In an instant, Cui Hao felt that he seemed to have made contact with an invisible force. In the misty world, his whole mind suddenly changed. He was in a strange scene and saw a huge rosefinch standing on an ancient tree. He was awe inspiring and could not live for a lifetime. At one moment, it suddenly flapped its wings and flew, sending out a crisp and high-spirited cry, which made people tremble

He felt all kinds of this rosefinch carefully. Gradually, Cui Hao suddenly appeared in his heart lines of handwriting, simple, mysterious and obscure. He knew that this was the rosefinch magic fist. If he could fully understand it, it would be absorbed by himself and become something truly belonging to him. If he could not understand it, it would fade away. Finally, Nothing will be left.

Without hesitation, Cui Hao forgot himself and threw himself into the feeling. His inspiration burst out continuously. Gradually, he gradually had some impressions of this set of mysterious and obscure rosefinch divine fist

I don't know how long later, Cui Hao felt that he couldn't clearly feel the variety of the rosefinch. He felt like looking at the flowers in the fog and looking at the moon in the water. At the moment, he already had a lot of feelings about the rosefinch divine fist. However, there was still a very obvious gap from really understanding the true meaning and entering the house.

Soon, he was in the boundless sea again, in which there was a mighty Xuanwu beast, stepping on the rock, roaring against the water, magnificent mountains and rivers. At the moment of seeing the Xuanwu beast, Cui Hao was a little obsessed. Because of its posture, it instantly reminded him of the Xuanwu Linshui in Zhenwu Dang magic fist. The two phases corresponded. He immediately had a new understanding, and the whole person was very happy. Therefore, Cui Hao soon fell into this kind of perception, felt all kinds of Xuanwu beasts at a close distance, figured out the true meaning contained in his every move, and the whole person had a great harvest.

With this feeling, I don't know how long it has passed. Lines of handwriting emerge in Cui Hao's heart, simple and magnificent, containing mysterious mysteries. It is Xuanwu Shenquan. At this time, Cui Hao thoroughly understood that Xuanwu divine fist is indeed a unique skill born from Zhenwu Dang magic fist. However, it has been greatly improved on the original basis and contains more profound mystery

Compared with rosefinch Shenquan, Cui Hao's perception of Xuanwu Shenquan is undoubtedly more profound, and his whole person is so forgetful. Time is losing quickly minute by minute. Unconsciously, day and night have passed like this.

In the inheritance hall, Cui Hao is sitting in a circle at the moment. There are two groups of white fog on his head. It seems that one group wants to form a pattern, but each time it fails. As for the other group, it forms a Xuanwu divine beast, but it is very vague, which makes people feel unpredictable.

Although inheritance can last seven days and seven nights, since the rupture of the holy monument, it can only give the inheritor a day to feel the specific inheritance. Therefore, after a day, there is basically a final conclusion on how to achieve.

"Almost! The fog image condensed by the rosefinch divine fist is obviously not good and does not understand the true essence, while the fog image of the Xuanwu divine fist is just a little worse and should have a great chance!"

One day later, the scene in the inheritance hall was concerned by people. Because they knew too much about inheritance, they judged after seeing the fog image that Cui Hao had a low possibility of understanding rosefinch divine fist. However, Xuanwu divine fist still had a high possibility. Worse, it might be an epiphany. Because of this situation, people are paying silent attention, and many people talk about it. Cui Hao's situation is already the best situation after the holy monument is interrupted, but it's still a line short of success.

In the inheritance hall, there is another person besides Cui Hao. It is Wang Kun. He is very nervous at the moment. As time goes by, Cui Hao sits still and seems to be trapped in some kind of perception.

"Almost, we must succeed! We must succeed!" looking at the vague shadow of the Xuanwu beast on Cui Hao's head, Wang Kun said silently in his heart.

Unfortunately, every minute has passed, and there is still no progress.

A day has passed, still so

The day passed again and there was still no progress. Originally, the people who are full of expectations for Cui Hao are basically desperate. If they want to understand the four divine fists, they must do it as soon as possible, otherwise the longer the time, the faster they forget. Three days later, although Cui Hao was still sitting around, he was still the same, but the people who had been paying attention to him were desperate. With this trend, Cui Hao would fail again.

In that kind of perception, Cui Hao fell into a bottleneck at the moment. He felt that he was only a little less aware. Maybe he could understand, but what was the missing point? He was like a hundred times worried. He didn't know at all.

Once a person falls into a dead corner, he often lacks inspiration, and so does Cui Hao. After three days, his mood becomes more and more irritable and he can't find a clue at all. Xuanwu Shenquan seems to be about to step into the lintel and understand the essence of it. However, he can't step into it anyway.

It seems that Cui Hao felt this kind of mood. The black and white confusion and strange golden elixir in his body began to spin, and spontaneously sent out a detached, noble and mysterious atmosphere! The breath was instantly put into half of the holy monument. Then, suddenly, half of the holy monument sent out a terrible breath. At the same time, it even vaguely sent out dragon chanting, tiger roaring, bird roaring and animal roaring, as if there were four divine beasts, green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch and Xuanwu. At the moment, all of them recovered and roared.

"This... What's going on?" Cui Hao opened his eyes and looked stunned.

For three days, Wang Kun had been guarding the inheritance hall. At the moment, he was also shocked. He looked at the shaking half of the holy Monument and was inexplicably excited. Because he suddenly remembered an ancient book of gossip in the treasure house of the four gods and beasts. One of the words was the words of the founders of the four gods and beasts. He claimed that if one day, the holy tablet vibrated due to a genius and roared with the four gods and beasts, then he must be an extraordinary real genius, which would be the blessing of the four gods and beasts!

When Wang Kun was shocked and pleasantly surprised, Cui Hao felt an indescribable breath diffuse into half of the holy monument. It was invisible but real. It suddenly wrapped Cui Hao. The next moment, it seemed to be filled with enlightenment. A mysterious and powerful force was deeply branded in Cui Hao's heart, containing a kind of dignity and greatness.

"This... This... This is the brand of the four divine fists? It's so deep and clear!" after the deep shock, Cui Hao was ecstatic.

As soon as he thought about it, he successfully inspired this brand. Then, he clearly felt the shocking pictures, such as the green dragon coming out of the mountain, the white tiger killing, the rosefinch hitting the sky, and the Xuanwu facing the water. In addition, there were lines of handwriting, which introduced the four kinds of Shenquan in great detail, which was simpler and clearer than the two kinds of Shenquan just obtained by Cui Hao, To the point.

In his heart, Cui Hao was overjoyed. In such a moment, he understood the mystery of Xuanwu Shenquan and completely entered the house!

"Hua la... Hua la... Hua la..."

On top of Cui Hao's head, there was a rich and incomparable white fog. It gathered in an instant and turned into four groups of white fog. They were vivid, including a winding dragon, a fierce white tiger, a winged rosefinch and a mighty Xuanwu

"Ow! Ang! Ho! Ho......"

As soon as the four divine beasts composed of the four clouds of fog were born, they made sounds together, including dragon singing, tiger roaring, bird roaring and animal roaring. In an instant, they merged into one, forming a majestic, sacred and transcendent sound!

"Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

At the same time, the four divine beasts composed of four clouds of fog collapsed and became invisible. As if there was some connection between them, half of the holy monument that had been shaking was silent again.

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