He successfully passed the examination of the eighth level, which made Cui Hao very excited. After refining the original fruit of Skynet, he had a clearer plan for the future. Of course, he was also heavy in his heart, because he knew what he would face in the future and what he needed to undertake was very heavy! In this regard, Cui Hao has no negative emotions, because this burden is his willing, but a sweet burden!

After Cui Hao passed the examination of the eighth pass, the original silent Tianbei in Tianwang hall vibrated again. This time, the momentum of the shock was very fierce, and its whole body burst into immeasurable brilliance, accompanied by a wonderful note. Soon, the immeasurable brilliance was concentrated and instantly injected into the top name of Tianbei. This name is Cui Hao!

Originally, Cui Hao's name was dazzling and tied for the first place with Yang worship to heaven. At the moment, it soared again, more than doubled in an instant. With a roar, it suddenly jumped up. This jump immediately reached the top and stood at the top of the monument, high above the sky and unparalleled in independence!

At this moment, Cui Hao is the first on the Tianbei and deserves it!

"Oh, my God! It's amazing!"

"Did he succeed? Unexpectedly, he succeeded! First! Cui Hao passed the eighth level and is the first person in Tianbei!"

"It's terrible! This man's potential is terrible. He can force the sun to worship the heaven. It seems that the rise of the four divine beasts is imminent!"

"I can't imagine! He succeeded!"

Because Cui Hao's sudden arrival at the seventh level attracted a lot of attention, many antiques gathered in the Skynet hall this day. Even Zhao Rui, the first ancestor of Skynet, was there. Seeing this situation, everyone was surprised and screamed constantly.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it. Cui Hao, it's so rebellious! Of course, if they know that Cui Hao has obtained a Skynet original fruit, in three or five years, they will become the well deserved first controller of Skynet. I'm afraid the inner waves will grow ten times, a hundred times!

The eighth pass of Tianbei small world, in front of the hut, the spirit of Skynet said with an excellent attitude, "you haven't given your Skynet membership a special title. In addition, many privileges of level 4 members will be opened for you one by one. According to the previous rewards, now the points on your account are 4600 points."

4600 points!

Cui Hao was surprised to hear about the points. According to the market price of Skynet, a point is 100 million. What a huge wealth is it? However, when his mind touched many internal lists of Skynet, he was shocked. Only then did he know that he was still a poor man, and he was very poor! There is a special treasure exchange list in Skynet. Cui Hao's authority can see the medium level. Even so, the exchange value of many treasures is one or two thousand points, which is amazing!

On second thought, Cui Hao was relieved that the best group of people on earth had been gathered. Many of them were real invisible rich or all kinds of great people. Many people even reached the point where money was like dirt. Rare treasures may save lives or prolong life. In their opinion, they were more important than the wealth of external objects!

Although Cui Hao is now worth a lot, compared with those rich families such as the Morgan family and the Rockefeller family with deep heritage for many years, his wealth is still not worth mentioning. Therefore, he is deeply shocked to see such exchange. The water of the earth is very deep. In addition to these rich families, there are many ancient martial families and mysterious forces. Many of them secretly control many forces. Their wealth is amazing and their hands and eyes are open to the sky.

After the shock, Cui Hao tried to restore calm and thought, "my member name... Is called the king of perspective!"

After saying this, Cui Hao said with emotion, "seeing the tasks and various lists within Skynet really makes people see the horizon! However, I am also very happy, because there are so many people suffering from strange diseases on the list of miracle doctors, and many guys close to life want to survive. This is a huge wealth. At that time, I must make a big profit!"

"The king of perspective, what a strange name... OK, you will be the name of this member in the future. If you take the task and forward information with others, you will also use this signature to pass it!" smiled, and the spirit of Skynet spoke so.

Cui Hao gave himself such a name, in fact, because he thanked the ten thousand heavenly beads in his body from the bottom of his heart. If it hadn't opened his perspective, perhaps he is still a poor loser who is good for nothing and is busy for life every day.

So far, Skynet has added another member, which is the king of perspective of level 4 members.

After completing these, the spirit of Skynet took out a thing again. It was a rough mud board one meter square, on which four ancient seal characters of the mud board contract were written, emitting a breath that made people's hearts throb. Although it seemed to be a mud board, it seemed to contain endless power inside, which was frightening and surprising!

Is this the mudboard agreement?

Looking at this magical mud board in front of him, Cui Hao was shocked. He had heard about the mud board contract for a long time. It is said that this is a very strange treasure on the earth. Once someone makes an oath with his soul, the mud board contract can absorb his soul breath. Once he breaks the oath, he will die! It is precisely because of the existence of such a treasure that successfully restricts many experts on the earth. Otherwise, the earth can not be as quiet and peaceful as it is now. I'm afraid it has already been chaotic.

According to the guidance of the spirit of Skynet, Cui Hao forced a drop of blood essence. At the same time, he attached a trace of his soul to it and began to take an oath "As evidenced by the mud board contract, if I Cui Hao have the ability to save Tianwang master in my life, I will do my best. What he wants to do all his life is to protect the earth creatures. I will continue to inherit it and carry it out as my own task! If there is any violation, I am willing to bear the torture of soul eating and death!"

Cui Hao made such a solemn oath. As soon as his words fell, the magical mud board contract suddenly burst out, sending out a great force, and suddenly captured Cui Hao's drop of blood essence, pulled it into it. In an instant, Cui Hao felt that his blood essence and a trace of soul had disappeared, and instead, it was a connection with the mud board contract The link between.

Having witnessed Cui Hao's oath, the spirit of Skynet was completely relieved. He was very satisfied with Cui Hao.

"Do you choose to leave now?" asked the spirit of Skynet with a smile.

"I left naturally. This eighth level almost killed me. I won't choose to continue to break through the Ninth level. Moreover, master Tianwang also said that I'm not suitable to come again until I step into the level of supernatural power." with a smile, Cui Hao responded.

The posture was very low. The spirit of Skynet asked, "where are you going? My power covers the whole earth and can send you anywhere."

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao pondered for a moment and said, "Oh? In that case... Send me to Ecuador. I'm going to work there."

Considering his current situation, Cui Hao finds that the most urgent thing is to send the Munster family to Vivian. Now, the door of truth has been seriously damaged. Although Haru and others are not affected, it is not a long time for so many blood families to stay at the door of truth. It is better to solve it first.

After Cui Hao and Vivian say goodbye in the Netherlands, they have an agreement. If Cui Hao wants to find Vivian, he can go to a place in Ecuador, where there is a loyal descendant of Vivian.

After calculating the time, the competition for the king of gambling stones in China will start in about a week. Cui Hao decides to start the matter after delivering the Munster family.

The spirit of Skynet opened the back door. Cui Hao didn't need to communicate with the people who guarded him at all. He sent him away directly. After a general transformation, he has arrived in Ecuador.

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