Cui Hao's eyes were so fierce that he soon found that the strongest of the three people was Xiong Gang Matsumoto. His every move contained an unspeakable majesty of heaven and earth, as if he could handle heaven and earth. He had seen such arrogance in Lord long and Zhao Rui. Therefore, he concluded that this person had entered half a magic power. In contrast, the middle-aged man beside him, although also terrible, is much weaker. Should he be the master of Park Taiji's No. 1 master in South Korea? As for the sickle of death, although it exudes a strange smell, Cui Hao doesn't care too much about its obvious general strength.

Knowing the enemy's situation, Cui Hao breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, a strong and incomparable sense of war rose in his heart. Since he understood the four kinds of divine fist and succeeded in cultivating chaos, he had never fought with anyone. He felt that he should be able to compete with half a step divine power master. However, he had not really practiced it. He didn't expect to have such a good opportunity at present! However, Cui Hao thought again that there were many opportunities to verify his strength, but there were few opportunities to kill such a big man, so he quietly issued an order to Xiaoguang to lock Matsumoto xionggang. When he came nearby, he attracted his attention and killed him again!

This scheme is a bit vicious, but Cui Hao doesn't think it's too much. It's not too cruel to deal with the Japanese devils. In those years, these animals invaded China and did countless things worse than pigs and dogs.

At the moment, Matsumoto just didn't know that he had been locked silently and was hurrying forward.

Under the guidance of the sickle of the God of death, the three people were fast. About ten minutes later, they had come to the foot of the mountain and looked at Cui Hao fishing. They were overjoyed. Finally, they found this person!

His eyes shot a vicious light. Matsumoto Xiong just stared at Cui Hao and laughed and said, "hahaha... Little beast of the four gods, you are so easy to find! In Lijiang, you killed your favorite grandson. Today, I will kill you in my hand and avenge my grandson!"

After a little movement, song Zhongji said in a round voice, "little beast, you killed my disciple. Today, I will avenge him."

At the moment, Cui Hao, who was fishing, seemed to wake up and stood up in shock. He looked at Matsumoto xionggang and blurted out "You... You are... A powerful half step supernatural power? How can you kill me? I am the only hope of the four gods. If you kill me, your Matsumoto family will suffer crazy revenge from the four gods! Besides, there is a mud board contract. Do you want to break the contract? And you, the first expert in South Korea, do you want to bully the small and cause conflict between the two countries? I am the only one of the four gods I hope for a better future, and I have the support of Chinese Army leaders behind me! "

Cui Hao is a powerful actor with a panic expression. However, he secretly told Xiaoguang, "Xiaoguang, get ready, seize the best opportunity and kill the old guy!"

"Master, don't worry. The light brain has the ability to distinguish the enemy's breath, attention, etc. I can seize the best opportunity to hit the old man and ensure that he can explode!" Xiaoguang responded with full confidence.

Looking at the panicked Cui Hao in front of him, Matsumoto xionggang smiled and was very proud. His tone was very dark and gnashing his teeth "Little beast, you're afraid now. It's too late! The mud board contract is binding on me. However, it's a normal act of revenge for you to kill my beloved grandson. I'll kill you. You won't be eaten back. Therefore, you're dead today! Don't worry, I won't let you die right away. I'll torture you severely and let you live but not die. Ah! No!"

When Matsumoto's arrogance and vigilance were reduced to the lowest, suddenly, Xiaohui launched the power of light brain. Suddenly, the boundless mysterious terrorist power was brewing and burst out in an instant!

"Whew! Whew! Whew!..."

For a moment, nine black light clusters burst out. The speed was too fast. In an instant, they gathered and formed a deep and incomparable black light. It stabbed and easily tore the void life. It seemed to have a strange spirit, firmly locked Matsumoto xionggang, and suddenly burst out!

Come on! Block! Come on

All this is too fast, as fast as Matsumoto. Xiong Gang is at a loss. His powerful and majestic soul power can feel how terrible the deep black awn is, and his whole body is creepy. A strong and incomparable shadow of death instantly fills his heart, expanding and expanding


At this moment, Matsumoto just knew that he was in danger. At this extremely dangerous moment, he suddenly roared, his body twisted and shrunk at an incredible angle, which simply showed the extreme of bone softening and body shrinking. At the same time, his toes burst out with terrible force, roaring. In a critical moment, he suddenly kicked the ground like a shell Suddenly shot out!


Almost at the moment when his body shot out, the deep black awn flew over the area where he had just been, and the torn void cracked everywhere. This attack failed. Matsumoto xionggang is worthy of being a half step supernatural power expert. Under such a close and terrible attack, he successfully avoided it.

However, it is a pity that the super laser gun is not an ordinary thermal weapon. It is controlled and commanded by Xiaoguang. Suddenly, it makes a clever turn, crash, and the speed is frightening. The void has been cut a fierce crack, and it has hit Kumgang Matsumoto again.

"Bage road!..."

He drank angrily. At the moment, the souls of Matsumoto bear are taking risks. It's too fast and terrible. The attack of super laser gun makes him have an unavoidable embarrassment.


With a loud cry, Matsumoto just tried his best to turn his body around and wanted to avoid it. Unfortunately, it was too late. The speed of the super laser gun was appalling. With a roar, it had passed through his chest!

"Puff, puff..."

Waves of towering pain swept through, the terrible power of the super laser gun burst out, Matsumoto just issued a miserable cry, and the whole person's chest was completely destroyed and disappeared in the invisible!

The power of the super laser gun is really too terrible. At the beginning, a laser gun evaporated a stream in an instant, making Cui Hao almost dying. How terrible Cui Hao's body is, not to mention, this is a super laser gun. Its power, speed and so on are far beyond the original laser gun!

"This... No... impossible!"

Matsumoto's head fell. He watched his chest to his waist disappear, leaving only one foot on the ground. He made such a sound. His eyes were deeply incredible. Then he died completely.

Matsumoto Xiong just died. He was a half step supernatural power super strong. He didn't die in the hands of the super strong, but was killed by the super laser gun. Cui Hao paid only the price of a spirit stone

"Finally kill the old man!" Cui Hao breathed out a long breath, with joy on his face.

The scenes just happened are like lightning and flint. In fact, Cui Hao is also very nervous. If the super laser gun fails, he will be besieged by a half step magic power and two strong men almost comparable to the half step magic power. Even if he is confident, the result will be extremely dangerous. Therefore, seeing that Matsumoto has just been killed by the super laser gun, Cui Hao smiled excitedly, The heart hanging tightly in my heart was finally put down.

"Ah! This... This... Master Matsumoto was... Killed?"

Song Zhongji was stunned to see such a scene!

He opened his mouth in shock. Death sickle couldn't believe his eyes. He shouted in his heart, "Oh! God! What just happened? What light is that? It's terrible! Run away! I want to run away immediately!"

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