Cui Hao killed an peitaro cleanly, which once again aroused the exclamation on the dojo. Countless Japanese martial artists were red in the eyes. Master, another Baodan master in Japanese martial arts was killed! At this moment, the whole Taoist arena was filled with an atmosphere of grief and anger. Countless Taoist hateful eyes stared at Cui Hao, hoping to break him into pieces!

If an ordinary person is in a ferocious country and faces the hatred of thousands of martial artists, his heart will be extremely cold. However, Cui Hao is still calm. He laughs, runs the lion roar and laughs with thunder. "Hahaha... Is this a Japanese expert? It's really disappointing. It's lonely like snow. It's really lonely!......"

Rolling like thunder, laughter reverberated throughout the Taoist arena. The people on the Chinese side were extremely excited, while the Japanese side was out of anger. Scholars can be killed and not humiliated. Cui Hao was disdaining the whole Bushido!

Looking at Cui Hao on the challenge arena, Ruilin's heart shook and his heart of worship surged. He couldn't help thinking, "lonely as snow... Is this the master's realm? One day, I will stand on that realm, otherwise I don't deserve to be his disciple! I will be arrogant in this competition!"

For Cui Hao's arrogance, Japanese fighters are naturally very angry. However, more people become a little silent, and the bottom of their hearts also acquiesce to Cui Hao's statement

Three consecutive victories, and all the defeated are super first-class masters in Japan. Cui Hao really has a proud capital!

The fourth round of competition soon began. In the first challenge arena and the second challenge arena, Huaxia failed one after another. Now there are seven Huaxia personnel at the dark strength level and only two at the Huajin level. As for Baodan and King Kong, Cui Hao was fighting alone from beginning to end!

This time, Cui Hao once again made a strong move and directly killed the Japanese Baodan master Inoue hori with his unique white tiger fist, completing four consecutive victories!

be a trend which cannot be halted!

Cui Hao's ferocious posture, even the wild Japanese in his heart, is very cold. It's really ferocious!

This time, there were five Baodan and Vajra level who participated in the battle of life and death. Cui Hao killed four, leaving only one Kojiro Fujino. Although he fought with the determination to die, Kojiro Fujino was also frightened, too terrible, really too terrible!

"Ding Dong!..."

With another choice of battle, the fifth round of battle began.

In the first challenge arena, Huaxia Tian Ruilin vs. Japanese Kurosawa, in the second challenge arena, Huaxia Huang Yufeng vs. Japanese Maori xiaowuying, and in the third challenge arena, Huaxia Cui Hao vs. Japanese Nakatsu Xiuyi.

After waiting for four rounds, it was finally his turn. Stephen had already itched and immediately flew into the challenge arena. As for his opponent Ben Kurosawa, he was a big man with a dark face, very calm and gave people a mountain like temperament.

After signing the life and death contract, the two looked at each other and put on a posture.

Staring at Ruilin, Kurosawa also said in a somber voice, "little guy, are you under the age of 15 this year? I heard that your master is Cui Hao, very good, very good. I think I'll kill you. Your master will be very happy!...."

Cui Hao killed a series of Japanese masters, which had already aroused the anger of many martial artists. Hearing his words, many people knew the body method of Ruilin and were very surprised. In front of him, the boy looks at the age of 14 or 15 at most. He is already at the level of dark strength. Moreover, his master is Cui Hao. Famous teachers produce excellent disciples. He really deserves his reputation!

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!..."

Soon, many Japanese fighters in the dojo began to shout and cheer for Kurosawa. Cui Hao smiled faintly. He couldn't understand how powerful he was. The understanding of Xingyi boxing was not weaker than himself. Dark strength had the experience of killing and transforming strength. Isn't it so easy to deal with?

His face was solemn and cold, and he was too lazy to deal with nonsense, because in his opinion, Kurosawa was already a dead man!


With a loud drink, Kurosawa's legs suddenly ran like electricity. It can be clearly seen that his lower legs bulged, and his streamlined muscles bounced violently, making a collapse, just like playing a rubber band.

The muscles of his legs tightened in an instant. In an instant, Kurosawa also attacked like a strong wind. His left hand and palm were like a knife. He stabbed down between his eyes and the center of his eyebrows!


Kurosawa's stabbing force was also strong and sufficient. Even his abdomen suddenly had a mass of Qi, which surged violently up to his chest, then shook at the Adam's apple and poked it out from his mouth with the hand knife. It was really powerful and unparalleled!

The real masters of boxing pay attention to a "fist coming out of the mouth". Some masters of visceral exercise, such as yoga masters, can blow out the candles three or five meters away and blow out when beating people. It can be lifted up from the abdomen in one breath, hit out with the fist, spit and explode. It also has incredible power and effect.

In close combat, exhale confuses the enemy's eyes. As long as his subconscious eyes close, the end is obvious.

Kurosawa is also obviously a veteran dark strength expert. Suddenly, he attacked, stabbed him in the middle of the eyebrow with a knife, and sent out a breath as thin as a sharp arrow in his mouth, which hurt his eyes.

"Really a master!..."

His eyes were hurt by this sudden exhalation. He was not surprised but happy. A strong sense of war rose in his heart. His left hand bent in his chest and buckled in his five finger joints, just like a tiger's claw. When he suddenly lifted up, he was a "tiger support"! This move is a vicious move in the shape of a tiger. It is held up at the wrist joint of the other party. As long as it is held, the whole wrist joint of the other party can be dislocated at once, together with the shoulder joint of the arm!


Kurosawa also felt the implied killing move of Hutuo, but he still smiled at the corners of his mouth, and the stabbing momentum was relieved. Suddenly, his strength poured out, and his fingers were like a knife. His palm and five fingers were as loose as orchids. With a gentle and ingenious turn, he suddenly avoided "Hutuo". At the same time, his right foot was gently lifted like a ghost, Stepped directly on the instep of Cui Hao.

Kurosawa's focus was originally on the hand knife, but when he shifted so suddenly, he reached his feet, used both emptiness and reality, and changed his strength at any time. He simply used his strength with a somewhat magical taste.

Just now, his hand knife poked the center of his eyebrow. It was a false move. It was just to "beat people first, and beat them first. The real killing move was actually the hidden Kung Fu of stepping on it.

When I step on it, it's fast, urgent and hidden. It really feels like a ghost.

"Hmm? Hand knife? Dark foot? What a sinister move!"

Ruilin was also slightly surprised. The five toes of his right foot were suddenly pulled like chicken feet. His knee was raised and kicked hard. A cock cocked his foot and collided with the dark foot!


In an instant, the soles of both sides collided, and the fierce forces burst out and collided with each other!

"What pure strength, what great strength! Is this a teenager?"

Kurosawa also touched his legs with Ruilin. Suddenly, he felt a sudden tremor all over his body. There was a feeling of blood surging in his chest. His breathing was slightly suffocated and screamed bad.

He thought he had practiced martial arts for many years and had great strength, but he didn't expect that the young man in front of him was stronger than himself!

While the legs and feet collided, Stephen's hands had changed from "tiger support" to "tiger support". His hands were like tiger claws, and suddenly put them on Kurosawa's two shoulders. At the same time, his body suddenly came close to him!


When he was put on his shoulders by Ruilin, Kurosawa was surprised. He immediately sank his shoulders and dropped his elbows. He shrugged and retreated. He wanted to get rid of the capture by the way of golden cicada shelling. Unfortunately, it was too late. Cui Hao's tiger claws and five fingers were like a steel hook. Under this grasp, he was strong through the bone marrow. Kurosawa was also in pain and couldn't get out at all.


With a flash of cold light in his eyes, Ruilin's tiger changed again and turned into a murderous tiger tear. Suddenly, he made a force and tore!


Suddenly, Kurosawa's arms were completely torn off, and his blood gushed out like a column and fell on the challenge arena.


In the face of this bloody scene, the boy showed a coldness beyond ordinary people's imagination. Even with a bloodthirsty evil spirit, he bent down like a tiger down the mountain. The tiger's claws firmly clasped Kurosawa's throat and snapped!

Suddenly, Kurosawa's body trembled and died directly.

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