The headquarters of the four divine beasts is actually on a mysterious high-end spacecraft. Moreover, it is suspended at an altitude of 10000 meters and guarded by a powerful array. Cui Hao can't imagine all this if he didn't witness it with his own eyes. At the moment, he has experienced a series of procedures such as identity verification and iris authentication. Finally, he entered the interior of the spacecraft with the blood bear. The whole spaceship is huge, much larger than the so-called aircraft carrier, and how does such a huge spaceship provide its engine and energy? Cui Hao was very curious, and when he entered it, he felt like he was in a science and technology city. Everything around him showed powerful science and technology, various conveniences and high-end things. Many Cui Hao had never seen it. He was surprised all the way, which was an eye opener.

The blood bear took Cui Hao all the way. Whenever they passed a checkpoint, there would be a series of certifications. After nine certifications, they successfully came to the door of an alloy office and knocked on the door. An old voice passed out, "come in, the door is not closed."

Cui Hao could hear that this was Wang Kun's voice, but there was a deep fatigue in his old age. He frowned slightly and entered with the blood bear. This is a clean and tidy huge office with a lot of materials stacked on it. An old man is lying on a boss's chair with a kind smile. Who is it, not Wang Kun? However, at the moment, Wang Kun was very tired and more and more old. He even exuded a strong smell of aging.

After feeling this, Cui Hao was surprised and couldn't help asking, "old Wang, what's the matter with your body? In the realm of King Kong, only three years before the end of your life will give off an old smell. Are you...?"

Cui Hao thought of some possibility and wanted to speak, but Wang Kun stopped him. He waved his hand and said in a very calm tone, "nothing. Life is alive, life is old and death, and I am just like a dream. What's more, I contribute everything to my four beasts again. It's worth it! I have at least three years to live, that's enough! Xiao Cui, I have successfully activated half of the holy monument, and you can start inheriting it at any time."

At this point, Cui Hao naturally understood what was going on. He sighed in his heart and didn't know what to say for a moment. He just nodded gratefully and didn't say anything.

Seeing this, the blood bear is very knowledgeable and leaves, which can be regarded as completing his leading task, while Cui Hao follows Wang Kun and continues to deepen. Along the way, Wang Kun was very excited. He constantly told Cui Hao all kinds of precautions and explained all kinds of holy tablets to Cui Hao one by one.

The holy tablet is left by the founders of the four divine beasts. It is branded with four unique boxing skills, namely green dragon divine fist, white tiger divine fist, rosefinch divine fist and Xuanwu divine fist. Every genius who obtains the token of the four divine beasts is qualified to inherit it. If it is successful, virtual shadows will naturally fly out of the holy tablet. As long as he successfully understands a boxing skill in seven days and nights, It's qualified. Originally, although this condition is extremely harsh, it also has the possibility of success. But since the holy tablet was interrupted by traitor Tang Xiao and took half of it away, it can still be reluctantly activated, but no one really understands the divine fist and has been recognized. It is for this reason that the inheritance of the four divine beasts is almost faulted, which leads to the increasing weakness and declining status of the four divine beasts.

Wang Kun, including the eldest lady of the four divine beasts, attaches importance to Cui Hao because the predecessor of Xuanwu divine fist is based on Zhenwu Dang magic fist, which integrates various mysteries of Xuanwu divine beasts. Cui Hao already knows the mysteries of Zhenwu Dang magic fist, and is more likely to obtain Xuanwu divine fist than others.

Despite the decline of the four beasts, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. There are still some antiques like Shen Mo in the headquarters. In addition, there are members of the four beasts reserve team such as the blood bear, and the four special forces regiments attached to the four beasts. Many of them have turned their targets to the inheritance hall, because everyone has been notified. 9:00 sharp, The inheritance hall will carry out a inheritance of four divine beasts.

"It's rare that another little guy has won the order of four gods and beasts. I hope it won't disappoint people this time!" a gray haired old man smiled and looked at the LCD screen.

There was a cold killing intention in his eyes, and a middle-aged man clenched his teeth "Since Tang Xiao broke the holy tablet and forcibly took away the upper half, our inheritance of the four divine beasts has actually been interrupted, but the big guy is unwilling to accept this fact. Every time he opens the half holy tablet, it is a great load for brother Wang. Sometimes he really wants to persuade him. Why persist?"

Empathy, a skinny old man said, "the eldest lady is not in the four divine beasts. The burden and various tasks of the whole headquarters need brother Wang to deal with in person. It's really not easy! Unfortunately, I'm stupid in other aspects except cultivating some talents, but I can't help at all!"

All members of the four gods beast headquarters who got the news gathered their eyes. Through the monitoring and live broadcast of the inheritance hall, they wanted to see if the inheritors could get the inheritance. If they failed, they could only join the reserve team, and if they succeeded, they immediately became a hot figure of the four gods beast! You know, it has been decades since Tang Xiao, and the four gods beast Core members, there is still no birth!

Originally, Cui Hao was not nervous at all, but Wang Kun nagged endlessly. Finally, Cui Hao was a little nervous. He followed Wang Kun and finally entered a hall with simple atmosphere, on which there were three big characters with iron pen and silver hook, inheritance hall.

Entering the inheritance hall, Cui Hao's expression suddenly became a little dignified. The hall was empty, and the most striking thing was the countless murals around him. These murals are ancient and exquisite. The painter can be said to be a super first-class level. It depicts many patterns, all magnificent and magnificent, vaguely telling a story about the history and responsibilities of the four divine beasts and so on.

Looking at the murals carefully, most of them are fighting for China, and Cui Hao is also a little blood surging. At this time, Wang Kun walks to the front of a mural. This is a picture of four divine beast soldiers fighting nine headed snakes. Wang Kun clicks and clicks seven inches away from the nine headed insects, which seems to touch some mechanism, accompanied by a series of creaking sounds, A broken stele suddenly rose from the bottom of the central area of the hall.

The broken monument is very huge, full of two or three people. It is broken from the middle. It is very simple. It is made of milky stone, emitting a mysterious atmosphere. On the Duan stele, there are two patterns, one is a flaming red vermilion, bathed in the flames, and a majestic Xuanwu steps on the rock.

Pointing to the broken monument, Wang Kun said "Xiao Cui, you can now drop blood on the broken stele, which can stimulate the inheritance. Because Tang Xiao's wolf cub interrupted the holy stele, its inheritance is ten times more blurred than before, which is very difficult. The time of seven days and seven nights is the limit you are allowed to stay in the hall. Remember, you can't delay every minute in the early stage, and you must firmly remember what you see every moment All, only in this way can we succeed in inheritance! "

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded and came towards the broken monument. The closer he was, Cui Hao felt its mystery and illegality.

Finally, Cui Hao stood in front of the broken Monument and cut it repeatedly with his sharp dagger. Finally, he barely scratched a scar, and the blood penetrated out. He bent his fingers and suddenly dropped on the broken monument.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

As Cui Hao's red blood drops on the broken monument, it suddenly boils and generally emits a fluffy white smoke. Then, the whole broken monument suddenly emits a milky white light, which can't be breathed and breathed, and an invisible mysterious smell also recovers in an instant. Hua La, imitating the Buddha like an invisible net, it suddenly envelops Cui Hao and wraps him in it 。

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