This situation is very abrupt. Cui Hao thought of a strange way of killing for the first time. Curse to kill! He has read a lot and knows that there are many taboos in the application of curse killing. Moreover, he must be guided by the blood of the enemy or the blood of his relatives. Did the Japanese side get some of their own blood and invite curse killing experts to assassinate themselves?

As he guessed, Cui Hao hurriedly urged the perspective eyes, and immediately saw the golden light penetrate into the soul of Chunyang. Gradually, he "saw" a faint black invisible wave in the depths of the soul, cutting the soul of Chunyang like a saw tooth. Although the destruction was very slow, it continued, and it was constantly infiltrating into the interior

I don't know what this fluctuation is. It feels like sulfuric acid. Even if sulfuric acid drops on your hand and is wiped in time, it will continue to penetrate and penetrate into the bone marrow, and it will also continue to penetrate, erode and destroy

Now that he has captured this faint black invisible wave, Cui Hao will not sit idly by. At present, he urges the perspective golden light to begin to destroy. Both sides continue to melt. Soon, the strange penetration of this black invisible wave disappears. However, Cui Hao can feel that it still exists, hides and continues to destroy slowly

The soul is covered with dust, sharp pain, and there is a feeling of slow weakness all the time, which makes Cui Hao suddenly think of his experience of being hit by the eyes of Satan, the great demon of Islam. It is also a similar curse, which almost made him die. If it weren't for Ouyang dusxue, he obtained the great nirvana of Zhenhuang, I'm afraid he would all die!

"Big trouble! Now, my soul is a pure Yang soul, and has bred a precious chaotic golden elixir. The magic furnace tripod is bred. Everything is fire. Unless I have to, this body can't lose it! Otherwise, even if I revive my own soul through pinning on the void, I can't lose it!" frowned, Cui Hao has a headache.

It is reasonable to say that the general curse soul killing technique is difficult to target the strong. Chunyang soul is more difficult. Cui Hao knows that he has met a terrible opponent. However, on second thought, he felt a little confident that even if the other party got his own blood, it was limited. It was great to use it once or twice, which was not enough to kill him. Seeing through the golden light could still weaken some of these strange invisible fluctuations, but he would lose part of the pure Yang soul

Therefore, Cui Hao began to quietly urge him to see through the golden light and slowly heal. However, he soon frowned, because the wave gushed out of the void again, invisible and integrated into his pure Yang soul

"What is this?"

This situation is beyond Cui Hao's judgment. He has a faint bad feeling, and his perspective golden light is intertwined with the invisible light black fluctuation. Vaguely, Cui Hao feels a feeling of heartache again. Moreover, in a trance, through the black fluctuation, he seems to hear a baby's poor cry

"What's going on?" frowned Cui Hao.

"Ding Dong!..."

At this time, the seventh round of the competition began. In the first challenge arena, Huaxia Zhao Lei played against Japan's Oshima Chuanjie, and in the second challenge arena, Huaxia Cui Xiaoqi played against Japan's Matsuda Zhengyi!

Soon, the battle began. Zhao Lei was a master of Wing Chun boxing. He kept breaking out with half a step. It was not simple. His opponent, Oshima Chuanjie, was a master of water and moon flow. One move was like a river running unstoppable. The two sides fought for a long time, with equal strength and fierce fighting.


Stepping on the nine palaces and eight trigrams, Zhao Lei broke out. The whole person was like a peerless killing God. He practiced to grab steps and came under pressure. His hands were like inch by inch explosive force, just like firecrackers!


Oshima Chuanjie was not flustered. His body was spinning like a top. At the same time, his arm suddenly turned and his fist turned into a snake kiss. In an instant, he trembled and was uncertain. He suddenly opened his mouth like a Python and bit down!

Qifeng protrusion!

This move of Oshima Chuanjie is really powerful. The subtle changes are almost impossible to prevent. See Kung Fu for details, Zhao Lei was shocked. It was too late to avoid. He was bitten by him all at once.


At such a moment, Zhao Lei immediately uttered a miserable scream. The whole person's face was dripping with blood. His body suddenly shook and fell to the ground with a bang!

He was caught too hard at once, and his face was disfigured. A hasty donkey rolled and fell under the challenge arena, and took the initiative to admit defeat.


Seeing this situation, Cui Hao sighed and hurriedly came to Zhao Lei to help him heal.

As Zhao Lei automatically rolled down the challenge arena and the game ended, it was natural that Oshima Chuanjie won.

On the second challenge arena, Xiao Qi and Masayoshi Matsuda stood face to face. Masayoshi Matsumoto was a tall and thin man with dark eyes. He gave people the feeling of being cruel. His legs were thick and incompatible with his thin body. However, anyone could feel the powerful power contained in his legs. It was terrible and powerful!

Soon, the two sides signed a contract of life and death.

"Bage road!..."

As soon as the contract was signed, Masayoshi Matsuda suddenly took action. His legs suddenly moved. His thick legs seemed to contain infinite power. This move was like a thunder explosion. With a roar, he rushed straight to Xiao Qi. At the same time, his body turned around, his palms supported the ground and beat the ground quickly, and his soles were like running thunder, It's urgent and fast!

All this is too fast, with a series of residual shadows, and the strength of his legs erupts. There is a terrible smell of destruction in the impact, surging incomparably, and his toes are like inverted hooks, seducing and killing!

Masichi Matsuda is deeply aware of Xiao Qi's terrible, so his shot is the most powerful killer mace. He breaks out with all his strength and hopes to kill Xiao Qi at his feet!

"Hum! I don't know what to do!..."

Standing lazily on the spot, seeing this, Xiao Qi gently jumped out these five words. Then, he took a solemn step under his feet. This step was very strange and gave people a feeling of shrinking to an inch. In an instant, he came to Matsuda Zhengyi's side. At this moment, Xiao Qi's arm was violently thrown and snapped, and the void was blown apart, This move is the "progress of Taijiquan, moving hurdles and hammering".

Although Taijiquan is soft and pays attention to four or two kilos, it also contains the most powerful fighting method. This strong strength should be found from the word "hammer" of Taijiquan.

Taijiquan has five taijihammers. They all contain real strength. For example, Xiaoqi's progressive moving and blocking hammer is one of the five hammers.

In ancient China, the most powerful generals who used hammers were basically fierce men. Li Yuanba, the first hero in the romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, hit invincible hands all over the world with two parallel hammers. When the predecessors of Taijiquan created boxing, they named the most vigorous move Chui, which had the same sound and different words, but the meaning was the same.

Gun! Hammer! Whip! These three kinds of strength are the main essence of Taijiquan. Although Taijiquan also has listening to strength and softness, using strength to fight, and so on, they are all auxiliary. We need to seize the moment opportunity in actual combat, and then skillfully break the strength.

Qiaojin is Qiaojin after all. The mainstream of Tai Chi Boxing is always strength. For example, Xiao Qi's progress in moving hurdles and hammering at the moment.

Xiao Qi's kylin steps are extremely mysterious and come from the inheritance memory of super divine animals. Although they are only the Kung Fu learned at the cub level, they also contain the mystery of shrinking into inches. When they are displayed at once, Xiao Qi suddenly comes to Masayoshi Matsuda. Then, Xiao Qi makes great progress and moves the fence to beat.

"Ah! Not good!..."

Shocked, Masayoshi Matsuda felt a flower in front of him. Xiao Qi's arm was like a hammer, which had been thrown on his chest.

"Click! CLICK! CLICK!..."

In an instant, a series of crisp bone fracture sounds rang through. Matsuda could not help but scream at this moment. His body flew up heavily and fell to the ground. His chest collapsed and his heart was exploded. He died miserably on the spot.

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