It's late at night. In a luxurious presidential suite in another city far from the tycoon's capital, Cui Hao and Vivian embrace each other and enjoy this rare world time.

Holding Vivian and feeling her rapid breath, Cui Hao knew that she was already in love. At this time, he moved in his heart and said with a smile, "honey, I recently obtained a very powerful Kung Fu called great joy Zen, which is very suitable for us to practice now."

"Oh? What kind of Kung Fu is that?" the eye wave flows, and Vivian is very charming at the moment.

Smiling, Cui Hao began to talk "This is a powerful and unique skill that directly points to the yin-yang Avenue. It is not a unique skill of attack and defense. However, it is wonderful! You know our Chinese double cultivation method. To practice the great joy Zen, first the two sides must be happy with each other, and then cooperate with special techniques to make both sides reach the peak of joy in an instant, and then cooperate with the body The circulation of breath, special ways, etc. can form a knot of mandarin ducks and butterflies, and then evolve into the form of Taiji Pisces. Yin and Yang complement each other. In general, double cultivation actually falls into the inferior, but it is just meat intercourse, which is divine intercourse, and the most perfect state is double cultivation of color acupoints. This color is not the other color, just like the Buddhist saying that color is emptiness, emptiness is color... "

Cui Hao spoke in detail, but Vivian was confused when she heard it. Finally, she murmured and said helplessly, "honey, what you said is too profound. You'd better give me personal advice. I still don't understand."

Knowing the great cultural differences between the East and the west, Cui Hao was not angry about it and nodded and agreed.

In the bedroom, as Cui Hao followed the method of great joy Zen, her palm trembled in a special way, and then began to explore. Soon, Vivian had a much more obvious reaction than before. Because of her arrogant character, Vivian was actually very conservative in that kind of thing. However, under Cui Hao's special technique, he suddenly became a little insecure Keep watch and make a happy sound.

Just now, Cui Hao just tried. This is just a way to mobilize the happiness of both sides and make it reach the cloud in an instant. Unexpectedly, the effect was so obvious that Cui Hao was surprised.

"The effect is good. I'll try another method..."

"Uh... Uh... Oh... Oh..."

Soon, with Cui Hao's attempt, Vivian's voice began to echo in the bedroom, which was more comfortable and uncomfortable than Cui Hao's previous methods. Seeing this, Cui Hao was naturally very happy, so he began to follow this method

"Honey, it's really... So comfortable! So sad, I'm empty... Come on!"

A moment later, Vivian repeatedly made a loud cry into the clouds, which showed that she had reached an unheard of peak under this series of special techniques, and this was just an appetizer of great joy Zen

Like a beautiful mermaid, Vivian pestered her. Originally, Cui Hao was preparing to practice the great joy Zen when she reached an unprecedented peak. He was interrupted by such a sudden interruption. At this time, he couldn't stand it. Therefore, with the help of perspective golden light, he was as fierce as eating ten powerful pills Tu!

The two sides were burning like dry vegetables. An unprecedented sense of comfort, satisfaction and excitement filled their hearts. After three hours, Vivian was convulsed for the seventh time. After she got wet, she was tired and paralyzed in Cui Hao's arms "Honey, is this what you call the great joy Zen? It's really powerful. You're braver than before. Your moves are cumbersome. People like it very much! Just, how do I practice you?"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was speechless, kissed her and said, "honey, you just couldn't help it, so I had the best meat intercourse with you. I haven't started to practice the real great joy Zen!"

"Well, honey, you start to show it. I promise to cooperate with you this time." Vivian spit out her tongue, which is a lovely response.

At present, Cui Hao showed that kind of means again, which was quite powerful. A moment later, Vivian made a loud cry, but this time, Cui Hao took a solemn attitude and began to operate in a special way according to the cultivation method of great joy Zen.

Qi and blood in the body run in a special way. Soon, a sense of confusion pervaded his heart. Cui Hao almost couldn't help but lift the gun and fight again. He held it back and began to urge his pure Yang soul to separate a trace. He instantly threw himself into Vivian's body, intertwined, collided and entangled with her soul

All this went well. The two people had the basis of blood praise. At the moment of soul expansion, they entangled in the way of great joy Zen, and immediately felt an intoxicating feeling

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Soon, a trace of soul power intertwined with them became like mandarin ducks and butterflies, and evolved yin-yang Tai Chi. At the same time, it made a sound of flowing water and moistening all things.

At such a moment, Vivian's whole body was shocked, and her face suddenly showed a trace of blush. A feeling of intoxication surged into her heart, wonderful, unspeakable beauty!

"Is this the feeling of double cultivation of color acupoints? The soul is very comfortable, crisp and floating. It's great!" there is a ruddy color on her face, and Vivian trembles with excitement.

Similarly, Cui Hao also felt this kind of beauty, and the whole person had a feeling that he couldn't stop. However, he just had a feeling that he was going to sink into it. Immediately, there was a decadent sound in that wonderful taste. He knew that it was bad, hurriedly held his heart and was ethereal. At the same time, he continued to practice according to the great joy Zen method.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!..."

In the bedroom, Wei Wei'an's loud and incomparable cry pounding the clouds sounded again, while Cui Hao kept running all kinds of great joy Zen, feeling and enjoying

"Uh, uh..."

About an hour later, the great joy Zen was running to the end. Cui Hao and Vivian both felt that their souls were bound and wanted to fly. Together, their physical pleasure surged tenfold. This stimulation was really too strong. Vivian's skin suddenly showed a kind of red and beautiful, The souls of the two of them also collided and blended at this moment. In an instant, they evolved a yin-yang fish. The yin-yang fish is very small, but it gives people a very perfect feeling. Moreover, the yin-yang fish exudes an indescribable and unidentified breath. Unexpectedly, it gives people a taste of primitive ignorance!

This kind of breath is not known. If it is beyond the level of divine power, and the strong person with profound and incomparable understanding of one of the emotions will be shocked and shout, because the scene in front of us is really shocking. The great joy Zen method was carried out between them for the first time, and unexpectedly, such a trace of primordial qi was born!

For super masters who understand lust, they can fully understand that Tao is a realm of emotion but ruthlessness, and Tao is a realm of ruthlessness but emotion. Their whole body strength can be transformed into Taichu Qi, which is powerful and mysterious. If you want to understand this realm, you must be born so that a trace of primordial qi is possible.

At this moment, the gas emitting this trace of primordial ignorance suddenly split into two and turned into two faint and extreme breath, which suddenly integrated into the souls of Cui Hao and Vivian.

Cui Hao didn't know about all this. He just felt that his soul seemed to be different. Moreover, because he had just practiced the great joy Zen with Vivian, his whole strength seemed to be more abundant and his overall state improved a lot in an instant. Relatively speaking, Vivian, whose strength is weaker, undoubtedly makes more obvious progress. She is happy and obviously feels the improvement of strength.

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