In a hidden secret stronghold in Myanmar, the Matsumoto family headed by Kenji Matsumoto gathered together and were secretly discussing the plan for Cui Hao and fraternity group.

A flash of ferocity flashed across his face. Matsumoto jianerhuan looked around and said, "ladies and gentlemen, the plan of gambling stone competition to crack down on Huaxia and Cui Hao has failed. Liu shengape's help is very angry. Therefore, the next three plans, namely network war, business war and killing war, must succeed!"

Nodding, a white bearded Japanese old man said, "the plan of Jianer is good, but the Chinese are cunning. We vigorously held the gambling stone competition between Japan and South Korea. They must know the real reason. Therefore, I'm afraid there will be some precautions."

Hearing the speech, Matsumoto Jianer smiled insidiously and said "Don't worry, the plan this time is absolutely strict, and I have specially set up the main line and branch line. Naturally, it doesn't need to be said that the strong combat power of the main line will stab into the enemy's heart like a sharp knife. The branch lines are completed by my confidants. I have issued different orders one-on-one through the ancient secret code. Although they only do some small things, they can also cause a lot of noise "In the early morning, anger from the Matsumoto family of our great Japanese Empire will ignite!"

With a slight frown, an old man said "The old ancestor has gone, and it is necessary for us to avenge him. However, the financial resources and military strength invested are really too large. If there is any mistake, the overall strength of my Matsumoto family will drop a lot! The Liusheng family did not send an expert this time, but invited the Ninja alliance as foreign aid, which may be to reap the benefits! South Korea is even more hateful, but only provided Some financial resources are willing to cooperate in the commercial war, but no strong ones are willing to fight. I'm afraid their mind is the same? "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded, and one of the tall and thin old man said "Gangben's worry is very right. The dead are dead and the living live forever. We must also think more about the whole Matsumoto family. Alliance! After this revenge, our family should find a powerful alliance as soon as possible, otherwise its status will not be guaranteed! Of course, the alliance can be put on the agenda. It is urgent to make a revenge plan!"

While a group of core members of the Matsumoto family were secretly discussing, in a remote farmyard and a closed and tight room in China, a tall masked man covered in black robes quickly turned on the computer. He connected to a strange website and entered a series of numbers. After entering a series of numbers, a natural and unrestrained word of forbearance flickered on the web page That is, he clicked the video connection. Soon, four online videos appeared on the screen, each with a masked man in black.

"Hello, leader!..."

The four masked men in black spoke in unison, as if they respected the tall masked man.

Nodding slightly, the tall man in black issued a night like voice, "No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, are you in place now?"

"Report back to the leader, number one in position! Report back to the leader, number two in position..."

Four masked men in black responded in turn, and then the tall masked man nodded "Well, you four are the four nine flower ninjas in our Ninja League. Each of you has led four eight flower ninjas and ten seven flower ninjas. With such strength, I ask you all to complete the task perfectly! In order to ensure the perfection of the plan, there are ten top death bears who act with you. Although their force is weak, they are all real warriors, dead men and lethality Not to be underestimated. "Well, follow the plan!"

"Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!..."

Hearing the other party's words, the four ninjas with nine flowers said hi together, and their eyes were awe inspiring.

After turning off the online video, the tall masked man in black muttered, "there is a Chinese proverb that one day is a teacher and all his life is a father. For an orphan without father and mother, if he kills his two masters, does it count as killing his father? Well, I want to try..."

Time passes slowly. China is still as calm and peaceful as before, and who really knows how many waves are hidden behind this calm?

On the Internet, a battle in full swing is going on. On the one hand, it is Japan's top hacker team. It has been planning for a long time to launch attacks by various shameless means, such as navy, rumor, public opinion bombing, client attack, network intrusion and so on

If other large companies, such as the Tang family where Tang Qianqian lives, are faced with such a situation, they will be overwhelmed, and will be defeated in a moment. For the fraternity group, although this kind of network war is fierce, it is nothing. Yang Qingqing personally sits on the town host and controls multiple computers for deployment. Yang Chaoqun and others closely and actively cooperate with the Navy, Rumor mongering, public opinion bombing, client attack and network intrusion have all been prevented in time. Not only that, Yang Qingqing finally found the other party's host client IP address.

"Hum! There are many vicious methods. Unfortunately, you met me yang Qingqing, one of the three top hackers in the world. You can't blaspheme! You've been arrogant for so long, have a taste of my power!"

Sitting in front of the host, Yang Qingqing sneered. At the same time, he directly clicked on a special IP that turned around many times, Didi Didi. Soon, the computer showed that the Crystal Dragonfly virus had successfully invaded!


Seeing such a hint, Yang Qingqing smiled and was very proud.

In a hidden basement in Hokkaido, Japan, a group of sloppy men lie prone in front of the computer and are frantically busy. Their boss is a sloppy man in his 40s. He has black wide rimmed glasses and sharp hair. He sticks to his head one by one. He hasn't washed his hair for at least a month. He has a bad smell of instant noodles and sausage hair.

The man was very angry. Thinking of his anger, he pulled his long hair into pieces and howled like a beast, "bage Ya Lu! Bage Ya Lu! Who is it? What's the matter? Why am I so crazy about network attacks, various public opinion bombings and rampant false news that I was directly cut off without being transmitted? Who is it? Who is it?

"Doodle doodle..."

Just then, all the computers suddenly sent out an alarm. Seeing this, the man was surprised.

"Taro, no, our computer has been attacked! There are more than a dozen firewalls, which are useless. It's too powerful, really powerful!"

”God, I've never seen such a tight flight back to defense!... "

"The enemy is very cunning and powerful. Taro, what shall we do?"

Anxious, a group of sloppy men sitting in front of the computer shouted together. Their computer didn't work! For these people, computers are like their own hands and feet. They fail in vain. They feel they can't live.

The sloppy man was losing his temper. Hearing this, he rushed forward in a hurry and clicked the keyboard to stop the invasion.

Unfortunately, his move finally failed, and a scene suddenly appeared in front of all the computer screens, a Crystal Dragonfly.

Crystal Dragonfly!

As a member of the hacker community, I am too familiar with the Crystal Dragonfly sloppy man. In an instant, a title flashed in his mind, an existence that any network hacker should admire!.

One of the top three hackers in the world, Qingling rose!

"Suo Da Sinai! Qingling rose, it was her. Why, why did she invade my computer at such an important moment?

In the cyber war just carried out, the opponent is powerful and terrible. Japan and South Korea, as the attacking party, did not occupy the slightest advantage. It can be seen that it is terrible! Qingling rose, yes, she must be, otherwise, I really can't think of a second person! Crystal Dragonfly super virus is his unique means. Even if the hackers of the other two world's top three come here in a short time, You can't make a difference!

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