With the help of Wanjie Tianzhu, Cui Hao saved himself from danger and realized his true nature more clearly. However, he knew that this was not the end, because the invisible ripples had not completely dissipated. Moreover, he was still shrouded in the bright light, and the assessment continued!

In addition to worrying about the next assessment, Cui Hao also found the damage of the door of truth. Several obvious cracks appeared on its surface, and the interwoven true and false textures were damaged! It seems that the invisible ripples feel the breath of living creatures inside and want to rush in! But fortunately, although the door of truth was broken, the blood families of the Munster family were safe for the time being.

Cui Hao was not given too much time to observe and think. The invisible ripples became more and more turbulent. Even if Cui Hao realized the true nature now, a powerful invisible force was surging and had an impact, which made him fall into a kind of confusion again.

This time, Cui Hao did not experience the birth cycle again. Such a picture appeared in front of him. In the endless chaos, a mysterious force was sweeping through, full of boundless compassion and majesty. In an instant, it evolved and changed. Soon, the sun, moon and stars appeared, flowers, birds, fish and insects, rivers and mountains, and human beings began to derive gradually.

In front of Cui Hao, there is an original and vast heaven and earth. There are the fragrance of birds and flowers, the gurgling streams, violent storms, volcanic eruptions, raging floods, happy harvests, and countless creatures. Wild animals, primitive humans and everything carry out crazy killing in order to compete for food, territory and spouses. There is chaos everywhere, There is no rule or order.

This kind of scene is absolutely shocking and deeply amazing!

At this time, a strange voice rang through his mind "I will give you strength, short-term strength. I want to see what kind of world you can build, which is a really powerful world. At the beginning, I was recognized by the origin of the earth. I once experienced such a choice. Although I thought it was good, I didn't get its recognition. If your choice can make me stay in a group of the origin of the earth in the question array Recognition, even if you pass this level! Remember, there is only one chance, and time is limited...... "

After Cui Hao heard this sound in his mind, he felt that a mysterious power poured into his body. He temporarily had a terrible power. It seemed that everything he did could have a great impact on the illusory world and all creatures in front of him.

In fact, none of this is true. Cui Hao fell into a brilliant and strange fantasy. He cooperated with the origin of the earth to make the assessment more brilliant.

There is no doubt that this voice should be left by Skynet master. He once experienced a similar assessment. However, what he experienced should be the assessment of the real origin of the earth, and now Cui Hao is only facing the recognition of the origin of the earth. Cui Hao can hear that Skynet master regretted and regretted when he said this thing. Obviously, he didn't really get it in the end The recognition of the origin of the earth, so even if you get it, you can only treasure it and can't refine it for your own use.

Falling into the illusory realm of wisdom, Cui Hao has the powerful power of the creator, which is a very unique feeling. He overlooks all living beings and sees all kinds of all living beings, but he can't help feeling dignified and superior in his heart.

Detached, independent and overlooking all living beings, this feeling has no personal experience and will never be realized.

Now, with limited time, Cui Hao naturally can't waste his time in this feeling. He knows that everything is illusory, and so is his power. He must make a choice as soon as possible. How can he build a truly powerful world!

First of all, Cui Hao thought of order and rules. Without rules, there is no place. This chaotic state of hegemony is too chaotic. We must create order and formulate rules, just like..... The way of heaven! Yes, it is the rules of heaven and earth, and we should also determine the rules ourselves!

In an instant, Cui Hao thought of many things. For example, he used this power to evolve an invincible existence, preside over the world, dominate all creatures, formulate rules, and make them live and become powerful in their own way! For example, he differentiated power, turned into various parts, and guided all creatures to modern civilized life, instead of being primitive, drinking blood and wild It's hard to tame! For example, re plan the mountains and rivers of heaven and earth and turn itself into a wonderful array, which can continuously breed the creatures and make them think they are powerful, such as

Countless ideas are brewing in her heart. At the same time, Cui Hao has a feeling. Ten minutes, and she has only ten minutes to create, because the origin of the earth is stimulated and the evolution of such a dreamland can only last ten minutes.

Time was pressing. Since he had countless ideas, Cui Hao immediately began to implement them. First of all, he spent a lot of power to turn the whole world into a huge spiritual matrix. After completion, the world suddenly changed and became more extraordinary. Everything absorbed a lot of precious auras and achieved great improvement. He spent more than half of his power to differentiate an invincible body , he presided over the world, controlled all creatures, formulated various rules and orders for heaven and earth, divided countless parts, and began to guide the survival of all creatures

"Ah ah..."

Cui Hao's statue saved a savage who escaped from a tiger's mouth. He crawled on the ground with a pious expression on his face. He kowtowed to him constantly. He was surprised to see Cui Hao pick up two stones and collide, giving birth to sparks and igniting firewood. He understood and became the firewood surname among savages.

In a primeval forest, Cui Hao's part points to the bird's nest in the tree and signals the savage that it is safer to live on it. A savage understands and dances. He is called Youchao

On the vast lake, python rushed out of the lake. They wanted to eat and kill the creatures around the lake. Cui Hao appeared and pointed. Their wild eyes were full of fear and trembling. Finally, they fled back to the lake. Cui Hao's body was making rules and not allowed to kill at will

Time passes slowly, one minute, two minutes, three minutes, five minutes

As the creator of the world, Cui Hao really felt the great changes in the world. Under his guidance and intervention, he became orderly, and everything became somewhat orderly. He felt the fear and despair of the beast for his own separation, and the joy, reverence and awe of mankind, Cui Hao couldn't help but feel that he was high above the world.

Because of this feeling, Cui Hao had an artistic conception of turning his hand over the clouds and covering his hand with rain, but he frowned slightly. I don't know why he felt unhappy.

Cui Hao doesn't know why he feels like this. However, it really exists. It's very clear. He overlooks the world he created. Everything is in order and everything is moving towards the good. Moreover, many rules and orders have been created. There is an invincible statue that consumes almost half of his strength. In this world, Should it be regarded as a vigorous and vigorous world? At this moment, Cui Hao had such an idea in his heart.

Vigorous and vigorous

In vain, Cui Hao seems to have grasped something. He has captured some things in these two words. It is precisely because of these things that he feels unhappy.

At one moment, looking at the various manifestations of endless creatures, Cui Hao was shocked and suddenly caught the source of unhappiness. He thought so in his heart "Thousands of creatures are controlled by the creator and survive according to the established route. Once they violate the rules and order, they will fall into all kinds of disasters and be prosperous and humiliated with the controller. For the creator, there are only fear and despair, or worship and pray. Even if such creatures have soul and body, where can they be regarded as creatures? There is no independence The soul of Li, how terrible is this? Guide... Spiritual rule... I understand! "

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