In full view of the public, lilmons smiled confidently. He has practiced Russian Roulette for many years. He has mastered the strength of throwing a small ball to the top. He can easily stop the ball in any grid he expected by accurately controlling the strength and landing point of the small ball. He has tried this method countless times, but he has never failed in a hundred attempts.


The ivory ball was thrown into the roulette by lilmons, and immediately began to rotate rapidly. Seeing this situation, everyone in the audience was short of breath, and Willison was tense, his muscles were tight, his eyes were staring at the roulette, and he silently recited a number, eight, eight, eight

The speed of the ivory ball is getting slower and slower. Many people's hearts are suddenly mentioned in their throat. Looking at this scene, Cui Hao smiles. In such a short time, he has determined the grid where he finally stays through the analysis of resistance, strength and so on. It is No. 8. He chose the 16th, so Cui Hao naturally did not allow this to happen, so he quietly urged the perspective eye, and the perspective golden light quietly added a little power to the ivory ball

People couldn't see this change at all. However, lilmons was stunned and felt unimaginable. Why did the ball just rotate a little faster than before? Shouldn't it be slower and slower? This is related to the wealth of 5 billion yuan. Therefore, he stared at the ivory ball and felt its changes.

Suddenly, lilmons's face changed. His eyes were so fierce that he felt a little bad. According to the current rotation speed of the ball, it seemed that it would finally stop on the 16th!

His heart was shocked. Lilmons couldn't accept the result. His eyes flashed cold and his left leg made a quiet effort. Suddenly, a clever and incomparable strength was transmitted. This force is very small, very weak and ingenious. However, it can make the roulette vibrate slightly, so that the ball can stop on the 8th in advance.

Cui Hao felt who he was. Naturally, his feet moved and stepped slightly. Suddenly, a clever force burst out and stopped the clever force sent by lilmons in an instant. At this time, the ball on the wheel continued to rotate, passed No. 8, more and more slowly, and finally stopped in front of No. 16 grid.

On the 16th, the dust settled.

The scene was silent, lilmons's face was extremely embarrassed, Willison's whole face was as gray as death, and the onlookers pumped air-conditioning one by one. It was amazing!


Cui Hao's laughter interrupted the silence. He said, "the boss's hand is powerful. Such a throw has brought me good luck. I've got five billion!"

Hearing his teasing, whether lilmons or Madison, there is a disgusting feeling like eating a dead mouse. He is very angry, but he can't be angry. This feeling is really sad!

"This... How is this possible? I don't believe it! He cheated!" he was very angry, and Madison yelled so loudly.

With a cold face, Cui Hao said to the crowd, "the big guys are here today. The boss is in charge of this gamble and loses the dice. How can I cheat? If I have to tell the cheat, it's also the boss. However, who will lose 5 billion foolishly and deliberately cheat to lose?"

"Yes, it makes sense. I'm willing to gamble and admit defeat!"

"Shit, it's so seedless!..."

Seeing this situation, many gamblers said a word to me, and lilmons was the most depressed. This time, although he earned 3.7 billion from Madison, he had to pay Cui Hao 5 billion and lost 1.3 billion again!

At this moment, the boss has a feeling of blood dripping from his heart. It hurts!

"Ding Dong!..."

Cui Hao's text message reminded him. After reading it, he found that 5 billion yuan had arrived. He smiled with satisfaction. Then he went to Madison, stretched out his hand, pulled down the simple sword on his neck with a sound of Peng, and said with a smile, "hahaha... Remember to admit defeat. This is my prize!"


His eyes were red. At the moment, Willison was almost angry. He was 3.7 billion. He spent all his savings and needed to borrow more than a billion! At this time, lilmons looked angrily at Madison and said, "Madison, why is your account only 2.5 billion and the remaining 1.2 billion? How are you going to repay me?"

"I.. As soon as possible! Uncle lilmons, I have something to ask you..." he was extremely oppressed, and Madison responded.

Seems to think of something, lilmons nodded, and the two quickly came to a remote corner.

His eyes were faint and full of a cold light. Willison said, "this man can't stay. He must spit out all the money we have eaten! Uncle lilmons, all my people will come up, and your people will convene. When it's done, I'll be three or seven, I'll be three or seven, you'll be seven, but my pendant accessories will be returned to me. What's the matter? And that beauty is also mine!"

Hearing this, lilmons shook his head and said, "no, twenty-eight points!"

"All right! Come on, we'll arrange it as soon as possible so that they don't escape!" hesitated, and Willison nodded and agreed.

At the moment, Cui Hao grabbed Vivian and walked outside the casino. Seeing this, at least seven or eight gamblers in the casino came out with them. These people are murderous. Obviously, they are not good people. They want to get Cui Hao's massive wealth.

Everything is in Cui Hao's eyes. Even when Madison and lilmons leave mysteriously, they want to arrange people to deal with themselves, right?

With a sneer, Cui Hao gently grabbed Vivian, and the voice was very subtle into her ear. "Honey, it seems that my performance is too eye-catching and attracted a lot of flies. Of course, we are not afraid of these, but we only have a rare night, so we can't waste time dealing with these flies."

Vivian agrees with Cui Hao's statement. She smiles and nods and says, "yes, I think so, too, honey, what do you want to do?"

Looking up at the dark sky, Cui Hao smiled and said, "honey, I want to fly..."

Vivian smiled and nodded, "OK, I'll take you to fly! Let's go to a distant place, find a secluded residence and enjoy this rare quiet night."

At present, the two people walked out of the rich market side by side, and behind them, they followed eight or nine people. Not only that, because of a phone call from lilmons, many younger brothers in his Casino have gone out to teach Cui Hao a lesson and let him know that some people, he can't offend, he can't touch some money!

Cui Hao didn't seem to notice the people following behind him. He still talked and smiled with Vivian, recruited a taxi at will and left here.

Soon, many vehicles followed behind the taxi

In a brown business car, Madison's face was cold, and beside him, the six younger brothers were silent. They knew that Madison must be in a rage and difficult to communicate at the moment.

Soon, the taxi Cui Hao and Vivian took stopped in a remote Boulevard. They got off after paying the bill. Just after going out for less than ten steps, a series of rapid footsteps came from behind. There were forty or fifty people rushing towards them, one by one. At the same time, lilmons and Madison also walked down from the car and looked at Cui Hao and Vivian coldly.

"All sleep!"

Not wanting to kill in Ecuador, Cui Hao gently spit out these words. At the same time, the perspective golden light burst out and turned into an invisible ripple, which suddenly spread and acted on these people


For a moment, everyone trembled. Then, one by one, they fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

"Honey, let's go!" with a smile, Vivian suddenly spread her wings.

"OK, let's go!" Cui Hao nodded and responded with a smile.

"Clatter, clatter..."

At that moment, Vivian's wings incited her to take Cui Hao into the sky and disappear into the night.

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