Xiaoqi made progress, moved the hurdle and beat, and Matsumoto Zhengyi died under the hammer. This scene shocked the scene. Thousands of Japanese martial artists were shocked. At the same time, they couldn't help thinking, a thought that frightened them. Would Cui Xiaoqi dominate the second challenge arena like Cui Hao and kill all Aikido experts?

When they saw Xiao Qi in the first battle, they were just surprised at his strength. But at the moment, they felt a deep chill. He was too fierce!

Tragic! The scene was filled with a tragic atmosphere!

Half an hour later, the scene was cleaned up and Robert came on stage again. The foreigner's face was very white. In his opinion, it was only a martial arts exchange competition that might cause casualties. Moreover, only 18 people in China participated and should be defeated by Japan soon. However, the fact was not the case. Moreover, the tragic battle was far beyond his imagination!

Ruilin, Cui Xiaoqi and Cui Hao, these three names are deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts, making them deeply afraid!

"Ding Dong!..."

With a clear sound, the flickering huge LCD screen stood still, and the list of two groups of combatants appeared on it.

In the first challenge arena, Huaxia Tian Ruilin vs. Japan's Shiro inouda, and in the second challenge arena, Huaxia Cui Xiaoqi vs. Osama Honda!

"Come on, disciple!" he patted Ruilin on the shoulder, and Cui Hao cheered for him.

"Well, master, don't worry. I'm sure I won't let you down!" he nodded heavily, and Ruilin looked dignified!


With this saying, he jumped onto the first challenge arena as fast as electricity. Ruilin and Xiao Qi chose the same thing as Cui Hao. It was a battle of life and death.

Looking at Ruilin on the first challenge arena, Cui Hao looked slightly in a trance. Xiao Qi was in touch with him. He immediately whispered, "boss, you seem a little worried. What's the matter?"

Cui Hao was indeed a little uneasy, because his pure Yang soul encountered this invisible curse again. It was invisible, just like the decay of bones. It was very difficult to entangle!

Cui Hao never knew who was assassinating himself, but one thing is certain that the other party must have mastered something vital to him, blood, or something else

"Is it my relatives? Parents? Relatives and friends?"

At one moment, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind. Cui Hao was immediately excited. He was an orphan since childhood. He dreamed of finding his parents and relatives, but he hasn't heard from them all these years. Cui Hao can be sure that he has never lost a lot of blood. Therefore, the enemy can't use his blood to cast spells. Then, the greatest possibility is his parents and relatives!

At this moment, Cui Hao was excited. He remembered the baby crying he heard vaguely. Some of them were puzzled.

This matter must be solved as soon as possible. Although it is impossible to kill yourself for three or five days, Chunyang's soul will be lost slowly. Now he is communicating in Japanese martial arts and is constantly weak. He is likely to encounter some danger!

Alone in Japan, the forces of the four gods and beasts can't give much support. Cui HAOSI wants to go. At present, he communicates the original fruit of Skynet in his body. Suddenly, a mysterious fluctuation envelops him. The voice of the spirit of Skynet "what's the matter with you?"

Because the spirit fruit of Skynet in Cui Hao's body is destined to become the first controller of Skynet, the spirit of Skynet has an excellent attitude towards him.

At that moment, Cui Hao told him about his situation. He was willing to take out his points and ask the spirit of Skynet to release the task. He wanted to know about mantra killing. Naturally, this task can't be announced openly. Moreover, Cui Hao's points have been few since he bought the six spirit stones. Fortunately, the spirit of Skynet intended to please him and opened a back door to release his task, which has high points.

When Cui Hao quietly released the task through Skynet, the battle on the first challenge arena had begun.

His opponent is Shiro inouda. His eyes are bright and shining. His whole hair is a little gray. His hair is not high or short. He has a kind of book breath, just like the temperament of great Confucian scholars in ancient China.

In fact, in addition to being a master of martial arts, siro inouda himself is also a researcher and admirer of Wang Yangming's psychology. In those years, China was turbulent and the reform movement was in full swing. Many Chinese scholars were forced to come to Toyo, that is, Japan today. They promoted the spirit of Confucianism and Taoism in Japan, and Wang Yangming's psychology has achieved great results, It has injected some human brilliance into the wild Bushido.

Wearing a black coat and coarse cloth shoes, Shiro inouda didn't look like a Japanese, but like an old Chinese scholar. He looked at Ruilin with fear and took a deep breath. His muscles and bones immediately rolled dully, and his internal organs moved, making a roaring sound like thunder in the sky.

"Little fellow, your Xingyi boxing is very pure and you are a strong enemy. If you don't have different positions, I would like to sit down with you, drink some sake and make friends without years. Unfortunately, it's a pity that one person must die when you and I sign the life and death contract today." word by word, Shiro inouda speaks clearly, just like the ancient scholar bureaucrat who saved himself three times a day.

Hearing the speech, Stephen smiled coldly and his voice was a little hoarse. "I don't read much, but I also know a word. Different ways don't work together. Don't hypocritically say these words. It's useless for me!"

"In that case... Your Kung Fu is too pure. I'll do it first!"

Nodding, Shiro inouda suddenly walked like an arrow, and his body sucked the ground like a tornado. In an instant, he came in front of Zhou Binglin. His fist was like a mountain collapse, and he was strangely pounded out of the seabed with his belly!

The key to this move is silence. Without even the sound of breaking the air, it is directly and strangely smashed, but the speed is incredible. It will hit Stephen in an instant!

When we just talked, Shiro inouda was modest and polite, just like a great scholar. But with such a move, he was extremely cruel, just like a wasp cold arrow, extremely vicious!


From beginning to end, he was very cold. Seeing Shiro Inoue's vicious moves, he hurriedly pointed his toes at the challenge arena and twisted his body very fast. The whole person was like a strange snake walking with its tail up. This was a fast body method in the shape of a snake, the Golden Snake. The body is like a willow in the wind, and the body is a Golden Snake plate.


In an instant, Shiro inouda's blow to the bottom of the sea failed, and after shylon avoided the blow with the body method of Golden Snake Panliu, he suddenly kicked his right foot and brushed it!

When he kicked out, his body leaped out in an instant. He showed the move of splitting fists and attacking the tiger with both hands. He used the move of two tigers opening the mountain. His attack was the move of white cranes with bright wings, which was the move of cranes

The move of the white crane shining its wings turned around. The two big muscles on the back of Raylen suddenly stirred up, rolled up and shrank in an instant, and used all the strength of his body at once. It was like the wings of a big bird. There was a feeling of flying. In an instant, he came to Shiro inouda's side.

Come on! It's too fast!

With his crane like gallop and tiger like flutter, he was just as ferocious as a tiger with wings. The sound of tearing his heart and lungs came out. His hands turned into tiger claws. A fierce tear hit Shiro Inoue's head!

"My God! This boy is so fierce! It's so fierce!..."

Faced with such a blow, Shiro inouda was surprised. He hurriedly kicked the ground. His arms were stretched out, just like a big bird spreading its wings. His palms were like grasping and popping, and he blocked it towards the tiger claw of Ruilin.


In the face of this blow, he smiled coldly, and the tiger's paw hit with the blow of Shiro inouda. Then, with a clever change, the tiger's paw suddenly became very smooth, like a slippery python, flipped, clattered, and the palm of his hand was like a snake's kiss, Accurate and ferocious hit the trigeminal nerve under the root of igada's ear.


With a loud cry, Shiro inouda trembled and fell to the ground. He died miserably on the spot.

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