Through the mysterious power, Cui Hao's pure Yang soul entered a mysterious place in the Dantian in Wang Changsheng's body. It was very strange. There were dark yellow colors everywhere. Cui Hao was surprised by countless tiny light spots and the weak air mass. At this time, the chaotic golden pill raised by the mysterious small tripod furnace jumped in his body, It seems that he sensed something and suddenly emitted a slight chaotic color air flow

This trace of chaotic color air flow is very mysterious, emitting a noble, detached and superior atmosphere. Although it is chaotic color, it seems to reflect thousands of brilliance. It is really mysterious and extraordinary. As soon as it appeared, it naturally merged with a trace of pure Yang soul of Cui Hao. The chaotic color air flow was too fast. In an instant, it rushed into the weak air mass and intertwined with it

"Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

Almost for a moment, Cui Hao clearly felt the great change of the whole air mass, and suddenly made the sound of Hong Zhong and Da LV jumping. At the same time, he felt that his pure Yang soul occupied the initiative of the air mass. The chaotic color air flow melted continuously and merged with the air mass. It became more and more extraordinary, The breath of Wang Changsheng contained in it is getting weaker and weaker.

"No! What's going on? The dove occupies the magpie's nest?"

To his surprise, Cui Hao felt a strong uneasiness in his heart. This was the mysterious space in his second brother's body. The air mass contained a trace of his second brother's breath. His chaotic golden elixir was so domineering that he wanted to erase it and let his soul occupy it. According to this trend, my pure Yang soul will eventually master the air mass, and will be extremely strong and strong enough to bear the moisture of countless tiny light spots. However, my second brother is afraid

no way! No

At this moment, Cui Hao sent out such a roar in his heart to convey his meaning to the chaotic golden pill. However, the chaos golden elixir was indifferent, and in the air mass, the trace of chaotic color air flow has been fully integrated into it. It seems to have been greatly supplemented, Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

"No! Extinction! The method of soul cutting!..."

At this moment, Cui Hao was extremely anxious. He felt that Wang Changsheng's breath was getting weaker and weaker in the air mass. Without hesitation, he showed the method of chopping the soul. Pooh, his strong willpower turned into an invisible but terrible sharp knife. He cut down ruthlessly and lost his pure Yang soul!

Since chaos golden elixir doesn't listen, I have to do it myself!


At this moment, Cui Hao couldn't help but utter a dull and incomparable hum. The whole face showed an expression of pain and lost a trace of pure Yang soul. For Cui Hao, it was a severe pain, but he didn't hesitate to bear it.

"Ah! Brother Hao, what's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

Cui Hao suddenly did so, but he frightened the twin sisters. They hurriedly called. For this, Cui Hao just shook his head and looked at Wang Changsheng with great concern. He didn't know what to do.

Through careful feeling, Cui Hao can feel that Wang Changsheng's body is different. It seems that the weakness that existed in the body before has disappeared, replaced by a kind of mystery and detachment. This smell is very weak, but Cui Hao can vaguely sense it, because this smell has some similarities with his chaotic golden elixir.

Cui Hao wants to separate a trace of soul power again and explore Wang Changsheng's situation. However, he is worried about what happens to the chaotic golden elixir in his body. Although he regarded Wang Changsheng as his second younger brother, chaos golden elixir didn't know him. He felt the extraordinary and strange of his elixir field, and immediately wanted to occupy the magpie's nest and help Cui Hao get

Waving his hand, Cui Hao said, "I'm not in the way!"

With that, Cui Hao thought of a possibility and hurriedly asked the twin sisters, "big yu'er, little yu'er, you are the precious blood of the spirit family, and you have obtained the inheritance memory. I don't know if you will split a soul?"

"Yes, but this split won't last long, and the split soul will eventually disappear. What's the matter, brother hao?" nodded, and Xiaoyu answered first.

Hearing this, Cui Hao was delighted and hurried "When I was treating my second brother, a trace of soul accidentally entered a mysterious area of his Dantian, where there was a strange scene. There was the breath of my second brother on an air mass in the core. However, what's the situation now and whether his breath has become stronger? I don't know. I want you to help me check one or two."

Hearing the speech, big yu'er and little yu'er said without hesitation, "yes, we do!"

Cui Hao was moved by the two people's unanimous answer. They blushed. Finally, Da yu'er said, "sister, I'd better come. My soul is stronger than you. I'll stick to it for a long time."

"All right!" nodded, and Xiaoyu didn't argue.

So, Da yu'er began to show the secret skills of the spirit family. Finally, her face showed a painful color, her body shook, and then her expression suddenly became dignified

With the help of this secret method, Da yu'er began to explore Wang Changsheng's body. Under the guidance of Cui Hao, she focused on searching near his Dantian. Finally, she was intertwined with that mysterious force. Then she entered that space and saw scenes of paintings that shocked him

After a long time, big yu'er showed the color of pain again and slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing Da yu'er wake up, Cui Hao hurriedly asked, "how about Da yu'er?"

Smell speech, big jade son thought, this just condenses a voice way "Brother Hao, I feel it carefully. It seems that President Wang's breath is very weak, but he is very tenacious and always maintains that state. The feeling given to me by that air mass is really extraordinary. I don't know what's going on with President Wang's situation. However, his breath is not weakened, but he seems to fall into a deep sleep and lack strength to wake up."

Hearing this, Cui Hao's heart finally put down slightly. It seems that the air flow of chaotic color emitted by his chaotic golden pill has changed Wang Changsheng's weak body and made up for his natural defects. However, Wang Changsheng's soul is still not strong enough, or what's the reason, so he hasn't woke up.

Cui Hao doesn't know what will happen after Wang Changsheng. He doesn't dare to check it himself. He is worried that there will be changes in the chaotic golden pill.

Obviously, seeing Cui Hao's concern, Xiao yu'er also used the secret method to check it. Finally, she got the same answer as big yu'er.

This is not good news, but it is not bad. However, it is difficult to predict what will happen in the future.

In today's situation, Cui Hao didn't have any good way for a while, so he took out the chalcedony in the door of truth and put it into Wang Changsheng's arms. This thing has infinite wonderful functions and may be of some help to Wang Changsheng.

Once again, Cui Hao conditioned Wang Changsheng's body with perspective golden light. Cui Hao could feel that Wang Changsheng's body was slowly getting stronger. Finally, he stopped and walked out of the infirmary.

"Big brother, how's the second brother?"

"Cui Dong, how is it? Has President Wang's poison been eliminated? When can he wake up?"

"Boss, Mr. Wang is not in the way. He is one of the pillars of our fraternity group. There must be no accident!"

After Cui Hao left the infirmary, he was immediately surrounded by a group of people and asked all kinds of questions. Wang Changsheng's current situation, Cui Hao didn't know whether it was good or bad, but it should be getting better gradually, so he smiled and said, "it's not in the way, but this highly toxic ancient monster. Although I helped him get rid of the toxin, it will take some time to recover completely..."

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