On the No. 1 challenge arena, the blood was dripping. Ruilin, who looked thin and small, stood alone. Although it gave people a feeling of thin and weak, no one dared to underestimate him any more, and the clamor around him to kill him suddenly stopped. Many Japanese fighters widened their eyes and couldn't believe their eyes!

It seems that Ruilin is just a 14-year-old boy. Even if Cui Hao, a famous teacher, stepped into dark strength, how much skill, means and combat experience can he have? How, how can he be so terrible? All the people present are martial arts practitioners. Although they are not practicing Xingyi boxing, it can be seen that Ruilin has already got three flavors of Xingyi boxing!

Standing cold and incomparable, Ruilin didn't see anyone. He looked at Cui Hao. In his heart, he really cared about the master alone.

Cui Hao nodded gratified at this. Ruilin was happy. Shua, an electric torch fell under the challenge arena. Ruilin, who has mastered the twelve forms of Xingyi boxing and even knows many joint attacks, is far from breaking out all his strength!

The battle in the second challenge arena began. Huang Yufeng of China fought against Japanese Maori xiaowulang. They fought fiercely for a long time. Finally, Maori xiaowulang used the killing move of cutting off the water flow and attacked again and again. Finally, Huang Yufeng lost the enemy and was beaten down the challenge arena with a hard blow. So far, Xiaoqi is the only one left in China.

On the third challenge arena, Cui Hao signed a life and death contract with Zhongjin Xiuyi.

Nakatsu hideyi is a powerful man in his fifties. His hair is inch thick, black and straight, like an angry porcupine. His eyes have a strong and incomparable wildness, like a beast.

The most striking thing is his body, which is two meters high, just like a little giant. His muscles are not prominent, but it gives people an explosive strength, and his skin presents an ancient bronze color.

"This man's horizontal practice Kung Fu is good!..."

Seeing Zhongjin Xiuyi, Cui Hao gave such an evaluation, but the other party obviously hasn't reached the point of locking the jade pillar with the Golden Dragon. His flesh is far more powerful than him!

"You are a strong enemy, but if you dare to provoke my great Japanese martial spirit, you must die!"

With such a dignified opening, Nakatsu Xiuyi posed with his hands stretched forward, nose pointed, hand pointed to toe, three points and one line, like a straight line. At the same time, his spine, arms, thighs and legs all showed a curved posture, which was extremely smooth, giving people a feeling that he was always ready to burst out like a bow everywhere!

This move is the secret of Aikido. When standing still, it is like a bow to accumulate strength. Once you act, it is like a bow to the extreme. The bow is like a full moon. It is perfect and fierce everywhere!

"Hahaha... If bragging can kill people, you have succeeded! Die!..."

Ha ha, with a smile, Cui Hao suddenly stepped out at his feet. His posture is outstanding and fast. It is the top body method of growing lotus step by step.

Boom, boom, boom, boom

Seeing Cui Hao's killing, Nakatsu Xiuyi hurriedly moved. Suddenly, a series of explosion sounds like bow opening and string shaking broke out. It was the big muscles on Nakatsu Xiuyi's body bouncing.


With a big drink, with a series of big muscles bouncing, Nakatsu Xiuyi's fists were smashed out like a storm, and a series of fists, fist shadows and fists were like beads and arrows, a ferocious mess!

This kind of "continuous ball and arrow" fist is very strong. It gives people the feeling that it is fast. The fist is like a crossbow. One arrow follows another, which makes people suffocate!

In particular, the sound of the body's big muscles bouncing and the fist like arrow gives people a terrible spiritual panic and oppression, as if they are facing not the fist, but the rapid arrow of martial arts, which is unstoppable!

At this moment, Nakatsu Xiuyi's body exuded a strong and incomparable killing opportunity, and his abdomen quietly swelled up

"Hmm? The arrow with beads? It's good. It tastes a bit. Unfortunately, it's too weak!" Cui Hao opened his mouth, like an elder instructing his younger generation.


At this time, Cui Hao stepped out in one step, with great ingenuity and a blow, giving people a feeling of shaking heaven and earth, swallowing eight wastelands and picturesque rivers,

This is the eight wastelands of fist town in Xuanwu Shenquan!

This fist blew out, the breath was too strong, and there was a strong and incomparable impact of martial arts will. Before Nakatsu Xiuyi's Beaded arrow hit, he felt invincible. The opponent's martial arts will almost made him feel like he wanted to collapse. It was strong, too strong, and he looked up at the invincible existence!

Although the soul was shocked, Nakatsu Xiuyi was a martial arts master holding Dan after all. At this moment, he firmly clenched his teeth and immediately abandoned all his fear. After a strange cry, his fists were like random arrows and ruthlessly bombed!

"Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

In an instant, the attacks of both sides collided together. Zhongjin Xiuyi hit countless fists, but the whole person screamed like lightning. His body hit the challenge arena hard and lost his opponent.


Nakatsu Xiuyi's body was really strong. He hit the challenge arena heavily. He bounced up in an instant. His face was embarrassed. Just now, the continuous arrow was his killer mace. Unexpectedly, it was useless to face Cui Hao. He also suffered some internal injuries.

"Ow, ow, ow..."

At this moment, Nakatsu Xiuyi did not hesitate to send out a wild howl. All the muscles of his body bulged in a moment, and the green tendons on his hands burst up, circling around the Qiu knot like small snakes. His mouth and nose were blowing violently, like the roar of beasts and the hiss of giant elephants!

In an instant, Nakatsu Xiuyi raised her horizontal practice Kung Fu to the limit. With a height of more than two meters, she was as powerful as a giant spirit!

"Oh! How awesome!..."

"Show your majesty!..."

Seeing such a scene, many Japanese fighters couldn't help exclaiming. They showed their shock and worship one by one. When they wanted to come, Nakatsu Xiuyi was about to explode!

When he frowned and saw the other party's crazy posture, Cui Hao was very upset. He kicked the ground with a bang, like a huge drum and thunder, but his body soared to the sky with a bang and a punch!

This fist, upright, pure, strong, crushed everything!

Seeing such a punch hit, Nakatsu Xiuyi himself was startled. He could feel the ferocity and horror of the punch. In a hurry, his abdomen fluctuated violently. A huge and incomparable airflow suddenly rose to his abdomen. In an instant, he came to the throat. Then, he was as fierce as a high-pressure gun!


Zhongjin Xiuyi roared wildly, like a thunder shock, and the violent sound waves surged towards Cui Hao. At the same time, his thick legs trampled like a giant elephant, roared, stepped out and impacted fiercely!

It's a pity that Nakatsu Xiuyi used the wrong object. He didn't know how strong Cui Hao's body was!

Naturally, Cui Hao's ears suddenly drooped down and completely protected the eardrum. It is the secret of ear training, pig ears. All this is a conditioned reflex of his body, and at the same time, Cui Hao's fist continues to hit bravely and invincibly, magnificent, powerful and unstoppable!

Come on! Come on! Block

The attack of the two men was so fast that they were about to collide in an instant. At this critical moment, zhongjinxiu's face suddenly flushed violently, as if he had suffered a strong counterattack, and he was just fierce. His body was like a giant beast, and it was like all the water in his body was lost and his bones softened, This kind of soft skill is amazing.

The change was so fast and ingenious that it was so wonderful that even Cui Hao didn't expect it. He didn't expect that he could not only practice Kung Fu, but also his soft skills.


At the moment when her body softened, Nakatsu Xiuyi showed a move. The imperial concubine was drunk and lay horizontally. She was able to avoid Cui Hao's fierce blow, and one foot had been stretched out. With an elegant and lazy taste, her toe directly kicked into Cui Hao's heart!

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