As night fell, Cui Hao finally arrived in the northwest of the Netherlands. He threw a lot of money, immediately bought a taxi driver and ordered him to follow his own guidance. Although I don't understand the strange requirements of customers, money can make ghosts grind. This principle also applies to foreigners. Anyway, the taxi driver agreed without hesitation and started driving according to Cui Hao's instructions.

Sitting in the taxi, Cui Hao feels himself carefully. There is a red and gorgeous illusory flower near his heart, which constantly floats, blooms and heals. Among them, there is an illusory and beautiful young girl's body, which is exactly what Vivian looks like. This is Cui Hao's confidence to find Vivian's support and praise of blood!

Through the feeling of blood praise, Cui Hao found that Vivian was not too far away from him in the south, so he ordered the driver to move forward quickly and go towards the South

About ten minutes later, the taxi stopped outside the heart of the sea forest park. It was night now. The park had stopped selling tickets, and the tourists left here. Facing the protection of barbed wire, Cui Hao passed these obstacles like a big civet cat and soon sneaked into it. So Cui Hao began to follow the feeling of blood praise and quickly went to the interior of the Forest Park

"Hua La, Hua La, Hua la..."

The holy wings quickly incited, and Vivian became closer and closer to the induced Qi and blood. The closer she was, the more excited she became, because according to this induction, the Qi and blood in front of her was likely to be an ancient blood pool! As a vampire, she is very sensitive to the ancient blood pool. Moreover, he is 100% sure that this breath can be emitted only from the ancient blood pool. It is so charming and intoxicating

At this time, Vivian vaguely sensed that a breath associated with her life was approaching. This discovery made his beautiful eyes shine and smiled happily. She knew that her lover Cui Hao was coming!

Originally, after discovering Cui Hao's breath, she should turn back and meet him. However, the breath of the ancient blood pool is really attractive, especially for Vivian, who is seriously injured now. After pondering for a while, he stirred up his holy wings again, suddenly turned into a streamer, and impacted towards the sensing place.

With the praise of blood, Cui Hao naturally sensed the move of Vivian, which was a little unexpected. However, he soon thought of a possibility that Vivian was probably being pursued now. Therefore, even if she sensed that she was coming, she couldn't meet herself. Her situation must be extremely dangerous! Thinking of this possibility, Cui Hao became more and more worried. The whole person suddenly turned into a flash of streamer and rushed out with all his strength. Cui Hao's physical strength is incomparable, and his explosive power is naturally amazing. When he runs with all his strength, he is faster than Vivian's flying speed.

Following the induction, finally, Vivian came to an inaccessible area, where ancient trees were everywhere, old vines were winding, and the withered and yellow leaves on the ground were thick layer by layer. According to the induction, she was pleasantly surprised to find a hidden cave. At that moment, Vivian turned into a flash of streamer and rushed into the cave.

"Oh, my God! The ancestor of blood is here. What did I see? God, it's a miracle! Here, there's an ancient blood pool! An ancient blood pool in fully activated state! Yes, this smell is absolutely right. This is an ancient blood pool!" with a surprise, Vivian trembled with excitement.

Witnessed an ancient blood pool, and it is still an ancient blood pool in the state of complete recovery. How can Vivian not be excited? Since the collapse of the Nicholas family, her father has put the burden of revitalizing the family on Vivian. She is thinking about how to become stronger and revitalizing the family all the time. Now, I'm so excited to see such an ancient blood pool in the state of recovery!

As the most precious original species among vampires, Vivian's body contains source blood, which is the closest blood to the end of the long river of blood and has unimaginable power. Therefore, as long as there are treasures such as ancient blood pool as auxiliary, Vivian's entry into the king's root is not a problem. On that day, she will exist at the level of half magic power. At that time, Revitalizing the family is just a very easy thing. Even the whole vampire group will become much stronger because of her rise, and will no longer be the declining race in the dark temple.

At this moment, Vivian's eyes twinkled with an extremely excited look. She seemed to have seen the scenes that she obtained the ancient blood pool and became the queen of blood step by step. She didn't know that all this was actually false, but an illusion interwoven by the door of truth according to a dried up ancient blood pool!

Under the cover of the door of truth, the corners of Francis's mouth rose slightly. He was very excited. He looked at Vivian's face, which was as beautiful as water and lotus, revealing a color of greed. Francis is very lecherous, which is the nature of all demons, and he has spent a lot of effort to collect beauties of various styles, all of which are first-class beauties. However, compared with Vivian, those women seem to have less charm, a special flavor that makes people eager to conquer!

Francis is this kind of psychology. He likes to drink the hottest wine, ride the strongest horse and conquer the most arrogant and noble woman. Therefore, when he saw Vivian, he was a little excited and excited! In terms of age, he is only in his thirties. His mind is not too mature. He is hot-blooded and arrogant.

I didn't know that all this was a trap. Vivian took a deep breath and trembled twice. Then she didn't hesitate. Hua La, her body was like a light, and suddenly rushed forward. She wanted to get the ancient blood pool for the first time! Now, Vivian feels a sense of crisis, so she feels that she must restore her heyday as soon as possible. Then, as long as she escapes here and returns here in the future, she will find a way to get the ancient blood pool. The rise of the family is expected, and she can realize her dream!

Suddenly, Vivian came to the ancient blood pool. She even smelled the wonderful blood gas, which may not be a big deal for other races, but for vampires, it was the best panacea, which made her crazy!


At the next moment, Vivian felt as if she had broken a barrier. The scene in front of her changed in an instant. In front of her, where is the revived ancient blood pool? There is only a dried up ancient blood pool without a trace of blood!

At this moment, Vivian was surprised. There were many dried up ancient blood pools. The Nicholas family once had one. Therefore, Vivian was very familiar with it. Immediately, she was shocked and angry.

Trap! All this is a trap! I have fallen into a trap!

"Bad! I must leave first!" she clenched her teeth and Vivian turned back immediately.


Just turned back three steps, Vivian appeared a transparent and slightly distorted barrier in front of her, with a powerful and incomparable defense force, and suddenly bounced it out. At the same time, Vivian was shocked to find that at the moment of her fall, there were four transparent barriers around her, and she was already trapped in it!

"Who? Why did you plot to attract me here? Let me out!" Vivian shouted with great anxiety.

"Ha ha... Vivian, we meet again. I'm Francis. Do you remember me? Before, in the dark temple, you refused to be my woman. Now, you fall into the door of my truth. I want to see how you refuse me!" ha ha laughed, which was Francis's voice.

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