Cui Hao experienced a near death, finally came back to life under the Phoenix Nirvana, solved the problem of soul collapse, and made rapid progress in strength. He had no time to think about the quality of his strange black and white golden elixir, so he left Baochi for the imperial capital for the first time. The girl had an accident, which made his heart very heavy. A kind of uneasiness was growing and expanding.

Therefore, under the leadership of the twin sisters, Cui Hao quickly walked out of the yin-yang magnetic mountain and crossed the lake with Shangguan Qinglian.


At this time, a terrible, magnificent and powerful pressure came down. With the terrible thunder, it turned out that the sky had turned blue and black. An immeasurable dark cloud completely covered Wu Tingzu's land. It was dark! This is a thick and huge dark cloud. The momentum covered by it makes people feel suffocating!

"Is this? Why can't I move? What's the matter?" in his heart, Cui Hao reluctantly raised his head, but his body was as heavy as mercury and couldn't move.

As Cui Hao raised his head, the color of horror in his eyes became stronger. On his head, huge blue and black clouds were slowly rotating, like a huge whirlpool in the sea. With its hovering, huge green and black arcs were hidden and flowing in the clouds. These arcs soon gathered together, It has formed huge blue and black electric snakes, winding and twisting, emitting a heavenly power that seems to destroy the sky and the earth!

Under it, Cui Hao felt the glory of heaven, but also felt his smallness, just like an mole ant.

"This situation... Is it a scourge thunder robbery?"

Shocked, Shangguan Qinglian couldn't help crying out. Her face suddenly changed. She looked at Cui Hao like a monster. Then, regardless of Sanqi 21, he grabbed the twin sisters and quickly ran away. There is only one object locked by this terrible Lei Yun, that is Cui Hao, but others are not in its locked range.

"What's the matter? What's the scourge of thunder? Will brother Hao be all right?" with anxiety and worry on his face, dayu'er couldn't help asking.

Dai Mei frowned, and Xiao yu'er said directly, "don't take us away. I want to fight this scourge thunder robbery with brother Hao!"

His face was gloomy and almost dripping water. After Shangguan Qinglian escaped more than 100 meters, his heart was slightly relaxed. Then he shouted to Cui Hao in the distance "Scourge thunder robbery is the punishment of heaven and earth for some demons who are extremely abnormal and have exceeded their allowable scope. Of course, it can be regarded as good luck, because it will be of great benefit once spent. Scourge thunder robbery is too rare, but it exists in the records of the spirit family. It is said that it is divided into three disasters and nine difficulties. The first disaster of the three disasters is 39 scourge thunder robbery. If you don't die, follow me With the improvement of your strength, there will be six or nine heaven's curse thunder robbery in the future. The nine or nine heaven's curse thunder robbery will come and kill you. What have you cultivated? Why are you not allowed by heaven and earth and want to send down heaven's curse to destroy the world? "

With these words, Shangguan Qinglian grabbed the sister flower and ran away again. At the same time, she finally gave a voice of advice "According to the records, no one has successfully carried the three disasters and nine difficulties, which is regarded as a scourge by heaven and earth. Of course, this is just a legend. Your potential has exceeded the scope allowed by it. Please ask for more luck. I'll leave with two little Masters first."

With this saying, Shangguan Qinglian was as sharp as electricity and shot out, but she couldn't care about Cui Hao anymore. Under the terrible scourge of thunder, even if she was a half step supernatural power, she also felt a kind of depression and crisis. It was too strong. She had to leave far away from the center.

The terrible thunder cloud covered the whole ancestral land of the witch family. At this moment, all the members of the witch family trembled. It was terrible. The oppressive suffocation made them really feel the unpredictable feeling of Tianwei.

At this moment, standing on the edge of the lake, Cui Hao is a little stunned. He feels himself carefully. The newly born soul is mysterious and unpredictable. However, it should not cause such a big movement? Suddenly, his attention is focused on his black-and-white gold elixir, which can not be confused. It gives people a taste of chaos and ignorance and contains the most terrible power, although However, I don't know what level of golden elixir this is, but Cui Hao has a faint feeling that his chaotic golden elixir is more extraordinary than the first-class holding elixir, and even the legendary great perfection holding elixir!

The originator of all this is actually a chaotic air flow three feet, three inches and three inches long. It makes Cui Hao see a shocking scene and makes Cui Hao hold the pill out of such a strange gold pill. If this is not the case, according to Cui Hao's potential, the pill should be a product.

Cui Hao doesn't know what this is, but according to Guan Qinglian, it's terrible! Super beasts like Xiao Qi have extraordinary potential, and they still belong to the scope allowed by heaven and earth. It's incredible that he triggered this scourge thunder robbery! Cui Hao looked at the huge thunder robbery above his head.


The huge and boundless blue and black thunder clouds are rotating, making a terrible roar of thunder. Originally covering the boundless area, they suddenly begin to shrink. Clattering, the wind and clouds condense countless times. Finally, they cover Cui Hao's head, forming a huge blue and black thunder cloud with an area of at least 10000 meters, which is extremely thick, It emits a terrible smell of destroying the sky and the earth. At the core, there is a strange and incomparable sound at the moment. It seems that a sad voice is shouting "doom, doom, doomed..."


Under this bleak sound, I saw a bright and dazzling brilliance suddenly emerge at the core, showing three colors, silver white, fire red and red gold, which are perfectly intertwined and terrible evil.

"This is... Is this the three nine day robbery?" Cui Hao was shocked and trembled.

The terrible blue and black thunder robbery, which is huge and spread for ten thousand meters, is still brewing. The atmosphere at the scene is extremely depressed. The mountain rain is coming and the wind is all over the building. Among them, Cui Hao, who stands by the lake and is firmly locked by the scourge thunder robbery, is the one who bears the most terrible pressure.

The area far away from here is already beyond the stone hall ten thousand meters away. At this moment, many witch elders, high priests and others gathered here. They were shocked and shocked. The scene just now was really terrible. The sky was completely dark and there were terrible thunder clouds on their heads

"Look! The old ancestor came with two masters!" exclaimed an elder.

Seeing the twin sister flower and the old ancestor return, many members of the witch family breathed a long sigh. These three are the sea god needles of the witch family. They are indispensable. As long as they are healthy, everything will be fine.

"Brother Cui, why didn't you see brother Cui? Did he fail? He's dead?"

Originally, Shangguan Yaru had been suppressing her feelings. However, seeing the arrival of the twin sisters, Cui Hao had no trace. She immediately cried sadly. She didn't want to cry in front of the old ancestors and the two masters, but the tears could not be contained and flowed out.

Since the twin sisters announced their relationship with Cui Hao, Shangguan Yaru was severely ordered by her mother not to mention her relationship with Cui Hao, and the whole Presbyterian Council was silent.

"Hmm? What happened to her? Why did she cry like this?"

When they returned to the stone hall, big yu'er and little yu'er looked at the crying Shangguan Yaru. They were very strange. When they heard about Cui Hao, they became more confused. With the inquiry, he knew what happened between Shangguan Yaru and Cui Hao.

"Brother Hao is fine now, but he doesn't know what his cultivation has caused the scourge of thunder robbery. He's only afraid that he will survive the robbery. If he passes the robbery, he'll survive. If he fails, he's only afraid..." sighed, and big yu'er made such a response.

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