Cui Hao thought hard and finally had a flash of inspiration. He understood that he had clearly created a world that looked vigorous and upward from order. However, the reason for his inner unhappiness. Because the world he created only looks vigorous and upward. In fact, everything has been set in advance by him. All creatures must live according to his regulations. If they exceed the rules, what they wait for is the coming of the scourge!

In fact, why Cui Hao realized this so quickly is because he himself is an anti heaven genius locked by heaven and earth and may come to heaven at any time. Let's sympathize with each other. He understands the difficulty of this kind of creature more. Is it true that if you go beyond the rules and the rules, you must be destroyed by the scourge?

"Great terror! What kind of shit world is the world created like this? On the surface, it seems to be thriving, and all creatures are booming, but in fact, they are still overlooking. There is no slightest self, and they are completely controlled by the creator. Turning over their hands is life, turning over their hands is death, and thinking of life and death! Such creatures only have soul and body However, they lack all hope. Such creatures have no real freedom! Yes! Real freedom, their freedom to grow and flourish, has been strangled! They have been strangled by the rules I set and the invincible separation in charge. They are not real creatures! "

At this moment, Cui Hao had such a thought in his heart. He fell into deep thought. For the first time, he began to think about the meaning of life in a real sense. Is it a dogfight, or the pursuit of true self?

The mystery of creation condenses, so that countless creatures have unlimited potential, but this potential is strangled by life. What kind of helplessness is this, and what kind of mood are countless creatures? At this moment, Cui Hao has a feeling of empathy, and his heart is very creepy in vain. Is the earth also created by an invincible creator? All creatures should live according to his rules. If they surpass the rules, they will attract heaven's wrath?

This thought made Cui Hao feel creepy and surprised. If so, it would be... Terrible!

Take a deep breath. Cui Hao tried to ease his mood and buried this terrible guess deep in his heart, because the existence of this problem is too terrible. It is far from what he can involve now. Too much thinking will affect himself.

"Time is running out! I have to change!"

At this time, eight minutes have passed, and there is really not much time left for Cui Hao. His mind turns and he thinks of changing the world he created before. It looks vibrant, but it makes countless creatures lose their free world! Cui Hao has no doubt about this practice. He is very firm in his heart. Perhaps the owner of Skynet, like himself, created a regular world and civilization, but missed the origin of the earth?

For a world, there is no need for a supreme God who overlooks all sentient beings and makes all sentient beings worship and pray, because this will cut off the enterprising road of all sentient beings, make them lose the way to pursue their true self, lack the freedom of soul, and lose the complete freedom of thought. Everyone will become rigid, confused and gloomy, just like a pool of stagnant water.

At this moment, Cui Hao couldn't help but think of a sentence in the Chinese mysterious book of changes. There are no dragons, and the world is blessed. Before, he didn't understand why there was such a saying. Now, he understands, because the heavens are boundless, there are endless creatures, and everyone is like a dragon. The so-called group of dragons without a head is not a state of chaos, but a process of natural selection and competition. As long as you work hard, everyone can be a dragon, and everywhere is filled with a state of high spirited, radical, confident and brave, Is the real good luck in the world!

"Yes, that's it! The dragon has no head and the world is blessed. I should not change and create an invincible existence to frighten the four sides. What I need is to give them a free soul! A completely free soul!" a simple and incomparable idea came into my heart, and a smile appeared on Cui Hao's face.

There was only the last minute left. Cui Hao no longer had the slightest concern. Without hesitation, he directly destroyed many of the rules and orders he had made. He directly disintegrated the invincible existence that dominated the four directions and made its energy rush into the bodies of all creatures. At the same time, Cui Hao also passed on this spirit of everyone like a dragon. He wanted to make the world different, Truly achieve no leader, the world is lucky!

"Clatter, clatter..."

At the moment, Cui Hao still has the invincible power of the controller. Therefore, under his action, the whole world changed greatly, lost the rules and order, and gave the world a real freedom again. In such a moment, there is an invisible breeze blowing through the world, which is unspeakably fresh and natural. There is a feeling of moistening things silently. With the breeze, many creatures have changed. This change is from the inside to the outside.

Cui Hao knows that they have obtained an independent soul, and uphold the spirit of everyone like a dragon!

In the wilderness, a group of savages are galloping, but their weak bodies burst out a very powerful breath, which is a breath that can be explored infinitely, high spirited, positive and enterprising, full of vitality!

Vitality! True vitality is not the kind of vitality containing magnificent vitality, but an invisible but real power. It connects the flesh and soul of these savages. Once it breaks out, even ordinary savages have extraordinary power.

In the forest, tigers lurk, python strangle, antelopes run like arrows. Every creature is working hard for themselves. Maybe they are for a handful of grass, for a clear spring, or for a delicious meal, but no matter what it is, their lives are full of infinite possibilities and infinite hope!

All this was seen in Cui Hao's eyes. He was very pleased and couldn't help laughing. At this moment, the time came. The world he founded was not as powerful as it had been created before. Even, it was still a primitive ignorant state. It was full of raw hair and blood everywhere, and its wild nature was difficult to tame. However, it was full of real vitality, because these creatures were all free souls, There is an artistic conception of everyone like a dragon and good luck in the world!

"Click! CLICK! Click..."

Cui Hao vaguely heard a broken voice. It seemed that the world was collapsing. At the same time, on the last layer of the small world of the monument, a vast and endless atmosphere was rolling. It was unspeakable noble, mysterious, pure and holy. It was a really high atmosphere that people couldn't help worshipping at a glance!

At the moment, this mighty breath is rolling, sending out bursts of beautiful sounds like the sound of nature. The sound is extremely clear, like the upper stream of clear spring stone, and it seems that the guzheng is playing gently, with an unspeakable beautiful natural charm, full of fluctuations of comfort and praise!

This wonderful sound not only appeared in the last layer of Tianbei small world, but also fluctuated to the eighth layer, rippling in Cui Hao's mind. He can't imagine what exists to make this wonderful sound. However, Cui Hao knows that it must be extremely noble, great, pure and boundless!

After a moment, the wonderful note disappeared.

"Click, click, click..."

At this moment, Cui Hao's strange dreamland broke. He resumed the Qingming Festival again, rose out from the ground, and the bright object disappeared. The Golden Circle suddenly converged, turned into a dazzling golden light, and jumped in Cui Hao's palm. I don't know what it is.

Successfully passed!

At this moment, Cui Hao's heart was so happy that he couldn't help laughing. Finally, after so many dangers, the terrible torture trial of his heart was finally over, and he was a thousand difficulties and dangers. He succeeded in breaking through the barrier!

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