Seeing the meaningful smile of the spirit of Skynet, I don't know why, Lin Qingfeng was awestruck and secretly guessed that the unique skill he chose was... Very extraordinary!

Lin Qingfeng didn't have to wait too long, and the spirit of Skynet didn't know what to do. A simple jade card was thrown directly to Cui Hao. At the same time, it smiled and said, "66 is really a lucky number. You are blessed!"

Reaching out, Cui Hao took the jade plate. It's not the first time he has obtained the unique skill level. He knows that Kung Fu at this level is branded in the top beautiful jade with soul power, and can only be passed on once or several times.

Holding this jade plate, Cui Hao looked at it. The jade plate was bright and smooth. There were only five handwriting on it. It was an ancient seal. Fortunately, Cui Hao studied this handwriting very well and immediately understood it.

At one glance, Cui Hao was stunned and looked stunned.

"How? How?"

At this moment, Cui Hao felt confused and forced. He just wanted to inherit a unique skill. Why did he choose such a best? He felt a little messy and finally understood why the spirit of Skynet teased himself. It was because of this!

Originally, on this jade plate, there are five ancient seal characters "great joy Zen!"

Happy Zen, Cui Hao still has some understanding. Isn't it the silver thief Kung Fu of picking Yin and tonifying yang? With a big character, isn't it? In many Chinese TV dramas, many of them are good at this kind of Kung Fu. They like to sneak into a good woman's house at night to do that shameless thing. They also call it practicing Zen Kung Fu. Every time he saw such a flower monk's TV play, Cui Hao almost gnashed his teeth and despised their actions. Unexpectedly, he spent thousands of hardships and finally obtained the qualification to draw a unique school. Unexpectedly, he even drew such a thing!

Cui Hao's face was slightly black. He was very upset. His eyebrows could not help wrinkling. He didn't understand why such Kung Fu was put into the unique skill, and it was left by the master of the spirit of Skynet. Is there anything else to take from this shameless Kung Fu?

After Cui Hao picked up the jade card, the spirit of Skynet has been carefully observing his expression and witnessed many emotions appearing on his face. It is very interesting to laugh. In fact, all Cui Hao's performances are completely expected.

With a sigh, Cui Hao asked, "excuse me, can I change it? This great joy Zen method is not suitable for me!"

"Oh? Why is it not suitable for you? Do you know that the 9981 unique skill in my hand can definitely be ranked in the top three! This is a real ancient Chinese Kung Fu with a long history. Now I'm afraid it has long been lost. At most, only some wrong versions have been circulated, which led to the great joy Zen. You think it's very unbearable. Buddhism has a long history, and later Because of different ideas, Zen created the Dharma of great joy Zen. It understands the true meaning of yin and Yang. It is very mysterious. It is a real powerful Kung Fu integrated into all things in heaven and earth. What is recorded in your jade card is the most authentic great joy Zen, which is not a evil skill of picking Yin and tonifying yang! "With a smile, the spirit of Tianwang opened his mouth.

Cui Hao knows the origin of Buddhism and Zen. Zen is a major sect of Chinese Buddhism. Before the sixth generation of ancestors, there was only one person in each generation, which is similar to the concession of Yao, Shun and Yu in ancient times. Zen advocates "a separate biography outside the religion, without writing, pointing directly at the people's heart and becoming Buddha through experience", also known as the Buddhist heart sect. It is said that the founder was Bodhidharma. Later, Huike Lixue was able to pass on the true meaning. When Huineng, the sixth ancestor, thoroughly carried forward Zen and became a famous Buddhist family in China.

Hearing this, Cui Hao frowned and asked, "what do you mean, it's not an evil and heretical Kung Fu of picking Yin and tonifying yang? What is it? Is it a Buddhist Classic?"

Smiling, the spirit of Skynet was patient, explained "What heterodox doctrines are not evil, of course, is the most fundamental and essential embodiment of yin and Yang Avenue. It is not easy to fully comprehend, but the most important thing is how to integrate heaven and man, and to achieve the same frequency with the universe. And with the perfect complementary state of yin and Yang, this frequency can be shared with one's partners. A kind of real happiness and great improvement, and release your potential! Of course, I heard my master say something at the beginning. You still have to refine yourself to know the specific situation. According to the rules, it is impossible to change other unique skills, and you can give up inheritance. "

Hearing the explanation of the spirit of Skynet, Cui Hao was very excited and wanted to see something. Naturally, he would not give up. He shook his head hurriedly and said he would not give up.

Therefore, according to the instructions of the spirit of Skynet, Cui Hao completed the refining with blood essence. In an instant, the whole jade plate burst into brilliance at this moment, which completely shrouded Cui Hao into it. Then, Cui Hao shouted "great joy Zen, inheritance and opening!"

Suddenly, Cui Hao felt confused. A large number of obscure words rushed into Cui Hao's mind. Along with them, there were countless pictures and images, all of which made people's heart beat faster. However, to Cui Hao's surprise, although these pictures were very popular, the men and women in the pictures were particularly solemn and had a taste of piety. It seems that this is not true Is doing that kind of thing, but in worship, pious worship in general!

"The cultivation of color acupoints is a kind of lower and inferior cultivation. It mixes turbid qi and consumes essence. It embraces the unity of heaven and earth, operates the heart of heaven and earth, and uses the method of Xuanmen to achieve the highest level of double cultivation of soul. Heaven and earth are one, yuan magnetic resonance, the baptism of yin and Yang of heaven and earth, both benefit, and the soul is washed. In the past, there are endless wonderful uses. Cultivating this method requires compassion, gathering thousands of compassion in one, great compassion and great power Hongyuan, concentrate on nothing else, and the road of yin and Yang lies in the heart, so you can understand... "

Cui Hao is now savoring these words. His heart is shocked. From the initial disdain and doubt to the later dignified and shocked, Cui Hao deeply understands that, as the spirit of Skynet said, this great joy Zen method is the real avenue of yin and Yang. Although some people don't understand its path, it is the most essential cultivation method, pointing directly to the essence!

In fact, life, old age, death, and the principle of human relations are the most instinctive things of creatures. It's just that there are too many sinister Kung Fu such as Yin and Yang in the world. Therefore, the great joy Zen has been misinterpreted and distorted.

I don't know how long later, the inheritance of the great joy Zen ended, but Cui Hao was deeply shocked. He tasted the essence of yin and Yang. The so-called solitary Yin does not grow, solitary Yang does not grow, yin and Yang complement each other, and humanity is always prosperous. In fact, these words and sentences contain profound and incomparable mysteries, which can only be understood but unspeakable. At this moment, under the inheritance of the great joy Zen, Cui Hao has a unique understanding of it.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

I don't know how long he had been enlightened. Cui Hao was shocked by the mystery contained in the great joy Zen. He couldn't help but be elated and shocked inexplicably.

Seeing Cui Hao's posture, this time it's the spirit of Skynet's turn to be stunned. I didn't expect Cui Hao to have a deep understanding so soon. Does he still have Buddha's fate?

Cui Hao naturally has Buddha's fate. When he practiced medicine in the world, he treated 10000 patients just following them in the summer. Later, he treated many poor and needy people for many times. He can be described as a living Buddha. The original Buddha light contained in him can almost condense the circle of Buddha light. Once he understood the great joy Zen Dharma, he immediately felt like a fish in water and made rapid progress, Soon there was a leap forward improvement, and the whole person's understanding of the great joy Zen continued to improve.

In this way, Cui Hao stood quietly on the spot and began to understand the great joy Zen. He smiled, frowned, and wondered. Time was flowing slowly, and day and night passed.

At one moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and had a enlightened smile on his face. It took him a day and a night. Relying on the large amount of original Buddha light contained in himself, Cui Hao understood the great joy Zen in one breath.

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