Cui Hao has personally experienced the laser gun emitted by the optical brain, and the power of its upgraded super laser gun can be imagined. Therefore, Cui Hao is very excited to ask Xiaoguang. At the same time, he has conceived a wonderful method in his heart

I don't know why Cui Hao suddenly asked this. Xiaoguang was stunned and replied "Yes, but the super laser gun consumes a lot of energy. If I strike, I will lose at least the energy equivalent to a spirit stone. Moreover, after such a strike, my intelligence will be weaker. Its power is ten times stronger than the laser gun. Master, who do you want me to blow?"

At the smell of the speech, Cui Hao smiled and smiled a bit treacherously. He really wanted to use Xiaoguang's super laser gun. As for the target of the bombing, he couldn't say clearly. In short, it's OK to know that it's the enemy.

With a burning heart, Cui Hao couldn't help asking again, "Xiaoguang, how long does it take to prepare for this super laser gun if you want to launch? And, is there anything to prepare before launch?"

Smelling the speech, Xiaoguang responded triumphantly "I don't need any special preparation. As long as the enemy is within 300000 meters around the light brain, it's my bombing range! Master, it's powerful. Although it's not as powerful as your human nuclear weapons, it won't cause too much image to the environment after it erupts. Moreover, the attack is cohesive, rather than indiscriminate attack like nuclear radiation 。”

"This feeling is good!"

Cui Hao was very satisfied with this response, so he immediately made a decision not to escape, so he looked for a remote and uninhabited area nearby and gave a big gift to his unknown enemy!

In a luxurious hotel in Ecuador, Matsumoto xionggang and song Zhongji are angry. Opposite them, there is a tall, thin and indifferent creeper, the only big prophet, the sickle of death!

"Shuoga! Waste! What a waste! What a big bullshit prophet! You brought us to several places and didn't even find a piece of shit! Where's the trace of the little beast? Tell me, the little guys of the divine court have paid a great price. Please come here. You're not a guide! Waste! Complete waste!" With a fierce light in his eyes, Matsumoto just yelled, regardless of the face of the death sickle.

Not to mention that the hot tempered Matsumoto Xiong Gang is very angry, even song Zhongji is very angry. The God of death sickle vowed to follow the two people around Ecuador. There is never a trace of Cui Hao. Anyone would be angry and feel cheated.

As a great prophet, death sickle is extremely arrogant. For him, such a reprimand is like uncovering a scar and making him furious. However, he knows that his strength of strength is nothing in front of this old man, so he can only contain his anger. He bites his teeth hard and finally, death sickle responds "This tracking is my fault. I underestimated my opponent's strength! Obviously, he has a treasure that can sense danger, but it won't defeat me. I can still find him accurately by using taboo techniques! Guys, please don't desecrate the glory of the great prophet at will! Give me half an hour. This time, I will help you find him!"

Angry, death sickle entered his bedroom and began to perform taboo. As the defending king among the powers, prophets are extremely noble beings. They were born with a terrible spirit beyond ordinary people. They can predict the future, see some sporadic pictures of the future and give advice in advance. This time, in order to really lock Cui Hao's position, death Sickle decided to use the forbidden art!

A large number of soul forces are burning. Death sickle has a kind of piety and pain on his face. He is exercising his taboo. After more than ten minutes, his deep eyes like the vortex of the sea permeate with blood. At this time, two invisible eyes burst out and disappeared between heaven and earth

Tired out of the bedroom, death sickle said weakly, "this time, I won't make mistakes again. Come with me. Now I can feel his position all the time. He can't escape..."

At the same time, Cui Hao, who was talking with Xiaoguang in the hotel, frowned. He felt a strange power coming from the void. He suddenly integrated into his soul. In such a moment, he gave birth to a feeling of spiritual dust.

It's a very bad sign that the soul is covered with dust. Especially for Cui Hao, the way of sincerity has suddenly failed!

"No! The enemy's means are so strange!"

Surprised, Cui Hao hurriedly urged Wanjie Tianzhu to see through the golden light and began to look for clues. Soon, the golden light met a force on its pure Yang soul. The two sides were slowly offsetting. According to this speed, all this strange force could be eliminated in about an hour or two. However, during the period of elimination, Cui Hao could not be the first I feel that avoiding danger is before it happens.


For the first time, Cui Hao had the idea that his mind was covered with dust. This was obviously a big move released by the enemy. The other party was afraid that he could find himself soon. At this moment, he might escape from danger. However, since it was a big move, he was afraid that it would be difficult to avoid it.

"Hum! In that case, I'll give you a big gift first!"

Cui Hao was angry because of the dust in his heart. At the moment, he secretly made up his mind. Don't leave first and have a good look at the enemy's means!

Cui Hao didn't know who was chasing him this time, because he had many enemies, including shenting, Matsumoto family, dark temple, and even some forces and strong men who had great hatred against the four divine beasts, as well as the Dragon Lord, who were his own enemies!

With a slight frown, Cui Hao asked, "Xiaoguang, what's your detection function? I can't sense the arrival of the enemy now. Can you help me detect it?"

"Master, my detection ability is very strong. I can also determine the degree of danger according to each other's breath. Don't worry, my detection range is very wide. Once the enemy enters the range, I can detect it!" with a proud smile, Xiaoguang is very proud.

"Great, it's all up to you. We're still going according to the original plan. I'll give my enemy a big gift!" Cui Hao was overjoyed when he heard the speech.

At present, Cui Hao and Xiaoguang begin to deploy, waiting for the arrival of the enemy

In Ecuador, at the foot of a remote mountain, a young man was fishing leisurely. He was lucky. He caught three big fish soon. The breeze came slowly and the water waves were not happy. It was a very pleasant scene. The young man is no other than Cui Hao.

On the mountain behind him, in a hidden cave, there is a bright light rolling. On it, there is a little light man, who is very naughty teasing a group of ants on the ground. It's not a little light. Which one is it?

At one moment, Xiaoguang looked dignified and said, "hmm? The enemy is coming! The energy index is so high! Extreme terror! Two of the three enemies belong to extreme terror!"

At present, he did not hesitate to inform Cui Hao of this situation. Moreover, with the help of the close relationship between the two sides, Xiaoguang delivered a real-time monitoring image for Cui Hao. On it, you can clearly see three people, namely Matsumoto, Xiong Gang, song Zhongji and death sickle.

"A Japanese, a suspected Korean... And a black man?"

Cui Hao looked at the image carefully and quickly made a judgment. This time, his enemy must be Masayoshi Matsumoto, an elder of Park Taiji. He recently killed them alive in Lijiang. It seems that killing the small one leads to the old one.

Although it's an image, Cui Hao can also sense the horror of the two people, especially the old guy, the Japanese devil. There is a palpitating smell between his hands and feet, as if he was going to explode like a volcano all the time. It's very not simple! According to Cui Hao's conjecture, this person is afraid to have the strength of half a step magic power!

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