Wrapped in this bright light, an invisible ripple penetrated into Cui Hao's body, making him suddenly fall into a state of ignorance. Soon, he lost himself, but a little spiritual light of his heart was flashing. With this invisible ripple, changes were taking place slowly

Cui Hao forgot himself at this moment. His original heart changed slowly. I don't know how long it has passed. He has become a born baby. He is a noble childe born in the royal family. He has rich clothes and food, sits on thousands of hectares of fertile land and has many servants. His whole life has passed slowly. He has studied, grown up, married and had children... Different from other noble CHILDES, Cui Hao is very charitable and kind-hearted. He can always sympathize with the minds of the poor. He has done good deeds all his life and died at the age of 77

This is a person's life. It seems very long, but in fact, the reality is only a period of time. This is not the result. It's just the beginning. The soul of his life is still changing. Cui Hao was born again. This time, he was born in a bandit's nest. He is a weak little bandit. He has been influenced by the ruffian spirit of the bandits since childhood. Therefore, when he grew up, he went to kill, burn and loot like them. One day, he met a girl, and the two liked each other, Soon together. However, the bandits knew about it. They killed the girl. Cui Hao went crazy and wept day and night. Then he took revenge with the girl's body

Time passed slowly. Under the action of that invisible ripple, Cui Hao was constantly experiencing strange birth, old age and death. In fact, all this was his original heart and a little spirit running independently. At the same time, on Cui Hao's body, there is a dark object that presents the posture of a portal, but it trembles and trembles under the invisible ripples. At a certain moment, some small cracks begin to appear on its surface, which is the noumenon of the door of truth!

In fact, this is because the invisible ripples felt the breath of other creatures on Cui Hao, so they began to erode according to a rule. If Cui Hao is the leader, the gate of truth may be able to resist this strange and terrible attack. However, at the moment, Cui Hao's soul is confused, leaving only a little of his own life. His soul is also involved in the strange reincarnation experience. It can be said that it is difficult to protect himself.

The gate of truth is extremely powerful. Truth and falsehood are intertwined, which can form a strange psychedelic scene that looks like truth and illusion. However, under the attack of this invisible ripple, it can't bear it. From time to time, there will be fine cracks. Lin Qingfeng doesn't know that he is falling into a strange cycle.

It seems that there is no end to this cycle. During this period, Cui Hao has experienced the lives of various characters, including emperors, porters, teachers, butchers, virtuous and foolish beings, and all kinds of human beings. Each character is bound to experience his own love and hatred, lifelong pursuit and regret, and Cui Hao follows his own heart, Among them, when I was a scholar, I went to the cliff to collect medicine for my confidant, and nearly fell off the cliff. There was the solemn and stirring of being a great general, walking across the battlefield and finally wrapped up in a horse's clothes. There was the pride of being named on the golden list on a spring night

After a lifetime of 999 different roles and types, at one moment, Cui Hao's original soul gushed out a light golden brilliance. It was slowly transforming and sublimating. Cui Hao felt unprecedented comfortable and his soul was transparent and comfortable. At this moment, his soul was so sober, and a satisfied voice sounded vaguely "Yes, you have experienced 999 characters in your life. Your original heart has always been kind, obedient and caring for all sentient beings in the world. This is what I value most. You meet! However, you have only passed my first level, and the second level is waiting for you..."

At this moment, Lin Qingfeng's soul woke up, but there was a heavy feeling of soul. Those experiences made him feel that he had a sense of purpose. Soon, these memories continued to emerge like a tide, and all of them were integrated into Cui Hao's soul and began to integrate with him

Instinctively, Cui Hao wants to stop this fusion. However, it's too turbulent. Even if he is Chunyang soul, he can't do it at all. The most important thing is that these memories perfectly fit with his original soul. They were born under his guidance. Strictly speaking, they are also his memories

"Hoo Hoo Hoo......"

In an instant, 999 kinds of pictures and imprints of memories and experiences poured into Cui Hao's soul. Suddenly, his soul was like a lonely boat drifting in the sea, which could only drift with the waves.

More and more, more and more

Finally, Cui Hao's pure Yang soul is dim and covered by layers of things. There is a feeling of dust. Moreover, this situation is becoming more and more serious. He feels that his soul has absorbed some branding and pictures. It seems that his soul has increased a little. However, this growth is not directly proportional to Cui Hao's dust!

"No! Resist! Be sure to resist!"

Soon, Cui Hao knows what this test is. His own life soul is dominant and has opened countless soul reincarnation memories. Now, these souls will return in an instant, and what he has to do is to help his soul resist this impact and precipitate! Boredom, boredom, anger, laughter, slack, encouragement, loneliness, sadness, blood, joy, love All kinds of emotions are also used, endless.

Although Cui Hao can feel that this integration seems to increase his Chunyang soul, it is like a lonely boat of the son of the storm, more and more unstable and dangerous.

As long as he could, Cui Hao insisted. The sense of heaviness became more and more intense. Chunyang's soul gradually blurred, as if it had been enchanted. Cui Hao's consciousness gradually became confused

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

At this time, it seemed to feel the change of Cui Hao's soul. The silent Wanjie Tianzhu turned violently. It suddenly vibrated in a special and incomparable way, and the golden light was emitted again and integrated into its pure Yang soul. With this integration, those heavy memories and emotions, all like boiling soup and snow, dissipated rapidly and disappeared completely soon, as if they had never appeared.

At this moment, Cui Hao felt that his soul was unspeakably comfortable, as if he had unloaded a heavy burden at once. At this moment, he suddenly realized why all these memories and emotions disappeared, because although they were born under the guidance of his own soul, his pure Yang soul was still and confused at that time, I didn't feel their breath, so both sides are still in a strange state, and naturally there will be all kinds of adverse reactions. Fortunately, with the help of Wanjie Tianzhu, everything has been saved.

"It turned out that all the emotions and memories just now were born because of the mutual influence of the fate of the soul, and the ID is the real me. It has never changed. It is like rain. The rain falls on the ground and is contaminated with dust. However, after baking in the hot sun, it rises and turns into steam and goes to heaven again. It turns into rain. It is still clear , those dust left on the earth, I see, I see... "

Thinking like this in his heart, Cui Hao is quiet at the moment. He feels his true nature, which is a pure and flawless essence.

At this time, Cui Hao noticed that his own door of truth was slowly collapsing. There were already several cracks on it. As his master, Cui Hao instantly felt that his most fundamental mysterious texture intertwined true and false had collapsed. Now, only the internal small world still exists. There are no special effects except storage function! Moreover, if the door of truth continues to collapse, its inner small world will collapse, and it will really fall into a big collapse!

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