Cui Hao came out of the valley of the dead just when the great sacrifice of the gods was held in the Yasukuni Shrine. His face was embarrassed and worried. I can't say I got nothing in the dead spirit valley. At least I'm sure that my daughter was indeed cast the soul killing spell to deal with herself. As for where she is now, she still has no clue.

Originally, the strange soul killing mantra power gushing out of the void again and again made Cui Hao depressed and headache, because it was really difficult to entangle, just like the decay of bone, and it could not be driven away. Even with the help of perspective golden light, it was only a great relief, and his soul was covered with dust, his perception and the ability of all aspects of his body decreased. However, at the moment, he very much hopes that the attack of this force will not stop, because once it stops, it means that his daughter may be exhausted!

Although he has never met, Cui Hao's heart is full of endless tenderness and charity. He wishes he could give all his love to the little guy. Considering the pain she is suffering now, she is a two month old baby. Cui Hao has a very distressed impulse to go crazy!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

At this time, an invisible wave filled the air and made contact with Cui Hao. After perceiving all this, Cui Hao was happy and the spirit of Skynet took the initiative to contact himself. Is there someone following the task he released?

Sure enough, the voice of the spirit of Skynet rang through Cui Hao's heart. "The task you released has been followed by someone. That Matsumoto Jianer is now at the Yasukuni Shrine, the inner shrine, hidden under the real Yasukuni Shrine..."

"Really? Great, I'll be right there!"

Hearing this news, Cui Hao was overjoyed. Now, it's too dangerous to find his daughter with the help of Liu Sheng ape. Matsumoto Jianer is an important breakthrough!

At that moment, Cui Hao hurried to the nearby city with Xiao Qi and Ruilin

Worried about his daughter, Cui Hao rushed to Tokyo as soon as possible. About four hours later, the three finally arrived in Tokyo.

The Yasukuni shrine is an open type of building. Anyone can enter it to pay homage, and the three people also enter it to fish in troubled waters.

The entire Yasukuni shrine is large and crowded. All of them are fanatical looking Japanese. They all belong to the right wing and are keen to obtain wealth in battle. Many of them are the descendants of the Japanese devils who once invaded China and often come here to pay homage to their ancestors.

"Yasukuni Shrine... Hum!"

Seeing the notorious building with his own eyes, Cui Hao was angry. At the moment, his most anxious thing was his daughter's safety. Therefore, he didn't have much time to think about others and began to feel it seriously.

"Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

After a moment of careful induction, Cui Hao became excited and his eyes lit up, because he vaguely felt a kind of breath, very weak, like a residual candle in the wind, which gave him a kind and incomparable feeling. Cui Hao was almost 100% sure that it was his daughter's breath!

The breath is really too weak, and Cui Hao can only feel it faintly. However, since Matsumoto Jianer is in some inner shrine under the Yasukuni Shrine, he must have brought his daughter there, so Cui Hao did not hesitate to open his perspective eyes and explore downward

Many people visited the Yasukuni Shrine. The three walked all the way and pretended to look at the God column. In fact, Cui Hao was constantly looking underground for the so-called inner shrine.

"I said, boss, what are you doing?" curious, Xiao Qi asked.

There's nothing to hide. Cui Hao said, "Xiao Qi, I'm looking for the inner shrine under the Yasukuni Shrine, but it's too big to find it for a while!"

"It's a piece of cake. I know a secret skill, void induction, boss, wait!" Xiao Qi smiled proudly, and said so.

Soon, he began to display a strange secret skill, emitting an invisible fluctuation. A moment later, Xiao Qi opened his eyes and said positively, "boss, I sensed that there is an empty area under the ground, about a thousand meters away from us. It should be the inner society you're looking for!"

"Great! Let's go!" hearing the speech, Cui Hao was overjoyed and rushed with them.

After walking for about one kilometer, a black solemn building appeared in front, guarded by a group of people in black, holding a samurai sword in their hands, blocking the way.

"It's forbidden to watch and pay homage here. Leave now!..."

People in Black opened their mouths and stopped them.

Now it's not suitable to scare the snake. They haven't found the inner society yet, so Cui Hao took them away and found a hidden place. They left quietly under Xiao Qi's empty shuttle and appeared in the black solemn building.

This is a black circular building with solemn and solemn interior. There are many murals depicting it. Most of them are praising the portrait of the great God of Tianzhao. Cui Hao was too lazy to watch it. He urged his perspective eyes to look down at the first time.

One glance, just one look, Cui Hao was angry, completely angry!

Below is an empty place. The only thing there is a tall statue of a woman with a soft face. She gives people infinite courage and beauty. She holds a sword, hangs a beautiful jade around her waist, and hangs a gorgeous moon white mirror on her forehead. She is very tall and looks like a God who has mercy on all living beings. Around her, there is a mysterious force brewing, very gentle, But it really exists

Around the statue, there are a group of monks. People dressed as Yin and Yang masters are constantly barking. They sing and dance to the body of Kumgang Matsumoto. Around the huge statue, there are nine shrines, each with a figure sitting on it. The breath is terrible, especially the dry old man like an ape, which makes Cui Hao feel a sense of crisis. In the center of the statue, there is a jade Futon. On it, a middle-aged man is kneeling down piously. It's no one else, it's Kenji Matsumoto.

In front of Matsumoto's crippled body, there is also a small shrine. It seems that there is a baby in it. Vaguely, you can hear the weak cry. If there is no, it is about to die out of vitality.

Seeing this shrine, Cui Hao trembled and looked deeply into his current consciousness. At a glance, he was almost crazy with anger!

In this shrine, a baby girl is hung by an iron hook. It's terrible. The little girl's face is painted with special colorful symbols, and her back is dripping with blood, forming a dead word. Her whole body is black and blue. It seems that she has lost too much blood. There is a feeling of dying. A strange blood red nail with the thickness of a little thumb is nailed on her head and limbs, The nail seemed to be very deep, and it seemed to suck blood and deeply pierce the baby girl's body.

This is my daughter, two months old, who should enjoy life in swaddling clothes. She was so tortured!

Blood, boiling! Anger, rising! Cui Hao's heart was twisted like a knife. A kind of crazy anger filled his heart. His eyes turned blood red in a moment, just like a crazy beast. He wanted to choose people to eat!

Even wild animals have the feeling of licking calves, not to mention Cui Hao. Seeing his daughter whom he has never met, he is so tortured for his own sake. Moreover, he is obviously dying. Cui Hao can't care about anything at the moment. There is only one idea left in his heart. Save people, save people immediately!

"Boss, what's the matter with you? Why is your face suddenly so ugly?" surprised, Xiao Qi asked.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao took a deep breath and tried his best to calm himself down. He must be quiet and think about how to save people.

Through the perspective, Cui Hao has seen clearly all kinds of things in it. Those monks and yin-yang masters should have no attack power. The most difficult thing is the old guy like an ape. He should be the ancestor of the Liusheng family. He is a strong man with half-a-step magic power and the help of Liusheng ape. In addition, the other eight people are also terrible. The breath of King Kong is immortal and is a strong man in the realm of King Kong. This lineup is too strong. It can be said that it has gathered almost half of Japan's peak combat power.

Now, Cui Hao wants to snatch food from the tiger's mouth and get his daughter back!

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