The whole person fell into the door of truth. Vivian felt that the world was changing. Everything around her contained an unspeakable strong binding force. She tried her best to break out, but it didn't help. She couldn't escape the obstruction of this transparent barrier. She was completely trapped! At this moment, Vivian was anxious and regretted. She blamed herself for seeing the ancient blood pool and losing her heart. Otherwise, how could she fall into the trap of the enemy?

Francis's voice came in, and Vivian immediately thought of her experience of going to the dark temple, the four Highnesses with evil eyes and extraordinary status. As a native species, Vivian is very lonely and proud. Moreover, she has made blood praise with Cui Hao. In this life, she is destined to have only such a sincere man. Therefore, she did not consider Francis's words at all and scolded coldly "Want me to be your woman? Dream! Francis, if you have the ability, let me out. Let's fight head-on. What kind of hero is he by virtue of this indiscriminate means?"

"Ha ha, ha ha... What a clever beauty! I Francis am not a hero. I am a demon descendant. I am a noble demon descendant! Vivian, please stay in the door of my truth first. When I use you to seduce some fools of the Holy Church and kill them unprepared, I will naturally have time to deal with you! Don't worry, I have the best way to deal with beauties. Now, there are 41 stunning women in my harem. Naturally, there are many chaste martyrs among them. However, in the end, they knelt down under me and were conquered by me? You are no exception! Oh, conquering a native species really feels good and has a sense of achievement. It seems that there are only blood families left today You are such a native species, hahaha... Cool! It's so cool! "Arrogant and evil laughter rang out, and Francis's voice echoed, with an unspeakable smell of evil.

Hearing the sound of such a smile, Vivian gnashed her teeth angrily. However, a strong sense of powerlessness rose from her heart. Obviously, she fell into a terrible trap. Even if she had no chance to escape with her own ability, could she still be saved? At this time, Cui Hao could not help but emerge in her mind. Now, Vivian can only place her hope on Cui Hao

The speed was fast. Henry, the spider devil, and the holy people moved forward quickly, and he had already known the location in advance and calculated the time in his heart. Finally, he led the people forward and arrived at an inaccessible area. Just arrived here, there was no need for Henry's words. Cleeno, who took the lead, was the first to sense the location of the underground cave, and his eyes flashed A dozen crazy believer soldiers followed, but some were vigilant to observe that cardinal zaren fell behind.

As if the wind swept through, cleeno had crashed into the cave, and then he saw a scene that made him very angry!

In the center of the cave, there is a boiling blood pool. Yes, it is a pure ancient blood pool. Among them, Vivian is sitting in it and quickly absorbing the power of the blood pool. Not only that, he can clearly feel that the breath on Vivian is increasing sharply. It seems that she is only one step away from the breakthrough!

Such a scene made Kleno shocked and angry. He did not expect that the original species he had hunted and killed unexpectedly went to an ancient pool of blood that was activated. At the moment, he had absorbed the essence of his blood and was about to undergo the final transformation. He had a general understanding of Vivian's strength. The realm has too much power and strength. Before, he can barely escape from the pursuit of himself and zaren. If he wakes up successfully this time, she is afraid that she will be promoted to count of glory. If so, maybe he will turn over!

Cleeno would not let this happen, so he roared without hesitation, and the whole person burst out a terrible breath. At the same time, he suddenly crushed a crystal ball. Suddenly, a large milky light filled the surroundings. This is the pure power of light. Under the attachment of this power, he issued a devout singing, Dayton At the same time, the breath on the body continues to soar and soar


The next moment, accompanied by a terrible roar, cleono smashed like a bright white ball of light. When he was close to Vivian, he was stunned to find that he had suddenly pierced a strange diaphragm. As soon as this feeling appeared, he felt that the scene in front of him suddenly changed. Where was it still the previous scene ?

"No! I've been tricked!"

At this moment, cleeno felt a strong sense of crisis, because he found that he had fallen into a strange world. Here, there was a strong binding force everywhere. Not only that, he clearly felt that the power of light was reducing, but there was a transparent diaphragm in all directions.

"Break it for me!"

Without hesitation, cleono roared. The whole person was like crazy. He hit it with a hard punch and made a loud bang. The void trembled at this moment. His punch was powerful. Unfortunately, the transparent diaphragm was twisted a few times and didn't explode. It was still in front of him. At this moment, cleeno was flustered, because he broke out with all his strength just now. Unexpectedly, he didn't have the slightest effect!

Shocked and angry, cleeno broke out again and broke out several punches in a row. At this time, he found that he couldn't penetrate the diaphragm!

At this time, a cold and dark voice rang through "Hahaha... Cleeno, do you also have today? How many of our dark creatures have been killed by your holy church over the years? How many people have been tortured to death by you? Today, you are finally in the hands of my Francis! And your six stupid men, what bullshit believer soldiers, who saw you fall into a trap and broke in. Now, all of them are my truth The gate of is suppressed! Hahaha... When I find a suitable opportunity to contribute to you, I believe I will get a great reward! At that time, I Francis will be the first genius of the dark temple! Hahaha... "

Hearing this laughter, cleono went crazy and shouted, "what sneaky thing dare to plot against me! The despicable little dark temple has no chivalry morality. It's so despicable. I swear, in the name of the great God, I will kill you as a blasphemer!"

"Kill me? Wake up, stupid cleno, you're dead!" sneered Francis.

"Come out, you come out, I'll kill you! Ah ah......" like a madman, cleeno shouted.

He was a crazy madman. At the moment, he was calculated by the conspiracy and became more and more crazy. However, Francis was too lazy to pay attention to it, smiled and suppressed it with all his strength. Although the door of truth is a magic weapon, after all, the suppressed are not the weak, and some of their power will be transmitted to Francis, so he had to be careful 。

At the moment, there are eight crazy believer soldiers in the underground cave. They look at the scene in front of them and hesitate. The great Lord cleeno fell into the strange diaphragm and disappeared. They don't know whether they should rush in like the six crazy believer soldiers.

"Don't move forward, it's a trap! Damn it!"

Just then, cardinal zaren, who was a priest, rushed in, looked at the scene in front of him, roared and was very angry.

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