The simple decoration in the ancient hall reveals a solemn and solemn atmosphere everywhere. In the front is a very long tribute table, on which all kinds of sacrifices are placed, and behind it is a huge jade platform, all of which have the same Lingpai. These are the Lingpai of the masters of the four divine beasts for hundreds of years, who are qualified to be among them, It must be the core children, such as Wang Kun, Shen Mo and others. In addition to these offerings, a simple and yellowing portrait is hung in the center of the hall. On it is the image of an old man. His eyes are as bright as stars. He has white hair and a slender beard, which floats on his chest. The whole person stands there, giving a sense of grace of an ancient Confucian University writer. Of course, Ethereal, but also contains the Taoist dust temperament.

Although it was only a portrait, it was very vivid. Cui Hao seemed to look at the old man in a trance.

There was a sense of respect on his face. Wang Kun pointed to the portrait and said "Xiao Cui, the old man in the portrait in front of you is the founder of our four divine beasts and our ancestor. His magic power is invincible. It is said that he exists at the level of magic power. He floated away after founding the four divine beasts. I don't know where he went. Maybe he is still alive! Of course, this possibility is not high, because nearly a thousand years have passed, Cang Hai Sangtian, years have changed, and too much immortality has turned into dust. "

Hearing this, Cui Hao was awed. Therefore, after Wang Kun made a prayer and sacrifice speech, he solemnly knelt to the ground, worshipped three times and nine times, and respected his ancestors. So far, he officially joined the four divine beasts. After worshipping his ancestors, Cui Hao worshipped the ancestors of the four divine beasts of all dynasties. Each of them was the national patron saint and contributed his life to protecting China , many are unsung heroes, worthy of worship!

This sacrifice is very heavy, because while kneeling down, Cui Hao's heart is heavy. He feels something, which is transmitted from the holy throne and the portrait of his ancestors. This thing is responsibility! At this moment, Cui Hao knows that nature is no longer the original himself. More often, he should regard himself as Cui Hao, the four divine beasts, in order to protect China Of course, he has no complaints about this. China is his motherland. Cui Hao, who grew up in an orphanage, knows his feelings very well. He is full of respect and love for the country, so he is willing to guard it!

In fact, why is Wang Kun so optimistic about Cui hao? In addition to his extraordinary talent, another very important point is that Cui Hao has poor people in China in his heart. He knows how to repay kindness. This can be seen from his philanthropic group's strong commitment to welfare assistance.

After the worship, they walked out of the main hall and respectfully said goodbye to the elder Huang. Then they left bailing Valley and returned to the ordinary area of the four divine beasts headquarters again.

On this day, the headquarters of the four gods and beasts was very lively, which had not been so lively for many years. Many old guys who had been unable to get out of the door came out, and some people on vacation, whether affiliated personnel or reserve team members, were all called back except those performing tasks, because today, the four gods and beasts will hold a grand ceremony and Carnival to celebrate Cui Hao's birthday The birth of four core members of divine beasts!

Because it is a secret organization, it is impossible for everyone to know about it. However, it is no longer a secret among the four beasts. Moreover, Cui Hao has completed the inheritance and officially became a member of the four beasts. It is impossible to hide it. The four beasts published it in a secret way, and gave a warning. There is no potential Li, who dares to be unfavorable to Cui Hao, is bound to be madly counterattacked by the four divine beasts!

Although the strength of the four gods is falling now, it is much less prosperous than the dragon group. However, the inside story of the four gods is still there. Moreover, it is also famous for protecting its shortcomings and reporting its vengeance. Therefore, the issuance of such a warning has also made many forces aware of a problem. Cui Hao is the baby pimple of the four gods. You can't provoke it casually unless you have to!

The four beasts headquarters is full of excitement, laughter and laughter, pushing cups for lamps

"Hahaha... Brother Cui, I'm Prince Liang. Just call me brother Wang. I'm a good brother of blood bear. I've heard that you have a good relationship. If there's anything to do in the future, just tell me!"

"Young man, that's good. It's really good! It can make the fog elephants of the four divine beasts roar together, which only exists in ancient books. In those years... Er, Tang Xiao's wolf cub just let the green dragon, rosefinch and two fog elephants condense and chirp. If you compare them, you are much stronger than his potential. Great. You can be like this Good boy, join our four beasts. Who says we're going to decline? I see, it's going to be ZTE soon! "

"Yes, what Hua Yong said is very good. I think so too. I just heard that you successfully helped the four beasts destroy the Taliban base in China before joining the four beasts? It's not easy! Yes, come on, the future of our four beasts depends on you!"

"You may not know that Xiao Cui has two great masters. The first is Yang Dian, the peak of King Kong. His crazy fist is extremely fierce, and his other master is even worse. You don't know who it is? It's master Tianji. He's a real Chinese antique and unfathomable!"

"No wonder our eldest lady values him so much. It's really not easy! Hahaha... Happy, really happy! For decades, my four divine beasts have finally passed down again, and there is no longer a broken worry! Xiao Cui, you should work hard. In the future, if you have a chance, go to the United States and kill Tang Xiao's wolf cub for me, okay?"

"I think so, too. I don't think it will be long!"

The party was very lively. Cui Hao followed Wang Kun and became familiar with the members of a group of four divine beasts. He greeted each other and understood each other's situation. At this time, Cui Hao really understood that a thin camel is bigger than a horse. Although it is said that the four divine beasts have been declining, he saw many experts today. These people are naturally very enthusiastic about him. After all, if there is no accident, Cui Hao will really grow up in ten years at most. By that time, He is afraid that he has become the first expert among the four divine beasts and is qualified to carry the tripod!

Although his status is relatively high, Cui Hao does not mean to be proud. He is very kind and salutes everyone one by one with a humble attitude. He didn't do this deliberately, because he respected everyone here from his heart. Almost everyone can be called the patron saint of China, silently guarding China, bleeding and weeping

Such a party was very happy. It lasted nearly two hours. Just at the end of the party, Wang Kun got a report. Dragon group, send someone over!

Wang Kun was stunned by this situation, and then he ordered an invitation. Soon, a handsome young man with extraordinary demeanor appeared at the banquet. His eyes were like stars, and there was a proud look between his hands and feet. If Yang Qingqing was here at the moment, he would burst into tears when he saw the young man in front of him, because he was no one else, It's Dragon Aotian!

At the moment, although there was a proud smile on his face and showed a lofty attitude, long Aotian was almost crazy with jealousy, because he knew that Cui Hao had successfully completed the task in Thailand. Now, the rewards and points of China have come down. In addition to the previous Taliban organization, the four divine beasts, The ranking of special departments this year has suddenly become a little unclear.

"This should have been my credit, but this boy picked it up, hum!" the heart was so cold, hum, long Aotian was unhappy.

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