At the moment, standing in front of the hut, Cui Hao looked at the golden light shining in his palm, stunned, did he pass the pass? Have you finally passed?


Just then, a body appeared out of thin air. It was the spirit of Skynet. It was very excited and laughed "I've passed the pass! Little fellow, oh, no, I guess I'll change my name to master in the future. Congratulations, future master, you have successfully passed the pass! Unexpectedly, you have really succeeded. There are three super geniuses in the eighth pass. Unfortunately, they have become skeletons. They can't even pass the rotation of the soul of the millennium, let alone the final assessment. You passed, too All right! "

It can be seen that the spirit of Skynet is very excited and his attitude towards Cui Hao has changed greatly. When Cui Hao failed to pass this level, he has always assumed a high-ranking attitude. Now, he has put down his attitude and flattered Cui Hao.

Cui Hao was also very happy to be able to break through the pass successfully. He nodded and said with a smile, "this time is really dangerous. I'm also close to death. This is the adventure and finally succeeded. By the way, what's the golden light in my hand?"

The spirit of Skynet nodded and said, "this level is really dangerous. The golden light ball in your hand is used to transmit images and words. Its value is incomparably expensive, but it can store images for a long time. This is what the owner left. I don't know."

After saying this, the spirit of Skynet instructed Cui Hao and soon activated the golden light group. When he saw the golden light group soaring and turned into an immortal, kind-hearted old man, the spirit of Skynet couldn't help crying. This is the image of his master!

Smiling, the old man said "Congratulations, the latecomer, who can successfully activate the golden light ball left by me, shows that you have passed my eighth level assessment and successfully obtained the recognition of the origin of the earth. Unexpectedly, I have nothing successful. I am very glad that later generations have completed it. I am very glad that you can obtain its recognition. After you really step into the level of divine power, you can come to the Ninth level again, There is the real heritage I left to you. As long as you worship me as a teacher and help me fulfill a last wish, you can enter the tenth layer and obtain the origin of the earth. It is too precious. It is the origin of the mother planet of the whole Milky Way galaxy. Even the legendary upper God will covet it. Therefore, you must protect it and don't lose it! Skynet is the biggest reliance and support of my life Partner, the spirit of Skynet, I'll leave it to you to take care of... Cherish, cherish... "

With these words, the old man's body became blurred and blurred. At this time, the power of the Obsidian light ball was about to be consumed.

"Master, don't go! Don't go! Don't leave me!"

Seeing the old man's body becoming more and more illusory, the spirit of Skynet couldn't help crying, and it was reluctant to give up its master.

Finally, the body shape of the Skynet master disappeared. It was originally a message mark left by that year. Looking at the place where the other party disappeared, Cui Hao was speechless for a long time. Finally, he couldn't help sighing and worshipped the front!

This worship is very sincere and full of respect.

Although the shape of Skynet master disappeared, Cui Hao still stood where he was. He was very moved. He thought of Skynet master's life. He had been powerful beyond the level of supernatural power, at least at the level of lower God. Such a powerful existence can protect himself. However, when the earth encountered aggression, he did not hesitate to stand up and fight to the death Finally, he sacrificed his origin and gave birth to the powerful Skynet covering the whole earth. In addition, he left a series of Skynet guardians and many backhands, and he did so much just to protect the weak and the earth!

Perhaps, without the desperate protection of Skynet, the earth no longer exists, or has it been reduced to a colonial planet of various invading races such as the dragon family?

Protect the earth! Stick to it!

Silently, Cui Hao swore to himself in his heart.

After crying for a long time, the spirit of Skynet stopped crying. Seeing that the spirit of Skynet is so powerful and controls countless secrets and wealth of the whole earth, which can be called the first platform of mankind, Cui Hao didn't know how to comfort. After thinking about it, he opened his mouth "Don't worry, as long as I Cui Hao have the ability in the future, I will revive the sleeping Tianwang elder! He can't wake up, perhaps because of some reasons. As long as I keep growing in the future, I will always have a way!"

Hearing Cui Hao's words, the spirit of Skynet brightened up and nodded in gratitude "Thank you. My master has chosen you to complete this inheritance. I'm really looking for the right person! However, after I give you the reward of the eighth level, you need to sign your own oath on the mud board agreement. It's under my control, not that I don't trust you, but the resurrection of my master is really important to me. It's better to sign an oath."

Cui Hao has no opinion on such a proposal. After all, people are separated from each other. Is it the real contract that makes people feel secure?

Smiling, Cui Hao picked up the gold token on the ground and said with a smile, "I have passed the eighth level now. What are the rewards?"

The attitude was very kind. The spirit of Skynet smiled and said, "of course, it passed. The reward of the eighth level is 800 Skynet points and a Skynet original fruit. I'll give it to you now!"

At present, the spirit of Skynet turned his hand and threw it to Cui Hao. This is a crystal small fruit, which is red, like a crystal jujube, emitting a very comfortable atmosphere.

"Finally got it!"

Holding this original fruit of Skynet, Cui Hao is excited and happy. With it, he can completely refine it in a few years and become the first controller of Skynet

According to the hint of the spirit of Skynet, Cui Hao swallowed a Skynet original fruit directly. Suddenly, it turned into a wonderful and precious airflow into Cui Hao's body. It spread all over his limbs and bones in an instant. Suddenly, Cui Hao felt that he had made a certain connection with a huge network. This connection was very mysterious, It seems that you only need an idea, you can clearly contact it.

Cui Hao knew that he was successful. At the same time, an idea sprouted in his heart. He knew his control over Skynet. According to his authority, he is now a level 4 Skynet member. In addition to the top ten directors of Skynet, other members are divided into levels. The one who has just joined is naturally level 1. The more points, the higher the authority. At present, Cui Hao is a level 4 member.

After learning that Cui Hao is now a level 4 member, the spirit of Skynet said that this is expected. The refining of the original fruit of Skynet is not achieved overnight, and it must be refined slowly over time.

At the same time, it tells Cui Hao that he can't show off around proudly about passing the eighth level, and he will be killed! It will strictly order to guard the pulse. Anyone is forbidden to spread it. There is only one reason. The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. Cui Hao has no plump wings now. Therefore, no matter what kind of things you do, you must be cautious, cautious and cautious!

Cui Hao naturally agrees with the entrustment of the spirit of Skynet. He just gave birth to the soul of Chunyang and was coveted by the Dragon Lord. Even now, he may still have his own idea. If he passed the eighth level and passed it on, I'm afraid it's a more shocking big news, which will cause great turbulence?

A person who has great potential to surpass the sun and worship the heaven. Moreover, in a few years, he will completely master Skynet and become the only younger generation successor of the four divine beasts who are the first controller of Skynet. Combined with these conditions, I'm afraid the top ten directors will not hesitate to do one thing and erase it! Kill him in the cradle as soon as possible!

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