"Roar! This, this is the roar of the four divine beasts! The four fog elephants are so real that they can only have after fully understanding the four divine fists!" at the moment, Wang Kun was so excited that he couldn't help grinning.

Not only him, but everyone who saw this scene through the monitoring live broadcast was shocked and inexplicable. Therefore, it soon spread, and immediately caused an uproar. After decades of fault period, the four divine beasts finally had a real core member! Not only one kind of divine fist, but four! This kind of situation, such a genius, only exists in the speculation of ancient classics, even in the heyday of the four divine beasts, there has never been!

"Ha ha... OK! Great! Xiao Cui, Congratulations! Since then, you have been the core member of our four divine beasts! And you are also the only core member of the younger generation! Go, you go with me to the forbidden area of the four divine beasts!" Wang Kun laughed with great satisfaction. Wang Kun was very happy.

On this day, he has been waiting for too long. Since Tang Xiao was a traitor, the four divine beasts have been going downhill. It is entirely the details before consumption. Wang Kun is watching and anxious. Now, Cui Hao's strong inheritance makes him excited, and finally sees the future and hope of the four divine beasts. It is normal for Wang Kun, an antique of the four divine beasts, to take the four divine beasts as his home all his life and take it as his responsibility to protect China.

In fact, at the moment, Cui Hao himself is also very excited. He is more and more aware of the extraordinary strangeness of the golden elixir in his body. If it wasn't for it, he is afraid that even the Xuanwu Shenquan is so poor that he can't really explore it. Not to mention now, all the four Shenquan are branded in his heart. As long as he calms down and slowly understands them, it's not difficult to understand them all.

Therefore, he followed Wang Kun to go deeper. At the same time, the news that Cui Hao successfully inspired the four fog elephants and strongly obtained the four divine fists was also passed on. The whole four divine beasts cheered, and they all felt that they saw hope and the future. Knowing that at this moment, Wang Kun must have taken Cui Hao to the forbidden area. Some old antiques spontaneously gathered together and began to organize a rich banquet. When Cui Hao came out of the forbidden area, he congratulated him!

After leaving the inheritance hall, Wang Kun took Cui Hao all the way forward and gradually went deep into a barren area. There are extremely strict security and various modern defense guards. It is obviously an important area. Led by Wang Kun himself, he naturally passed all kinds of identity verification soon. Finally, he took Cui Hao all the way to a quiet valley.

As soon as he arrived in this valley, Cui Hao was keenly aware of the ethereal and fresh breath around him. He felt an unspeakable comfortable feeling. Among them, he felt the existence of strong aura. It seems that there are some other precious things.

Seeing Cui Hao's surprised expression, Wang Kun laughed "Xiao Cui, this is the forbidden area of the four gods and beasts. Only core members can enter. Of course, you already have this qualification. This valley is called bailing valley. At the beginning, the founders of the first generation of the four gods and beasts spent a lot of effort to build it. The whole valley is filled with 9981 strange gas based on Reiki, which is good for the body. Generally speaking I'll shut up here when I'm free. There's a ancestral dragon vein under the valley. It's locked here to provide enough aura supply. In addition, there are four divine beasts treasure house, sword forest, star sky cliff and other areas, which can be said to be infinitely useful. You'll gradually know later. Come on, follow me to the soul platform first. We're going to worship the ancestors of the four divine beasts. What are you doing there Three worships and nine kowtows before their holy places. From then on, they really join our four divine beasts, live and die together, and never give up! "

Cui Hao was shocked by the great pen of Bailing Valley and only reacted for a moment. He just felt the strange gas carefully, which was really good for his body. So he nodded and continued to go deep with Wang Kun.

While walking, Wang Kun continued to introduce him, "Xiao Cui, you have just joined the four beasts. It will take some time for your command card to be refined successfully. Therefore, before the token is successful, many treasures in the four beasts treasure house, as well as the legacy in the sword forest, XingKong cliff, you can't enter here for the time being. These areas need points to be exchanged. For example, the treasure house of four gods and beasts, any treasure is valuable, and a unique skill is worth at least 300000 points. You just joined, you can get 100000 points from the core members. In addition, I'll give you 50000 points for your previous efforts to crack down on the Taliban base. Later, if you want to increase points again, you must do the task. Of course, if you have good things, precious secrets, etc., you can also hand them in and exchange points. After all, a person's accumulation is limited. After years of accumulation, there are many treasures in the treasure house. If it is not a member of the four beasts, it is impossible to exchange them! "

Wang Kun roughly explained one or two for Cui Hao. Although it was very simple, Cui Hao was also excited and full of expectations.

After thinking about it, Cui Hao asked, "Mr. Wang, I remember that before I joined the four beasts, my master Yang Ying had an agreement with you. I don't know if it counts. It's a unique inheritance, a crystal of Skynet, and reading in the four beasts library for a month... The first item has been fulfilled, and I'm not in a hurry. Can the third item be fulfilled?"

Hearing the speech, Wang Kun was stunned, and then laughed and said, "hahaha... You little devil, you are very smart! Yes, I did have such an agreement with Yang Ying at the beginning. Moreover, the matter naturally counts after the eldest lady's consent. You can enter the library of the four beasts at any time to start reading. You know, if you don't make this commitment, you will consume 5000 points a day to enter the library. Of course, before that, you'd better follow me to visit the predecessors of the four divine beasts, and then we'll celebrate! Your strength made the fog of the four beasts roar. Now, I'm afraid the whole four beasts are boiling. The big guys are waiting for you! “

Wang Kun's words made Cui Hao feel a little hot. He smiled and nodded, "old Wang, everything depends on your arrangement!"

The two talked like this and continued to move forward. Finally, they entered the hinterland of the valley. In a blood bamboo forest, they saw an ancient and incomparable hall. The hall was not particularly magnificent. However, standing there, it gave people a feeling of incomparable solemnity and solemnity. After arriving here, Wang Kun restrained his smile and looked dignified. Naturally, Cui Hao was the same A solemn face followed.

At the gate of the hall, there was an old man with a messy beard and a bad nose. He was in rags and was lying on a rattan chair to rest.

"Elder Huang, I have brought a little guy to worship the elders of our four gods. He has just completed the examination of the holy monument. Moreover, the fog of the four gods and beasts roars together, which is the hope and future of our four gods and beasts ZTE." Wang Kun spoke so respectfully to the old head.

"Oh? How could it be so bad? Well, it's good. It's a good seedling! I can't fully see through this little guy... Awesome! Good, Xiao Kun, you should cultivate this little guy well, you know? Well, you go in and don't disturb my old man's rest!" the old man opened his mouth lazily.

Although he seemed careless, the old man actually looked at Cui Hao carefully, and his face showed satisfaction and shock.

"Dare not disturb your rest, we went first." Wang Kun replied with a smile. Wang Kun hurriedly took Cui Hao into the room.

After entering the hall, Wang Kun whispered "Xiao Cui, this elder Huang is the most powerful support of our four divine beasts! In those days, in order to protect the foundation of the four divine beasts, elder Huang fought alone in all directions and burned his original blood essence. Now, his kung fu is almost half wasted and his strength is unknown. However, in his heyday, he was at the level of half magical power, so he is still a strong card of our four divine beasts. He is just an old man Zi fought for the four beasts. If he didn't come to the critical moment of life and death, he would never disturb him. "

"I see..." Cui Hao nodded, showing a sudden look.

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