The origin of the earth!

As soon as these five words came out, all the old antiques present brightened up. It seemed that the lost fishing boat saw the lighthouse, and everyone was excited. However, immediately, many people frowned and said with some worry "My ancestors, let alone two hundred years ago, whether our earth can produce such an amazing generation, who is qualified to break through the level of supernatural powers. Even if so, what is his mind and whether he is a kind of evil and heresy? All these are unknown. Moreover, we must remember the lessons of our ancestors in those years! Before absolute temptation, even close relatives and friends can become murderers Devil, if we hadn't been stabbed in the back by our parents and children, our ancestors might have gathered together and had their own real world. In that way, even if the earth is lost, we still have a way back. What a pity, what a pity! "

Zhao Rui frowned and said something displeased "Zhao Qin, don't talk about this later. It's a taboo for us to guard the same vein. Do you know? Now, there are three magical powers on the whole earth. Of course, if the elder who has been practicing for 300 years hasn't died, there are four. Two of them can't choose, and the other two can't understand each other's thoughts, and the mud board contract is right The binding force is no longer strong. There are a lot of magic powers left. The seven directors can choose. After all, they have signed the mud board contract in advance. In addition to these seeds, we should also focus on cultivating our own talents! "

Hearing Zhao Rui's words, everyone nodded in agreement. Although their hearts were heavy, they finally had a glimmer of hope and no longer felt deep despair.

Glancing at the crowd, Zhao Rui said solemnly "In the next two hundred years, the plane prison of the Milky Way galaxy will become more and more fragile. At that time, there will be some guys who happen to run out like this brilliant giant. We can only pray for good luck for the earth. The whole Milky Way galaxy is very vast. If the earth is just an ordinary planet, the degree of danger is very low. Unfortunately, it is the parent planet of the galaxy. Alas .....”

With a long sigh, Zhao Rui looked like a headache. In fact, not only him, but also many old antiques present were very headache. They were worried about the future of the earth. It was really difficult to break through the level of magic. Even if it was based on all people on the whole earth, there was still little hope.

Just then, one of the thin old antiques brightened up and thought of a possibility "Ladies and gentlemen, our ancestors left ancient books and some records. It is said that it was founded by a super strong man who sympathized with the weak. Therefore, countless evil strong men in the whole galaxy were arrested and imprisoned in a plane prison with extremely bad environment and could die at any time, making them live and die. If the strong man Sensing that this face prison is about to collapse, will you do it again and reinforce it? "

As soon as his words came out, everyone was suddenly in front of him and had greater hope in their hearts. Indeed, according to reason, this possibility is also great.

He sighed in his heart. Zhao Rui wanted to tell everyone that if this kind of power was not in great trouble or had fallen, it would naturally be easy to find this problem and strengthen it, but he didn't do so, indicating that this person had encountered great trouble or had fallen!

Of course, he would not say such words, but nodded approvingly and said, "yes, this possibility is also great! But you guys, we can't place all our hopes on one possibility. We must prepare in many ways! It is imperative to cultivate our own super strong. In addition, I will redeploy to ensure the security of the earth as much as possible!"



"I agree too!..."

A secret meeting was quietly held in Skynet. Few people know about this meeting. Ordinary people still live their own life. They don't know that the earth where they live has faced a crisis that may come at any time!

At the end of the meeting, some antiques raised a question. Since this matter is top secret and only a limited number of people know it, does Cui Hao, who successfully arrested the brilliant giant, also know it? If he knows this, he must seal it to ensure that the news does not spread back to the outside world and cause great panic!

Speaking of Cui Hao, an old antique said that he had agreed to participate in the Skynet trial. Hearing the news, everyone was relieved. In that case, Cui Hao had only two possibilities: one was to die unfortunately during the trial, and the other was to become a guest of Skynet's guard. In this case, he was his own person and had to sign the mud board contract. Naturally, it was not sealed It's a problem.

"Hahaha... I'm very curious about this Cui Hao. He can become the only core member of the younger generation of the four divine beasts, and has created a huge business empire in just over a year. This son is extraordinary! Most importantly, you can see the strength of the brilliant giant. He can knock him out alone, which shows his strength!" With a smile, Zhao Rui opened his mouth like this.

"Indeed, I know this person in detail. His character is valuable and he is a very rare good seedling. If we guard a vein to cultivate our super strong, he can't be cultivated as a seed player!"

"Yes, I also agree with this suggestion. It's just that he should have a Skynet trial now. How about we go and have a look?"

"OK, let's go, let's go!..."

After Zhao Rui opened his head, everyone talked excitedly and was very optimistic about Cui Hao. Therefore, encouraged by an old antique, everyone said they would go to watch! Generally speaking, Zhao Rui was too lazy to pay attention to this kind of test. Seeing that everyone was so interested, he immediately became a little interested and said he would go together.

So the crowd gathered around Zhao Rui and went to the net hall that day.

Because of the arrival of Zhao Rui and others, the whole Skynet hall was bustling. After the people settled down, an old antique hurriedly sent someone to inform Zhao yourong and bring Cui Hao to the trial as soon as possible.

At the moment, Zhao yourong, who was eating and drinking at home, received the notice. Although he was inexplicable, he took action for the first time and took Cui Hao to Tianwang hall.

Half an hour later, Cui Hao enjoyed the beautiful scenery here, and finally came to the front of a magnificent hall with Zhao yourong. This is a hall made of dark stone, emitting an ancient and simple flavor of vicissitudes, with mottled stone tracks and moss all over it.

Skynet hall!

Standing in front of the hall, Cui Hao was shocked when he looked up at the towering hall. I don't know why, at the moment of seeing the hall, Cui Hao gave birth to a light sad color. It seems that a powerful existence built the hall with a very sad mood, pinning all hope on it, unwilling to give up and sad

This feeling is very wonderful. Cui Hao can't say it himself. Since he reached the state of sincerity and can be known before, he has an unimaginable sensitivity to some subtle breath changes and so on.

With a reverent attitude, Cui Hao followed Zhao yourong to the Tianwang hall. After crossing 1001 steps, he finally entered the solemn hall.

The main hall is very spacious, with simple and simple decoration. In addition to many powerful old antiques, what attracted Cui Hao's attention is a huge metal monument up to more than ten meters. This metal tablet is made of some unknown metal. It flashes a strange bright light. It is cold and secluded. On it, there are some dense handwriting, all of which are some names. They are different in height and size. From bottom to top, the names are getting bigger and bigger and more dazzling.

Zhao yourong has informed Cui Hao in advance, so he saw the metal Monument and immediately knew that this is the Tianbei!

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