The temple of heaven shook, and Cui Hao's name broke out again. He went even further and reached the level of keeping pace with Yang sacrificing heaven. This scene completely shocked the people in Tianwang hall. Although everyone is very optimistic about Cui Hao, it is beyond imagination that he can compete with Tang Xiao and others. Unexpectedly, he went so against the sky and passed the seventh level. His potential is tied with Yang sacrificing heaven.

Is this Cui Hao's limit? Will he continue to challenge? Can he pass the eighth level?

At this moment, a group of old antiques in the Skynet hall were very excited and couldn't help thinking of this problem. If it was before, they might think it impossible. Too many talents have conducted Skynet assessment. It's rare to pass the sixth level. Is the eighth floor? So far, no one has succeeded!

At the moment, among the tattered spaceships, the spirit of Skynet appeared out of thin air, smiled at Cui Hao and said, "little guy, Congratulations, you have successfully passed the seventh level! I have squeezed a cold sweat for you, but I didn't expect that your treasure that can store things can interweave truth and falsehood, confuse truth with falsehood, good, good..."

With a modest smile, Cui Hao hurriedly pointed to the light brain and asked, "do you know this light brain? Do I have any way to refine the light brain? It has a large amount of high-tech knowledge stored inside. In addition, there are many civilization records and so on. These are too precious. I really want to get them!"

For Cui Hao's inquiry, the spirit of Skynet was not surprised at all, smiled "Of course I know the magic of this light brain. At that time, the master also valued the extraordinary brain and thought that it was very valuable to study. So it was thrown into the small world of the heavens after the explosion of the spaceship. Over the years, the original light brain has collapsed for several times, leaving only such a group of light brain essence. This time, the group of monsters absorbed countless human wisdom and finally excited. The potential of the light brain made it fall into a deep sleep and began to breed the wisdom again. Once it is completed, I believe it will be more extraordinary. In fact, I am also a special spiritual existence. Therefore, it is clear that this kind of wisdom is pregnant. It is now like an embryo. If you can inject your own blood, the gene will brand itself and the soul of its birth Will be your most loyal subordinate. Of course, I don't know the specific situation. Decide for yourself. "

Hearing such words from the spirit of Skynet, Cui Hao was immediately excited. He coveted the light brain very much. It would be great if he could successfully brand his genes and make him his most loyal subordinate! However, Cui Hao hesitated a little, because the spirit of Skynet didn't dare to guarantee it, but just suggested.

Everything is risky. Maybe his carelessness will lead to light brain collapse. However, Cui Hao thought again and again and decided to seize this opportunity and try.

At present, Cui Hao expressed his gratitude to the spirit of Skynet, came to the light brain and began to recognize the LORD with blood.

"Tick, tick, tick..."

Cui Hao's blood fell on the light brain in the bright light group state bit by bit. He didn't respond at all. Instead, his blood slipped down and he didn't absorb the slightest.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple..." Cui Hao sighed slightly, disappointed.

Originally, Cui Hao still held great hope. As long as he succeeded in branding, he might be able to obtain this precious light brain, but unexpectedly, he failed and didn't draw any blood at all.

Cui Hao was not reconciled to this situation, so he tried other means, but it was useless. Finally, he had an idea, urged the perspective golden light, and shone towards the light brain.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

Cui Hao was pleasantly surprised. With the exposure of the perspective golden light, the optical brain reacted, shook, slowly absorbed the perspective golden light, and sent out a cheering buzzing sound. It seemed to be asking Cui Hao for more.

"If you want to get perspective golden light, you must first absorb my blood..." Cui Hao also sent out such an idea, which was transmitted with special fluctuations.

Guangnao seemed to understand Cui Hao's words and sent out a wave to agree. Therefore, when Cui Hao recognized the Lord again, he smiled, because guangnao was sucking his blood and swallowing it into guangnao.


Because of Cui Hao's massive blood injection, the whole light brain exudes a kind of light red brilliance. Cui Hao vaguely feels that he has formed a special connection with the light brain and seems to be able to slightly command its actions. In addition, Cui Hao clearly feels that a breath is slowly pregnant and has a very close relationship with himself. He knows that, This is the idea of the rebirth of guangnao, because the injection of Cui Hao's blood and his genes are branded on it, which can be regarded as the completion of preliminary refining.

I don't know why this light brain is so eager to see through the golden light. Therefore, Cui Hao continues to put the perspective golden light into it. He feels that his control over the light brain has increased. Now, his new will is pregnant and has a close spiritual connection with himself. Cui Hao believes that once it is born, he can completely master this light brain!

Cui Hao was very satisfied with this situation, so he manipulated his mind and incorporated his light brain into the door of truth.

The spirit of Skynet has been silently watching all this. Seeing Cui Hao's successful refining of optical brain, he said happily, "great! I just guessed that it was possible, but I didn't expect you to succeed! This optical brain contains a lot of wisdom and technology. As long as you can make rational use of it, it will be of great benefit to you in the future!"

Cui Hao agreed with this statement of the spirit of Skynet. He smiled and thanked, "thank you for your advice. If not, I haven't decided to refine."

After waving his hand, the spirit of Skynet said with a smile, "don't thank me, little guy. I'm very optimistic about you and it's normal to help you. Well, now that this matter has been solved, let's talk about the reward."

After that, the spirit of Skynet stared at Cui Hao and said, "according to the rules left by the master, you can get 700 points and the qualification to choose a unique skill at one time. There are 81 unique skills inheritance, all of which are left by the master. You can choose one."

"What? Eighty one unique skills? So many?" Cui Hao was surprised at the speech and couldn't help crying out.

Seeing Cui Hao like this, the spirit of Skynet is very proud "What's this? My master's strength is a super strong person who surpasses the general level of magic power! Generally, if you reach the level of magic power, you can create many unique skills, not to mention my master. It's very simple to create some unique skills! If you can pass the Ninth level in the future, you can also obtain magic power! Unique skills are just the simplest introduction to magic power." The tone was understated, and the spirit of Skynet looked proud.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was shocked. He thought he had seen a lot of big scenes. However, the owner of Skynet spirit completely shocked him!

Taking a deep breath, Cui Hao tried to calm his mood. Then he smiled and said, "what are the 81 unique skills? Can you tell me so that I can choose?"

Hearing the speech, the spirit of Skynet shook his head and said with a smile, "this can't be done. The master's rule is that you immediately choose a number and naturally you can get its corresponding unique skill. You can't choose No. 1. It's called Yang sacrificing heaven. You've chosen it."

"I see..." Cui Hao suddenly.

After thinking for a while, Cui Hao finally said with a smile, "in that case, I'll choose No. 66, which is more smooth."

"What? No. 66? Ha ha..."

Hearing Cui Hao's choice, the spirit of Skynet was stunned, and then laughed, with a very strange expression.

Seeing its posture, Cui Hao was misty and said, "is this... Very funny?"

With a bright smile, the spirit of Skynet had a touch of drama in his eyes and said, "this... You'll know later. I can only say that you chose a very good unique skill!"

When saying these three words very well, the spirit of Skynet deliberately accentuated the tone, which contains special meaning.

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