Cyber war is a war without gunpowder smoke, which also contains great danger.

Fortunately, the fraternity group has Yang Qingqing, one of the three top King hackers, Qingling rose in charge. Otherwise, a series of things from the attack of Japanese top hackers, all kinds of public opinion bombing, naval forces, rumor making, network intrusion and so on can not be solved so easily, not to mention that Yang Qingqing invaded the core network of Matsumoto family through various means against the sky, They have obtained their specific plans for business war and counter attack war, etc.

It can be said that Yang Qingqing is definitely the greatest hero of fraternity group in the face of crazy retaliation from Japan and South Korea.

In an ordinary small hotel in Jiangzhou, China, a solemn looking Japanese sorted out his salute, stuffed a fake jade into his arms, opened the door and prepared to go to fraternity jewelry store. However, at the moment when he opened the door, two men came face to face. They smiled coldly at him. Their palms were like eagle claws and captured the Japanese in an instant

In Jiangzhou, on a night market stall, three naughty people ate and drank happily. Then, a guy named Qingpi asked them to get up and go drunk. A few days ago, the three unexpectedly received a big business. They only need to maliciously discredit the fraternity hotel to get the balance of 100000 yuan, which made the three ecstatic. However, not long after they got up, two men in black came up, knocked them down like the wind, and dragged them directly into a van

Jiangzhou, a rat head and rat brain guy carrying a big black bag, walked carefully towards the headquarters of fraternity group. He walked very slowly, because all the black bags were special detonators! Huaxia's firearms are so tightly controlled that we can only find these things.

"Hum... My big bag of detonators all burst, and the crisis should not be small!" sneered, and the man seemed to see the picture of fire rising to the sky.

"Don't go, you traitor, get ready to go into the cage!"

It was very abrupt. A voice sounded. The mouse head mouse brain man was surprised. Before he could react, a man had appeared beside him. His palm grabbed his neck and grabbed it directly.

In Jiangzhou, a thin man like a Japanese ronin wiped a shining dagger in the room, and beside him stood eight tough young people respectfully. They were a branch of the Matsumoto family


Suddenly, the wooden door was smashed by a heavy object. Four men with submachine guns generally entered it and shouted, "raise your hands, we are special operations personnel of national security. The rebels will be killed on the spot!"

"Baga! The signs are leaked!"

The thin man was very angry, issued such angry scolds, and helplessly raised his hand

In a milk tea shop not far from the headquarters of fraternity group, there are four men with strong momentum. At the moment, they are whispering. They are ready to take action in the early morning.

"Don't move! Hands up!..."

Suddenly, six men with guns came in, surrounded by four people with a posture of elite soldiers. The four men were all strong, but in the face of six black muzzles, they couldn't help shaking all over and hurriedly raised their hands.

In Baichuan City, a group of people in black are hiding in a dense forest. They are talking quietly in Japanese

"Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

A Chinese soldier with live ammunition rushed over and encircled and suppressed from all directions, as if he had known the hiding place of these people in advance.

"Baga! It's broken, let me break through!..."

A man in black roared and led the crowd to break through. Unfortunately, they were facing soldiers with guns. The sound of guns with silencers was not loud, but the lethality was still there. These Japanese soon fell one by one

In Baichuan City, near the villa of Qin Xiangxiang and Hou Jintao, a dry old man hid in the flowers. He quietly sneaked into the villa after waiting for the deep night

This man is a first-class poison master. His poison skill is extremely powerful. While he was waiting, the whole man suddenly trembled and fell to the ground like a madman. At last, he foamed at his mouth and died miserably.

"Hum! If you want to harm people, you must first have the consciousness of being killed!" with a cold smile, an old woman sweeping the floor nearby said to herself. She is a strong person of the witch family and is best at witchcraft.

In the headquarters of fraternity group, in a storage room that few people visit on weekdays, there are six people huddled in it, with cold light in their eyes. This time the task is very simple. They rush out in the early morning and kill!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Suddenly, thick yellow smoke gushed out of the vent of the storage room, with a feeling of anesthesia. It was the famous Shixiang cartilage smoke in ancient China. All six people were on the road when they couldn't touch it. They whispered something bad and hurriedly responded. Unfortunately, it was still too slow. Their body became very soft and unable to resist at all.

"Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

Soon, these six people fell down. They were the dead of the Matsumoto family. They were determined to kill

At the fraternity jewelry store, a man in a famous suit wandered around, a rich gentleman's gesture. However, his eyes kept looking at the situation of the whole jewelry store. It seemed that he was stepping on the spot!

After wandering for half an hour, he left, turned left and right very carefully, and finally came to the yard at the end of an alley.

In a side room in the yard, eight Koreans gathered together and were anxiously asking the man.

"How's it going? Boss, we're here on behalf of South Korea this time. We can't go back empty handed. How about you step on it? Will you have a chance to fish in troubled waters tonight?"

"It's said that there are many precious Jadeites in the fraternity jewelry store. We can get rich as long as we take some casually! Revenge and wealth are the same!"

"Several brothers, I've been exploring for about half an hour. There's a great chance! According to our agreement with the Matsumoto family in Japan, it's the time to launch the general attack in the early morning. Even there are ninjas in Japan. At that time, the Bo'ai jewelry store must be very chaotic. We take some away and leave immediately! There are many experts in Japan this time, and we must keep an eye on the Bo'ai jewelry store A big fat meat, let's have some soup! "

"Ha ha... Boss, it's a great opportunity. Brothers have worked hard to come to China. Naturally, they want to make some windfall money. I'm afraid they were willing to come because of this mentality!"

"Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

When the eight Koreans talked, the yard was surrounded. Twenty guns locked the house. The door was pushed open with a creak. Dong Peng and Ruilin came in.

"You Korean sticks, don't hide, come out!" Dong Peng said proudly with his sword on his back.

"No, we're exposed!..."

Hearing this cry, the eight Koreans were surprised. They hurriedly took out daggers and machetes, and some wore special boxers. China's control of guns is too strict to get it.

Hiding all over the room, watching through some gaps, the eight Koreans were cold in their hearts because they saw guns, dark, pointing to the room!

These people are just the level of Ming Jin level, only the leader is the dark Jin level. This time, they come on behalf of South Korea to make some windfall money. Who ever thought that they would be stared at just when they appeared!

With a battle Madman's smile, Stephen said with a smile, "you can't escape, but I can give you a chance. Who can beat me and leave!"

When he said these words, his face was a pious attitude towards martial arts! The war is coming, he is preparing himself to meet the challenge of the early morning with his peak state!

"Spell it!..."

Finally, a Korean rushed out of the house to defeat Ruilin

There are many such scenes. For the business war and killing war, the Matsumoto family has prepared 120 plans. This is the main plan, and Yang Qingqing learned all of them in advance. With the power of the four divine beasts, they should directly nip them in the bud. Everything went well. Many plans went bankrupt. More than 300 Matsumoto family members were arrested, including many experts!

Great victory!

After the efforts of both sides, before the morning, the experts of fraternity group cooperated with the four divine beasts to attack in advance, destroyed all the plans arranged by the Matsumoto family, and successfully arrested many experts of the Matsumoto family, which completely disintegrated the revenge action of the Matsumoto family!

Of course, this is only the main task, while the branch task, because it is Matsumoto Jianer who tells his confidants, so Yang Qingqing doesn't know at all.

Branch line tasks are relatively low-level, because they are aimed at insignificant people, such as ordinary employees of fraternity group, or... Some elderly and orphans in fraternity nursing home

Masao Matsumoto didn't know that his main task had been leaked. Now, all plans have been destroyed. On the contrary, it is the branch task he ordered. No one knows. Although three were accidentally discovered, several succeeded!

Fraternity nursing home is well built because of Cui Hao. A large number of elderly people live in it, and many orphans also live here. On this day, at night, a dark shadow came into it, haunting the rooms of the elderly and children

In the employee apartment building of fraternity group, late at night, a figure holding a gasoline barrel walked quickly on the aisle. Soon, the apartment building caught fire

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