Tianbei small world is very barren and lacks all kinds of resources. Kerao is so. There is such a city with high scientific and technological content. This scene makes Cui Hao feel unimaginable. Then, he saw five humans come out, all blonde foreigners. They were all dressed in gray clothes, with the words "lower class" written on them and some repair tools in their hands, It seems to be a role as a repairman.

Cui Hao was full of curiosity about such a city, so he quietly exercised his hypnotic power. Suddenly, the five people looked dull and hypnotized.

The five people were ordered to come to a remote place outside the city. Cui Hao, who was hiding his body, asked in a foreign language. The five people actually knew and soon answered. With their narration, Cui Hao finally had a certain understanding of the city of science and technology.

This is a city with science and technology as the core strength. Those who have the talent of scientists are concentrated and trained to do research in various fields, while those who have no talent are classified as inferior, with low status and doing all kinds of trivial things. There are no companies or management departments here. There are only research institutes in various fields. The lower class is responsible for providing various services for the upper class of the Research Institute. All people respect science and technology and regard science and technology as their own life.

There are a total of 99 research institutes in the city of science and technology. They are engaged in research in all walks of life and respect the existence of a God called the God of science and technology. Every other year, they will send a god envoy to take away the research results of these people, and then give them new research fields and directions.

Through the description of these five white people, Cui Hao suddenly knows why there is such a city of science and technology here. Instead of entering this city, he quietly hid his body and headed north!

Humans living in this city of science and technology have long been used to the existence of the God of science and technology, but Cui Hao, an outsider, saw his purpose at a glance. All the answers, the terrible black mans' secrets and tokens should be in the so-called God of science and technology?

Having seen some high technologies in the city of science and technology, Cui Hao is actually very hot in his heart. He is eager to obtain these technologies. If he succeeds, his fraternity group will become a world-class business empire, and the whole earth will benefit from it and raise the technology to a new level!

In this way, Cui Hao headed north. He was shocked all the way, because he saw a similar city of science and technology again. Similarly, he believed in the mysterious God of science and Technology

Cui Hao became more and more curious about the God of science and technology he had never met. How does it exist? Is he a real wise man? However, Cui Hao doesn't like him very much, because he just stepped into this small world and met his gift, three laser cannons

Quietly hiding his body, Cui Hao kept moving forward. He met five such cities of science and technology all the way north. Without exception, they all devoutly believed in the God of science and technology and were obsessed with scientific and technological research.

Before he came to a city, Cui Hao would hypnotize several lower class people at the gate of the city. When he came to the fifth city, a lower class word caught his attention. According to this lower class, the God of science and technology will send an envoy every other year to take away the research results, and then give them new research fields and directions. In addition, he will quietly stay in the city of science and technology for a month and linger in 99 research institutes. He doesn't know what he is doing. Another point is that every person identified as gifted will be taken away for a period of time and assigned to the research institute after coming back.

No one knows where they were taken and what they did

All the way north, finally, Cui Hao came to a mountain. Here, he clearly felt the breath of the token and was immediately happy, so he accelerated forward.

At the same time, among the broken ships, the monsters gathered together again and communicated with their tentacles

"The outsider is not dead! The token in my body senses the breath of the outsider, and he is approaching! However, this feeling is very vague, just a general direction. What should I do?"

"Urge the light brain, stimulate its power, carry out super defense and super exploration!"

"No, if so, the light brain consumes too much power and will collapse soon!"

"The outsider is coming. His energy is extremely dangerous. If he comes to the ship, we will all die! In addition to controlling the light brain, our power is not as good as a human!"

"What should I do? Should I take that step?"

"That's the only way. Gather the power of wisdom and nourish the light brain. Those humans die when they die. Anyway, there are still some young children who can continue to develop science and technology in the future! In fact, even if there are no outsiders and our light brain energy is extremely scarce, we must carry out this plan!"

"Agree! Agree!..."

In the spaceship, more than 40 monsters collided with each other and finally reached an agreement. They spit out a light green brilliance together and all rushed into the bright light brain. At this moment, the light brain suddenly became much brighter and suddenly emitted an invisible fluctuation. In an instant, they made contact with the nine science and technology cities in the world, taking this as a node, Soon, I got in touch with so-called scientists.

In the bodies of these scientists, there is a strange and incomparable crystal light spot, which suddenly burns up, scientists scream, and a unique breath in the soul diffuses and blends into the crystal light spot

This is a very strange breath, full of wisdom. In an instant, ten science and technology cities and countless distinguished scientists screamed together. Then, they fell to the ground and died miserably one by one. Their bodies emit a little glittering light and contain wisdom. They all go north like thousands of swords!

"Oh, my God! What happened? All the distinguished scientists are dead!"

Ten cities of science and technology were shocked by this strange thing. Countless inferior people roared and screamed, but they didn't know. The so-called scientists are just chess pieces of these monsters. They are trained to help them study science and technology. If necessary, their light of wisdom can also gather to supplement the loss of light brain

Cui Hao didn't know about all this. He was approaching the token quickly. At the same time, in the broken spacecraft, the bright brain was rotating, sending out a cheerful voice. A little glittering light appeared out of thin air, and then he threw himself into it. More and more wisdom pervaded its surface

Looking at this scene nervously, more than 40 monsters held their breath. Finally, when the last light spot successfully integrated, the light brain has expanded a large circle and become more and more dazzling. It seems to follow an instinct, which indicates that there is a color mixed with black and white. At the same time, the bright brilliance began to converge and converge

"No! Damn it, how can this be?"

"No! The light brain has absorbed enough wisdom. Shouldn't it be completely stimulated? How can it fall into a deep sleep?"

"It's terrible! We forgot that this group of light brain is not complete and lacks intelligence. Now, under the condition of extreme lack of strength, it has finally been supplemented by the power of intelligence. It will naturally recover itself and fall into a deep sleep! This deep sleep will slowly regenerate its intelligence, but it will take at least some time to wake up!"

"Damn, I knew so long ago. We shouldn't let it absorb the power of wisdom. At least not now. Outsiders are approaching. Our situation is very dangerous!"

"There is no other way, only pray that the light brain can wake up before the outsiders come!"

In the broken ship, more than 40 monsters communicated with their tentacles. One by one, they were very angry and annoyed. Unfortunately, it was too late. Their biggest dependence fell into self-recovery, and Cui Hao was approaching quickly!

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