In the lake near the magnetic mountain of yin and Yang, Cui Hao looked at the thunder clouds roaring overhead in horror, but he was more and more uneasy in his heart. God's scourge thunder robbery, just listen to the name to know that it must be terrible. At the moment, after concentration, it accelerates the brewing. It seems that terrible thunder may come at any time, which makes people tremble.

Cui Hao is really just out of the Longtan and into the tiger's den. Moreover, he has a vague feeling that it is terrible to punish thunder and robbery this day. He is afraid that he may die at any time if he doesn't succeed than the curse of the devil Satan.

The oppressive and almost suffocating force of scourge thunder robbery is still brewing. The huge thunder cloud vortex of 10000 meters rotates slowly, like a huge cyan black grinding plate, giving people a feeling that everything can be erased, and its core, the three-color light is more and more bright and terrible.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom"

Cui Hao didn't have much time to be depressed and regret. The thunder on his head suddenly trembled. Then, a thick thunder like a Thunder Dragon suddenly fell down, like a waterfall pouring down, with unparalleled momentum, tearing the void and sending out an atmosphere of great killing!

The scourge of thunder has come!

"My grass! Why am I so unlucky?"

His heart trembled, and Cui Hao couldn't help scolding in his heart, because what fell down was not one or two thunders, but countless. These blue and black thunders covered the sky and killed like thousands of thunderdragons. They all locked Cui Hao below and did the killing. In this panic, Cui Hao felt his smallness, but he was not completely desperate. There was still a touch of self-confidence in his eyes! Since holding the pill, Cui Hao's physical strength has improved again, beyond the point of locking the jade pillar by the Golden Dragon. Can such a physical body resist thunder robbery and killing?

As the blue and black terrible thunder approached, Cui Hao's body was like carrying hundreds of millions of kilograms of heavy objects, and the thunder crowded with heaven and earth came in an avalanche, with great momentum, giving people a terrible feeling.


It seemed that he felt the crisis Cui Hao was in at the moment. The ten thousand heavenly beads in his body suddenly emitted a series of perspective golden lights around him. At the same time, his strange golden elixir just condensed was also an earthquake, and the majestic and terrible power rushed out. It was a strange air flow mixed with black and white, which wrapped Cui Hao's whole body all at once. Such a scene made him happy. He hurriedly tried to urge the strange golden elixir. Its drops were spinning and constantly shooting black and white mixed airflow

This air flow is very strange, ancient, mysterious, grand and detached. Even if it comes from the golden elixir brewed by himself, Cui Hao can't figure it out, but he is very happy. His strange golden elixir seems to be extraordinary!

The outside world still has a strong lock. Cui Hao's body moves and has nowhere to escape. He can only choose to fight head-on!

The next moment, his body was submerged by endless thunder

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The terrible blue and black thunder overwhelmed the mountain. In an instant, Cui Hao was shocked and almost fainted. It's terrible. Countless powerful thunders killed him. Fortunately, his body surface is strange. The black and white mixed air flow emitted by the golden elixir has resisted at least half of him. But Rao is so. He's still like being hit hard. His body cracks in an instant, with blood flowing and great pain.

At this moment, what powerful moves and what powerful and mysterious are useless. After he is locked, Cui Hao can only choose hard resistance! He was very glad that he had gathered such a strange golden pill. The black and white air flow formed by it was also unknown. It was very strange. He even resisted at least half of the power of thunder. In addition, he absorbed the thunder light into it and seemed to be refining something. Of course, the contribution of Wanjie Tianzhu is also great. Seeing through the golden light, it resists the power of about three layers, and it surrounds Cui Hao's whole body, making his injured body heal quickly. The effect is a bit more rebellious than Cui Hao's great nirvana.

If it weren't for the ten thousand heavenly beads and the strange golden elixir, Cui Hao was afraid that he would have been killed by thousands of thunder. Although the flesh of Jinlong Suo Yuzhu is known as King Kong, it is far from enough to see.

The blue and black terrible thunder roared down, one by one, like pouring rain. Cui Hao's whole body was like a sea of thunder. Passively resisting, he screamed constantly, his whole body was scorched black like charcoal, cracked everywhere, and blood and white bone stubbles were exposed, which looked shocking. Cui Hao's area turned into a huge pit. He was hit into a cracked huge crack with a mouth full of sand, and the lake was constantly destroyed by thunder. I don't know how many fish and shrimp died.

The huge thunder clouds around 10000 meters are rotating. The sky in this area seems to have collapsed, dark, and the terrible thunder makes countless plants, boulders, fish and shrimp turn into flour. At the moment, Cui Hao, who was hit into the pit, tries his best to resist and struggles. If it weren't for the strange golden elixir constantly pouring out the mixed black and white airflow to resist, coupled with the perspective golden light around his body, Cui Hao would have fallen down.

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes

For five minutes, the violent blue and black thunder was pouring like no cost, and the huge thunder cloud was shrinking rapidly. Finally, when the last batch of violent thunder came down, only the bright trichromatic light group in the central area was left. In the huge pit, Cui Hao vomited blood continuously and was covered with coke. However, there was such a kind of pale gold, like an immortal golden body. Although his body was severely damaged, it was tempered like steel and finally became a fine product.

Cui Hao didn't know how many blue and black thunder hit him. Even if he surpassed the flesh of Jinlong Suo Yuzhu, the flesh couldn't carry it and cracked everywhere. If it weren't for the help of Wanjie Tianzhu and strange golden elixir, he couldn't carry it at all. I'm afraid he'd already died.

When resisting the repeated thunder, the strange golden elixir was spinning, constantly integrating a large number of thunder power into itself. At the moment, a layer of lightning was flowing on its black-and-white surface, rotating with great excitement, vaguely sending a message to Cui Hao, if you want, it still wants!

Feeling this message, Cui Hao's blood gushed out. Ya, your master is about to be crisped by thunder. Do you want it? While depressed, he was also shocked. What strange golden elixir had he condensed, black and white, just like a chaotic golden elixir, and it seemed that he had unique inspiration, too extraordinary?

The whole body was torn. Although the perspective golden light was healing, Cui Hao was still deeply injured. At the moment, he didn't dare to slack off at all. He hurriedly ran the Phoenix Nirvana. He was shocked, his flesh and blood wriggled, his muscles and bones roared, and began to heal with all his strength.

Above his head, the three color light is still rotating. The so-called three nine heaven's scourge thunder robbery, I think the most terrible should be the three color light. Although Cui Hao doesn't know what it is, he has an instinctive sense of crisis. He can vaguely feel that the three color light is quite terrible!

Perhaps, the fierce and chaotic thunder bombing just now is just an appetizer. The next three-color light has really entered the highlight!

"Hua la... Hua la..."

Sitting in the deep pit, Cui Hao tried his best to recover. With the perspective of golden light and his own Phoenix Nirvana, he recovered very quickly. Moreover, perhaps because he had just been killed by countless thunders, his dark cracked body turned out a layer of light golden light, just like an immortal golden body.

At one moment, Cui Hao, who was trying to recover, suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, which made him creepy for a moment!

Suddenly looked up, his face showed an extremely frightened look. Originally, the rotating three-color light, at the moment, a silver white light suddenly shocked and suddenly fell down!

The highlight of the three or nine heaven's scourge thunder robbery has begun!

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