Hearing that Da yu'er said so, Cui Hao nodded and hurriedly looked at Wang Changsheng lying on the sickbed. At the moment, Wang Changsheng looked very strange. His whole body was suffused with a kind of scarlet color, and his whole body was vaguely emitting a strange and incomparable fishy smell. The whole person fell into a coma. His breath was weak, like a candle in the wind, and he was almost dying. Cui Hao can see that in the heart of Wang Changsheng, there is a special and mysterious breath of life, surrounding and touching his heart veins. Otherwise, he would have died!

Poison! Highly toxic! Compound highly toxic

Seeing such a scene, Cui Hao suddenly had a firm judgment in his heart. Cui Hao's medical skills can now be called the master of medical skills. He has inherited the two medical skills of divine medicine and Medicine Valley. He has also obtained the key to cure diseases such as the six word truth of Buddhism. There are few people who surpass him in the whole Chinese medical skills.

His eyebrows wrinkled inadvertently. Immediately, Cui Hao stepped forward quickly, turned over Wang Changsheng's closed eyelids, carefully checked his pupils, then felt his pulse, looked at the tongue coating, and sniffed Wang Changsheng's nose, carefully identifying some components of this fishy smell.

After watching, hearing and asking, Cui Hao frowned more and more tightly. He knew that he had encountered a strange and terrible poison. Moreover, it was not a single kind of poison, but a compound poison, containing at least a dozen kinds of poisonous snakes on the earth!

The so-called compound virulence is to fuse some soluble terrorist virulence together to form a mixed virulence with incomparable toxicity. Because there are many virulence components and even some variations, it is more difficult to treat.

This is second. Once this highly toxic poison invades the human body, it will not only hurt the human body, bones and flesh, but also stimulate the nervous system, and even affect the soul, slowly devouring and invading! It is for this reason that after witnessing Wang Changsheng being stabbed by a girl called little cherry, the two death bears thought he was dead, because no one could resist for long under the kiss of death. This poison is terrible and will become more and more intense. Moreover, even the configurator himself has no antidote. It can be said that it is a terrible poison that will die!

Cui Hao is well aware of the horror of this compound highly toxic. He can also decompose it carefully by releasing some of Wang Changsheng's blood. However, this process will definitely be very slow, and the feasibility is not high, because in the field of highly toxic, Cui Hao is not particularly expert.

For today's plan, we can only rely on our own perspective!

At present, Cui Hao did not hesitate, urged the perspective golden light and began to treat Wang Changsheng. Since the perspective eye was opened, it has never disappointed Cui Hao once. Nevertheless, Cui Hao is still very nervous, because the person saved this time is too important to him and is his second brother! Because he was an orphan since childhood, Cui Hao attached great importance to his feelings and cherished his two sworn brothers.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

With the opening of the perspective eye, first of all, Cui Hao saw the situation in Wang Changsheng's body. There was a creepy and terrible blood colored silk thread all over his body. These silk threads were not pure blood red, but also slightly dark, giving people a strange and incomparable feeling.

Soon, the perspective golden light rushed into Wang Changsheng's body and seemed to have general spirituality. The golden light sensed this bloody silk thread for the first time, hit it fiercely and began to fight with it!

"Effective! Great!..."

Observing all this, Cui Hao was overjoyed. He could see that the perspective golden light was obviously fierce. It was like a fierce tiger entering a pack of wolves. Part of the bloody silk thread soon disappeared and became invisible. Seeing that it was effective, Cui Hao naturally increased the exposure of perspective gold light, and one source of perspective gold light constantly rushed into Wang Changsheng's body

Now, with the improvement of strength, Cui Hao has been able to urge the perspective of golden light for a long time, one minute, two minutes, ten minutes

Ten minutes passed. In Wang Changsheng's body, the blood red silk thread was only a ball the size of a thumb. It was bright and lingering, making the last desperate resistance. Unfortunately, such resistance had no effect. With the slow passage of time


Finally, the blood red also collapsed, and the splashed blood air flow was slowly melted by the perspective golden light.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng's body trembled slightly, but he still slept and didn't wake up.

"Hmm? What's the matter? I've melted the poison of my second brother. Why are you still sleeping?" he frowned slightly, and Cui Hao wondered.

At the moment, both big yu'er and little yu'er were pleasantly surprised, because the scarlet all over Wang Changsheng's body disappeared, and the fishy smell on his body suddenly seemed to disappear. This situation clearly shows that Cui Hao has successfully treated his injury!

In his heart, Cui Hao examined Wang Changsheng's body with perspective golden light and found that everything was normal. He became more and more confused. Therefore, he separated a trace of pure Yang soul and swam his whole body. When he reached Wang Changsheng's Dantian position, suddenly, a strange and mysterious force penetrated and swallowed up this trace of pure Yang soul.

"What is this?"

Feeling all this, Cui Hao was stunned. He was puzzled. The subconscious Chunyang soul resisted the devouring of this mysterious force.

"Is it that the second younger brother's still unconscious has something to do with the mysterious atmosphere just now? If so, can I..." Cui Hao couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

Just do it. He urged the pure Yang soul to shoot in that direction again. Suddenly, the mysterious force appeared again and swallowed the pure Yang soul. This time, Cui Hao no longer resisted and let it start to devour. Suddenly, he felt that his pure Yang soul was intertwined with a mysterious force. He even entered a mysterious place with it!

This is a very unique place. There is a dark yellow and ignorant color everywhere. Tiny and incomparable light spots flicker. These light spots seem to contain a magical power. They all rotate slowly around the central area. This rotation makes Cui Hao think of a picture, Xinghe, at the first time!

Yes, it's Xinghe. In a mysterious area of Wang Changsheng's Dantian, there are such magical things. Countless light spots are very small. However, they seem to be stars one by one, with endless possibilities and power, waiting for exploration and continuous growth. This picture is very beautiful and makes people feel relaxed and happy looking at the infinite starry sky. However, this comfortable feeling, but with a trace of defects, it seems that there are some shortcomings.

What are the shortcomings?

Cui Hao felt all these changes. Suddenly, he felt that the core was the core. At the core of the innumerable weak points, there was a hazy, hazy mass of air. It was too weak to bear the gestation. Its essence was slowly passing away. It felt like a perfect piece of work. Because of some kind of flaw in want of perfection, it is passing away its essence, and this air group makes Cui Hao feel a special breath, a breath of his younger brother.

Although it is uncertain what kind of connection the air mass has with Wang Changsheng, Cui Hao can be sure that this mysterious area is the mysterious area inside Wang Changsheng's Dantian, and the most fundamental reason why Wang Changsheng has been passing away since he was a child is that he is afraid of some connection with it! The air is weak, and the essence of it is constantly passing away. It is not enough to withstand countless weak light spots. Even if he wakes up and passes through his own conditioning, he will not live long.

The root of the problem!

At this moment, Cui Hao was very determined. He finally found the fundamental reason why Wang Changsheng had been losing his spirit.

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