Following the induction of the test stone, Cui Hao quickly approached the target. At first, a sense of crisis rose in his heart, which was very strong. However, at one moment, this sense of crisis disappeared. This surprised Cui Hao. His understanding of the most sincere way coincided with the mystery of heaven and earth and the truth of natural operation. He had the ability to predict. It is reasonable that he should not fail. However, why did the sense of crisis disappear?

Cui Hao was puzzled, but his speed did not decrease and continued to approach quickly. Finally, a large open space appeared in front of him, and a ragged and huge spaceship oblique stabbed into the ground. There were holes everywhere. The induction of the token was transmitted from the hole.

What a big ship!

Having seen the headquarters of the four divine beasts, Cui Hao was only slightly surprised to see the huge broken ship. He still didn't feel the sense of crisis. Therefore, his body moved, suddenly turned into a streamer and flew towards the hole of the ship.

A moment later, Cui Hao appeared on the broken ship. In front of him, there were more than 40 strange creatures with light green skin. They looked very strange. They had eight arms and a fleshy tentacle on their head. Their breath was not strong. They looked at Cui Hao vigilantly.

After glancing at these strange creatures, Cui Hao immediately noticed a light ball suspended in the void, emitting a soft white light, giving people a feeling of infinite wisdom. Moreover, it seems to contain a magnificent and destructive force! At the moment of seeing this light ball, Cui Hao had an idea in his heart. This light ball is not simple!

These forty odd creatures rushed towards Cui Hao quickly. Their fleshy tentacles twisted and suddenly emitted a puff of green smoke. This smoke contains a terrible poison. For this, Cui Hao waved his hand suddenly, the wind roared, and the green smoke suddenly dispersed. Most of them hit the strange creatures, They immediately sent out harsh screams, and their bodies shrank rapidly, emitting black smoke, showing the intensity of the toxin.

In this case, there were only a dozen odd creatures left at once. Cui Hao stepped forward quickly and killed six with three fists and two feet. The remaining three were completely mastered by his hypnotic ability of stimulating the perspective eye. One of the three strange creatures contains a token on the sixth layer in his body. Cui Hao can clearly sense it with the help of the test stone.

After some exploration, Cui Hao found that the antennae of these strange creatures could send out a wave, and he could sense their general meaning. Therefore, Cui Hao began to inquire about strange creatures by using this method.

Through understanding, Cui Hao was soon shocked, because the strange creature in front of him was an alien creature! In other words, they are aliens. Rao Shicui Hao is well-informed. He has dealt with werewolves, eight clawed monsters and even brilliant giants, and his heart is still hard to calm down.

In addition to the identity of these strange creatures, another thing shocked Cui Hao, that is, what kind of light brain is the light ball suspended in the void! According to these strange creatures, it is an evolution of super intelligent computer, which contains a large amount of knowledge, and is the highest specification of an alien civilization. In addition, he also knew through strange creatures that the light brain suffered a heavy blow a long time ago. This group is a legacy part and lacks intelligence. In order to recover it, these strange creatures founded the city of science and technology, and it is because Cui Hao's arrival started the intelligent biochip in the body of countless scientists in the city of science and technology in advance, turning all their wisdom into the light of wisdom, Into the light brain. Originally, they wanted to supplement the serious energy shortage of the optical brain. Unexpectedly, something went wrong. The optical brain fell into a deep sleep and slowly recovered its own intelligence

Under hypnosis, the three strange creatures honestly told Cui Hao a lot of information. For example, their ancestors participated in a world war that year, but they were blown up by an invincible existence. Then they were thrown into the Tianbei small world. As for the white people here, they were also some traitors among the human beings on earth, All of them were thrown in.

In order to deal with himself, countless scientists in nine huge science and technology cities died, which shocked Cui Hao. In the eyes of these strange creatures, human beings are really like the mole ants they overlook, secretly controlling human life and death with the help of high technology. Although the ancestors of those white people were traitors to mankind, they all belonged to mankind after all. Cui Hao felt sorry for them.

After receiving so many shocking news, Cui Hao took a moment to fully digest it. He looked again at the light brain suspended in the void, full of endless wisdom, and his eyes were full of a desire!

This light brain contains too many high technologies, many of which are more high-end than today's human beings on earth. After all, these strange creatures were originally the product of scientific and technological civilization. They have developed for many years and have many wonders. Cui Hao is thinking at the moment, how can he get countless high-tech knowledge in the light brain? As long as he gets it, how can his fraternity group expand in an instant? Human scientific and technological civilization will therefore have a great leap! Even Cui Hao has an idea to find a way to get the overall planning and construction project of a city and take it as a pilot similar to the city of science and technology. I think the effect must be excellent!

Moreover, with the existence of light brain, what kind of situation will the fraternity health network platform joined by Yang Qingqing reach? Stabilize the world's first network platform, and even launch many more high-end network systems and software than human beings, such as void image and other technologies. How much profit will fraternity group make?

In addition to science and technology, the light brain contains a powerful attack defense system. Once opened, it is extremely powerful. Cui Hao has seen the way of attack. The terrible laser gun almost killed him. If it was not for the door of truth, Cui Hao would be killed. Moreover, the light brain also has a powerful killer mace, which consumes a lot of power. It can combine nine laser guns into a super laser gun. It's powerful and terrible! In addition to the laser cannon, there are other strange but absolutely terrible attack methods. What benefits will it be if these are obtained by the four divine beasts?

Cui Hao was very excited when he thought of this. He carefully asked the three strange creatures how to control the light brain. Finally, the method told by the other party made Cui Hao want to vomit blood. They sent a special electromagnetic wave through their own tentacles, made a certain contact with the light brain, and then used some special methods to control. In short, it was very complex!

Cui Hao naturally doesn't have any tentacles and can't send out any unique electromagnetic waves. Therefore, after thinking over and over again, he decided to ask the spirit of Skynet. The other party is mysterious and unpredictable. Maybe there are some ways.

Cui Hao had no pity for these three strange creatures. When he slapped them, they were directly exploded, and the token naturally leaked out and fell into Cui Hao's hand.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

With the token obtained by Cui Hao, a figure appeared in front of him out of thin air. It was the spirit of Skynet. He smiled and looked at Cui Hao with great satisfaction.

At the same time, in the Skynet hall, the silent skytablet suddenly vibrated and hummed. At this moment, it erupted into a strong brilliance. At the moment, seven or eight old antiques guarding Skynet are chatting. Seeing this situation, they immediately watched nervously.

"Hua la..."

Under their attention, Cui Hao's name on the Tianbei was blooming, dazzling, suddenly expanded, and soared more than three times in an instant. Originally, his name stood side by side with Tang Xiao, William and the old man in the mountains and ranked the second line at the top of the Tianbei. At the moment, he suddenly jumped beyond the second line and directly arrived at the first line, keeping pace with the first yangjitian!

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