When lilmons was in charge, he began to roll the dice, crisp and melodious. His technique was very unique, giving people a pleasant feeling. With the sound of his Peng, he put his special gambling tools on the marble table, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became strong, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot. Although lilmons was in charge of this game, But the real battle is between Cui Hao and Madison. I don't know who can win?

At the moment of the end of the dice, lilmons and Madison looked at each other, and his left eye blinked slightly. Suddenly, his heart led the God, laughed, directly inserted the silver membership card into the buying area, and entered a ten in the 100 million position of the cap, which means that he chose a 100 million cap, ten times the odds!

Seeing that Madison made a choice in advance, Cui Hao was not in a hurry. He urged his perspective eyes and immediately saw three dice in the gambling set, all six points facing up. It turned out to be a leopard!

Cui Hao sneered in his heart. Naturally, he would not let the other party achieve his wish. Therefore, he manipulated the golden light of the perspective eye to slightly move the dice. The three dice turned slightly. It was too slight. Lilmons didn't feel the change, and it had become three ones.

After finishing this little action, he was confident and smiled faintly. Only in full view of the public, he took out the supreme card, inserted it into the small purchase area, and entered a 36 under the number of 100 million.

Top 100 million, 36 times!

"Oh, my God!..."

"How ferocious! Who is this man, so gambling?"

Seeing such a scene, everyone present was surprised. It was too fierce. He directly chose the top, bottom note and top. Is this man crazy?

Cui Hao's move naturally caused an uproar and shock. Madison was also surprised. He looked at Cui Hao with fear. He was so heroic. What was his identity and could it be the existence that his father could not provoke? With such fear in his heart, Willison suddenly became a little uneasy. He felt a little abrupt

In his heart, he was surprised to see that Cui Hao directly chose a 100 million, 36 times the odds, because it was 3.6 billion. Even if he took out so much money at one go, he would lose his strength. However, judging from Cui Hao's meaning, it seemed that even if he lost 3.6 billion, it was nothing. However, when he was shocked, he was also very happy. After playing gambling for many years, his technique had already been superb. Therefore, he was very confident that he should be a leopard just shaking the dice. In other words, he was about to kill Cui Hao 3.6 billion!

After the shock, all the people present stared at the gambling equipment, as if to see through the number of points.

"Open! Open! Open!..."

I don't know which gambler made such a cry. Soon, everyone on the scene joined in and shouted together to see the end of this amazing gamble. At this moment, Cui Hao was very confident, Willison was a little nervous, and lilmons was ecstatic.

"It's on!..."

With a refreshing sound, lilmons suddenly stretched out his hand, clattered, crisp and neat, untied the gambling equipment directly, and immediately revealed the dice.

Three ones, the smallest three points!


"Three ones! The highest odds, 36 times! The boss has to accompany 3.6 billion! He has to pay 2.6 billion after getting rid of the 1 billion that Willison has to pay the boss!"

"Throw a lot of money!"

Seeing such a scene, everyone was in an uproar and shocked. At the moment, lilmons looked at the scene in front of him. When he grew up, his mouth and head hummed, the whole person was stunned! How is that possible? How could it be so?

Lilmons was unwilling to accept this scene, but it was like this when the gambling equipment was opened. In full view of the public, if he repented, the casino would not be opened. After all, he was personally operating from beginning to end!

"What? How could it be? This..." his eyes were wide. Madison blackened before his eyes and nearly vomited blood. Shit, what's the situation?

"Hahaha... Good luck. Give me the money! Everyone, all the food and drink expenses of the whole casino today are mine. I'll invite everyone!" with a smile, Cui Hao said boldly.

At this moment, lilmons felt like vomiting blood, 2.6 billion ah, what a piece of fat it was, cut off raw! However, in full view of the public, he could not cheat, pretending to be indifferent and saying, "great, it's really a hero out of youth!"

Cui Hao directly ignored lilmons' praise. He smiled proudly at Vivian and walked towards Madison amid the cheers and shock of a group of gamblers.

Looking at Madison with a livid face, Cui Hao suddenly smiled and said, "I just made a small profit of 3.6 billion. If you want to win me, the next game is the only chance. You choose. What shall we bet next?"

At this time, the SMS reminder of mobile banking sounded. Madison looked at it and lost one billion at once. His flesh was very painful. He said gnashing his teeth, "yellow monkey, don't be arrogant, i... I want to bet with you again!"

With a flash of cold light in his eyes, Cui Hao said unhappily, "who do you say is a yellow monkey, you nigger? Believe it or not, I pinch your yolk every minute?"

With a chill in his heart, looking at Cui Hao's cold eyes, Willison was very oppressed, stopped talking and walked straight towards the Russian roulette.

In the training of some special forces, a game called the brave is very popular. Two people with great hatred hold pistols with a bullet in each other and shoot at their own heads in turn. Whoever unfortunately shoots that bullet first will be shot in their own head!

Russian Roulette has inherited this bloody game. A gambler, even if he is penniless, can gamble. One life is worth 100 million. If he wins, the money belongs to you, if he loses, he will stay.

Russian Roulette is a simple and direct gambling method. Most of the time, it depends on luck. The huge roulette rotates on the table and finally falls to which number, and the person betting on this number will win. There are 38 grids on the Russian roulette, corresponding to numbers such as one, two, three and four respectively. There are various ways to bet. You can bet on one number or several numbers. Different bet methods naturally have different odds.

The reason why Madison came to Russian Roulette was because lilmons told him on the phone that if he used Russian Roulette bucket, he was 100% sure!

"I'm still going to take the throne this time, little brother. I'll see if your luck can continue to be so good!" lilmons said in a cold tone, full of confidence.

"Ha ha... My luck is good!" ha ha smiled, and Cui Hao was very calm.

When he came to the front of the Russian roulette, Willison clenched his teeth and took the lead in making a choice. He inserted the silver membership card into the No. 8 card slot. Then, the meat hurt incomparably and entered a $3.7 billion! In fact, its card has only more than 2 billion. If you win and lose, you still need to borrow the remaining 1 billion from several younger brothers.

3.7 billion!

Seeing this scene, people's hearts beat wildly and went crazy! This Madison is crazy, too!

The top of the Russian Roulette is 5 billion. Cui Hao did not hesitate to insert his supreme membership card into the No. 16 card slot, and then entered a line of values, 5 billion!


Although some people expected that this would be the case, they were shocked to see that Cui Hao chose to cap the gambling amount again. They were not excited one by one. They wanted to see the outcome. Which of them is more lucky, or both are unlucky and killed by the boss?

At this moment, lilmons's eyes are almost red. According to his agreement with Madison, he will help him win this game. In that case, he can still earn Cui Hao 2 billion. In this way, he can basically get it back. I believe that after this is done, Madison will not break his promise and will pay the price of satisfying himself

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