The Tianbei stands quietly, shining with a faint luster. The names on it are dense, and the lower end is infinitely small. The higher it is, the more huge and clear it becomes. Cui Hao looks at the name on the Tianbei, and then he sees a huge name at the upper end of the Tianbei, Taoist Tianji!

Isn't that your master's name? Is Shifu also an elder of Keqing, the guardian of Skynet?

According to Zhao yourong's description, Cui Hao has a clear and incomparable understanding of the Tianbei. According to him, the Tianbei is the life weapon left by the creator of Tianwang. It is said that the Tianbei contains a small world and has a certain spirit. It's absolutely shocking that there is a small world inside. You know, the strongest treasure of Cui Hao now is the door of truth. It's just that there is a range of 10000 meters inside, and how vast is the small world?

As long as they succeed in the Skynet trial and integrate a trace of their blood essence into it, they can brand their name. The greater the potential assessed by the Tianbei, the more advanced and huge the name is. Of course, once I fall, his blood essence will collapse and the name will disappear.

After seeing the name of Taoist Tianji, Cui Hao was stunned to find that a name was juxtaposed with it, yangtiancha. This name reminded him of Yang Tiangang. Is it true that this person is the half step magical father of Yang Tiangang? However, soon Cui Hao overturned his guess and rated him as Yang Tiangang's brother, because he saw the most dazzling name in the whole Tianbei, Yang worshipping the heaven!

This person is rated as the first potential talent by Tianbei. There is no doubt that it must be Yang Tiangang and the father of the Yang Tiancha, the master of the divine court!

Under the name of Yang sacrificing heaven, there are three names that keep pace. They are also dazzling. They are James William, old man Kong Shan and Tang Xiao. Cui Hao only knows Tang Xiao. He is a traitor to the four divine beasts. Now the CIA and special operations department in the whole United States are under his control.

Seeing such a situation, Cui Hao was shocked. He didn't expect Tang Xiao to be rated with such high potential. It is said that he is now a half step supernatural power, and his potential is so high. Even if Cui Hao is confident that his potential is not weaker than the other party, he wants to avenge the four divine beasts and kill the anti bone cub. I'm afraid it's very difficult!

Cui Hao quickly transferred his thoughts from the monument on this day, because there was a group of people in the Skynet hall surrounded by an old man walking towards him

"Master! Super Master!..."

Seeing the surrounded old man, Cui Hao instinctively felt a strong and incomparable sense of crisis. His strength must be a terrible mess, otherwise, he could not have such a violent reaction. However, Cui Hao was very calm, because he didn't feel the death crisis. The way of sincerity can be known. Since there was no danger, he was naturally calm.

"I'm honored to visit my ancestors and wish them happiness, longevity, health and eternal spring!"

Seeing the old man coming, Zhao yourong, standing next to Cui Hao, was shocked. He knelt down in a nervous hurry and said hello respectfully.

"Well, little fellow, don't be polite. Get up!" Zhao Rui said with a smile, and gently picked it with his palm.

"Hua la..."

As he picked up his hand, a powerful force surged like an undercurrent, which suddenly dragged Zhao yourong's body and made him stand up.

Although he stood up, Zhao yourong was very respectful and did not dare to be rude. Seeing such a situation, Cui Hao naturally knew who was coming in front of him. He was also surprised, because this was the second time he saw a strong man at the level of half step magical power. To be fair, Zhao Rui's momentum was inferior to that of the Dragon Lord. However, it was also mysterious and unpredictable, giving rise to a feeling of towering mountains. This is the style of the super strong!

"Cui Hao, the younger generation of the four divine beasts, see you! I wish you longevity and eternal youth!" Cui Hao said solemnly and solemnly.

"Well, yes, he's a good guy!" nodded, and Zhao Rui spoke kindly.

He looked at Cui Hao carefully, and then asked, "little guy, did you say something important before you caught the brilliant giant?"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was stunned, didn't hide it, nodded and said, "yes, he did say something. I feel it's more important. If you need me to tell you, I can say it now."

"No, no..." he waved his hand and Zhao Rui stopped it.

"Now you don't have to say it. You refined this perfect Skynet crystal first. Besides, if you succeed in this trial and become a member of my Skynet guard, I will naturally talk to you in detail."

As he spoke, Zhao Rui turned his hand over. In the palm of his hand, there appeared something out of thin air. It was the size of a fist. It was crystal clear. Hundreds of millions of light spots were shining inside, emitting a rich and incomparable mysterious atmosphere and incomparable dignity. As soon as he did this, Cui Hao knew that he must have stored treasures similar to his own door of truth.

Looking at the perfect crystal of Skynet carefully, compared with what Zhao yourong showed himself before, it is indeed more extraordinary, and the precious flavor contained is also more rich.

"Thank you, master!" he opened his mouth respectfully, and Cui Hao took over the perfect Skynet crystal.

He is very kind. Zhao Rui reminds him, "little guy, if you want to refine it, you must integrate it with your own blood essence. Once it is contaminated with your blood essence, it will integrate into your body, determine the mysterious connection with your soul, and get in touch with the whole Skynet when your thoughts move.

Nodding, he said he knew. Cui Hao forced a trace of blood essence to drip into the perfect Skynet crystal on the spot.

"Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing..."

In an instant, with a drop of Cui Hao's blood essence dripping, the fist sized perfect Skynet crystal vibrated and quickly absorbed the blood essence. Then, it seemed to sense Cui Hao, crash, and suddenly rushed towards Cui Hao's body. The surface was filled with a faint bright luster, which instantly invaded Cui Hao's body like entering an uninhabited place.

Everything follows a change. The crystal of the perfect Skynet appears next to Cui Hao's soul, emitting a mysterious and noble breath. When you feel this breath, the quiet and motionless Chunyang soul vibrates, a force gushes out, draws it together at once, and then it is directly incorporated into the soul

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

In an instant, the whole crystal of the perfect Skynet made a hissing sound, and suddenly cracked. One of the most noble breath was completely absorbed by Cui Hao's pure Yang soul. In an instant, it was as comfortable as eating a ginseng fruit. At the core of the crystal of the perfect Skynet, there was a hazy color light, rolling excitedly, and even exposed to Cui Hao's soul At the same time, it sends out an invisible and exciting wave, which diffuses in a special way, as if to awaken what exists.

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

In an instant, in the deepest part of the ancestral land, an area covered by hazy and chaotic mist suddenly made a sound of shock. Then, a detached, dusty, powerful and noble breath slowly revived, as if a noble and great existence was awakened at once.

At this moment, all of Skynet's guardians, as well as many ordinary members of Skynet, who are connected with the invisible Skynet that envelops the whole earth, clearly felt the vibration of the huge and boundless Skynet. It seems that there is a special spirit and more unpredictable. They don't know what's going on in the Skynet hall Zhao Rui and a group of old antiques changed their faces and were overjoyed.

Excited, Zhao Rui laughed and said, "great! After sleeping for countless years, the spirit of Skynet finally woke up!"

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