Knife lifting skill!

Because of the limited competition, it is impossible for Beichen Shenan to use a real samurai sword in the first battle. The lifting of the sword, which turns the palm into a sword, has reached a peak in terms of outbreak, atmosphere, time, environment and so on. There is a kind of bloody and invincible flame between music!

He didn't even say hello. It can be said that he was a sneak attack, but in terms of rules, he was impeccable.

"It's a good move to lift the knife. It has the style of ancient generals fighting right away!"

Although he was the enemy, Cui Hao nodded secretly when he saw this move. However, when he appreciated it, he had no idea of being kind and soft. Moreover, he was humiliated by the defeat of China in the previous two wars. In this war, he had to win, and he was domineering to win!


For a moment, Cui Hao's body moved, and the lotus came out step by step. His feet were like dust, like lotus blossoming, but his body suddenly stood up! Suddenly, the whole person's spine crashed, as if a dragon woke up and was about to rise into the sky! Cui Hao's body is like a dragon and steps on a lotus. Cui Hao's body method is strange and magnificent. He suddenly avoids the terrible slap of the knife!

At this time, Cui Hao came to the side of Beichen temple. He suddenly stamped his foot and burst out like a thunder out of thin air, and his strength surged out! From foot to leg, from leg to crotch, from crotch to waist, from waist to arm, from arm to arm, from arm to elbow, from elbow to fist, push layer by layer and thunder step by step! Like a gun! Like a drum! Rulei! Such as fried!

Hit the ground!


For a moment, Beichen temple was directly hit by Cui Hao's fist, as if it had been hit by a big hammer on the watermelon shift. With a shrill scream, his chest burst into a blood hole the size of a bowl. The blood mist filled the air. The residual body flew more than ten meters away, and then fell straight to the ground. His body was like a carp out of water. He stood on the ground several times and died immediately!

One move!

It's too short for the two to fight and decide the outcome. With a move from Beichen temple, Cui Hao dodged and then smashed his fist to kill him on the spot!

"Oh, it's out“

Seeing such a scene, many Japanese samurai couldn't help exclaiming. Unfortunately, it's too late. Beichen Shenan has been killed!

Suddenly, there was an uproar at the scene. Many Japanese samurai showed consternation, shock, disbelief, heartache, anger, helplessness and other emotions on their faces. Because of the death of Beichen temple, their hearts that had just begun to be excited were poured with cold water

The two rounds of competition have ended. Although Japan is three points ahead of China in terms of points, in fact, their loss is much greater than that of China, because the two killed by Cui Hao are both great masters at the level of holding Dan. Such existence is the essence of Japanese martial arts, not ordinary dark strength, which can be comparable to chemical strength.

The bloody scene was cleaned up. The disciples, relatives and friends of Beichen Temple glared at Cui Hao one by one. Cui Hao naturally didn't care about it. The life and death contract has been signed. Either you die or I live. He naturally has to do his best!

Because Cui Hao had already fought two battles, Robert asked to rest for half an hour before fighting. Therefore, the remaining members of the Chinese side gathered together. Cui Hao keenly found that except for Ruilin and Xiaoqi, the remaining members, even Wu Qingquan, were trembling. Indeed, the series of battles just now were too fierce. Even if there was a little blood in their hearts, they thought When they realized that they were likely to be killed soon, they were still frightened! Choosing the regular competition did not mean safety. Xu Shaobin, who had just been killed, had proved this truth with his death.

Seeing this, Cui Hao sighed slightly. It seems that it depends on himself, Xiao Qi and Ruilin to crush the spirit of Japanese Bushido this time.

Soon, the third round began. In the first challenge arena, Zhang Hua of China was quickly defeated by peisan of Okawa of Japan, and he was severely humiliated. In the second challenge arena, Wu Qingquan fought with Hiroshi Ono of Japan for a long time. His gossip palm was really exquisite. Unfortunately, he lacked actual combat. Finally, he was stunned by Hiroshi Ono's murderous eyes, and was preempted by the enemy. A series of frenzies After the fierce attack, Wu Qingquan was defeated. He was hit in the abdomen with a palm and his internal organs were damaged. Fortunately, he admitted defeat in time, but his life was not in danger.

Out of ordinary friendship, Cui Hao personally treated him, and then set foot on the challenge arena to meet his opponent ampere taro.

This Abe taro is a master of Aikido. Moreover, he is proficient in a variety of boxing techniques. What he is best at is the leopard boxing among the five elements boxing of Shaolin.


At the beginning of the war, an Pei taro was like a fierce leopard with stimulants. He was extremely agile. His arrows ran to Cui Hao's left side, arched his knees, like a vertebra attacking the city, and violently hit Cui Hao's lower legs. At the same time, his two hands suddenly turned over and beat him at this moment. His left hand shook, bounced up and suddenly hit him in the eyes, but this move was a false move, blurring his vision, and his right hand It was very strange to probe. The Yin was deep and didn't reveal any wind at all. It was like a shadow in the dark. With a crash, the palm was clawed and took it out to Cui Hao's waist!

Insidious! Vicious! Weird! Swift and violent

This Abe taro is worthy of being a great master of Baodan level. If he doesn't do it, he will be killed. It is a terrible killing move, which has reflected the essence of leopard boxing incisively and vividly!

"Good leopard fist!..."

Seeing such a leopard fist, Cui Hao couldn't help but praise it from his heart. At the same time, his body shook awkwardly at this moment. This posture was full of a feeling of massiness and clumsiness, as if it were a fat giant bear shaking his body.

This move is exactly the bear shape in Xingyi boxing. The bear scratched and swayed clumsily, but it contains a unique mystery. It was extremely clever and avoided the leopard fist attack of Abe taro.

In fact, the reason why Cui Hao used this move is that from the perspective of his great martial arts master, this move is the best way to deal with the sudden leopard fist. After completing such a change, Cui Hao's body shook naturally. With such a shock, his momentum changed. Suddenly, he changed from a lazy and casual state to a frightful bully, which was frightening and surprising!

Giant bear collapse!

At the moment of temperament change, Cui Hao suddenly stepped out. The strong murderous spirit on the whole person was diffuse, random, just like the collapse of heaven and earth. He rushed out and poured forward!

"Ah! How fierce!..."

When the move failed, Abe taro was stunned. It was too late to avoid Cui Hao's giant bear from crashing the mountain. He had to bite his teeth. His arms buzzed at this moment, as if he had been instilled with infinite power. His hands crossed to resist the front.

Although he knew that Cui Hao had great power, he had been forced to a dead corner and had to fight back.


The next moment, the ferocious impact suddenly sounded. Then, a series of bone explosion thunder sounded, accompanied by a scream. Abe taro was defeated and hit the challenge arena heavily, but he had no strength to fight back.

Because the two sides signed a life and death agreement, Cui Hao was not a good man or woman, so he smiled coldly, flew forward and appeared in front of Abe taro.

At the moment, Abe taro fell to the ground, terrified and uneasy in his heart. He knew it was coming to an end. He didn't expect his opponent to be fierce and irresistible!

Just then, a figure appeared in front of him, towering like a demon, with a cold face. It was Cui Hao!

"Yamie belt!..."

In fear, Abe taro subconsciously issued such a cry. On the eve of death, even if he was a Japanese martial arts master, he could not resist the fear of death.

Unfortunately, Cui Hao ignored him and kicked him with a cold kick. Peng's sound just hit his throat and clavicle. With the clavicle smashing to the bone, he trembled all over. Then he fell heavily to the ground and died on the spot!

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