hao was almost completely desperate at this time. He had expected that soul cutting could change the outcome of his own death. Unexpectedly, he finally completed the cutting at the price of nearly soul collapse and tragic death. However, the curse was like the moth of rich Jia and was contaminated again!

"I'm not reconciled!" Cui Hao insisted with such a roar in his heart.

"Click! CLICK! CLICK!..."

Vaguely, Cui Hao seemed to hear a kind of fine and incomparable sound of fragmentation. This was the sound of his soul collapse. It seemed to tell him that this was his doom and was doomed!

"Ah, brother Hao, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you?" big yu'er shouted with great anxiety.

Tears flowed in her eyes, and Xiao yu'er stamped her feet anxiously, with worry and fear on her face.

"Ah ah ah..."

The whole person trembled, and Cui Hao was still trying to support him. His soul burst out a strong willpower because of his great determination. Therefore, he still didn't collapse. However, looking at this trend, he could collapse at any time!


At this time, the void was shocked in vain, and then a gorgeous door appeared. Endless snow-white feathers and flames were intertwined and scattered. A figure suddenly came out. This is an illusory woman with perfect body and amazing appearance. She has the most beautiful face between heaven and earth. Her eyes are dreamy and blurred, and her body is swaying, It gives people a dreamy, blurred, mysterious and noble atmosphere. It seems that it is not a mortal, but a high God. When people see it, they can't help feeling ashamed.

Phoenix goddess, here we are!

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