In the Yasukuni Shrine, although there are not many people gathered at the moment, and only ten people with Kenji Matsumoto, they are all real experts. Each of them is almost the peak representative of a genre and almost represents most of the peak combat power of Japanese martial arts. In the face of such an enemy, even if Cui Hao is mad at hate and lust at the moment, he has to calm down, Think quickly about the best solution.

Moreover, Cui Hao keenly found that the huge statue was buzzing and shaking at the moment, and the mirror on his forehead brewed a frightening force, which should not be underestimated!

With a dignified look, Cui Hao said, "Xiao Qi, Ruilin, here is the inner society. I have a secret method to see through the situation below. It's very dangerous. Ten enemies, the strongest one is a half step magic power, and the other nine eight Vajra realms and one holds a pill. My daughter is also below. She is treated as a sacrifice and is in danger!"

Hearing the speech, Ruilin was surprised and said decisively, "what? Master, we'll rush in now. Even if you fight for your life, I'll help you save your daughter!"

Xiao Qi was also surprised. He pondered for a moment and then said "Big nephew, I don't despise you. Your strength is good to deal with dark power. In the face of King Kong, it's like an egg hitting a stone. You'd better stay in your master's door of truth so that we won't be distracted from protecting you! Boss, I try my best to break out the secret of void bondage. I can hold a half step magic power for ten minutes, and my magic power can initiate a jade pendant to explode Send a group attack, but the power can only block the King Kong realm. The main reason is that I still have too little power in my body. Such an outbreak can last for up to ten minutes. If it takes a long time, I'm afraid I can't do it with you shuttling through the void. Ten minutes, boss, should be enough for you to save people? "

"Ten minutes? Great! Xiao Qi, thanks!...." hearing the speech, Cui Hao was overjoyed and nodded.

According to the calculation of time, ten minutes is absolutely enough to save people, but Cui Hao doesn't know what means the other party will have. Moreover, the statue is strange. I'm afraid it will add some variables!

Although Cui Hao knows that he is a little rash and risky, he has no time to plan. In order to save his daughter, even if it is an adventure, he must fight!

After opening his mouth, Ruilin wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, it was true. Shifu was so anxious to save his daughter that he couldn't help. So, Ruilin nodded, but secretly vowed to rise quickly!

Time was pressing. Cui Hao patted Ruilin on the shoulder. Then he urged the door of truth to include it. At this time, he remembered a large number of characteristic grenades stored by himself. Maybe he needs to use them this time!

"Boss, are you ready? Let's go?" she smiled and asked.

"OK!" he nodded heavily, and Cui Hao was ready to go!


Seeing Cui Hao nodding, Xiao Qi waved his palm. Suddenly, the void in front of him was cut into a long, narrow and huge crack, and his hands emitted a white bright light, which attached to Cui Hao. The two stepped out together, clattering, and his body suddenly disappeared in it

In the Yasukuni Shrine, the strange singing echoed. At this time, the towering huge statue vibrated as if it had recovered, emitting a faint radiance. The radiance shrouded the incomplete body of Matsumoto and immediately melted the body. Among them, drops of pure golden liquid brewed out and suddenly plunged into the statue. Suddenly, the mirror on the statue's forehead Buzzing and buzzing vibrated, and a light flowed on it, becoming more and more extraordinary.

"Ha ha... The great sacrifice of the divine spirit finally inspired the statue of the great God of Tianzhao! I can get a huge reward soon!" his heart was ecstatic, and Matsumoto's eyes lit up.

Sitting on the platform, the nine people, including Liu shengape's help, are in a good mood. They are about to get the back feeding gift. They have been waiting here for a long time. The so-called condolence is false. In order to get the gift!


At this time, suddenly, a void under the statue was strangely distorted. Then, a space crack was born out of thin air. A destructive force poured out of it. Two figures stepped out of it like electricity. A young man and a young man were Cui Hao and Xiao Qi after Yi Rong.

"My daughter!..."

At the moment when he appeared here, Cui Hao trembled with excitement. He felt the cordial atmosphere in the shrine. It was too weak. He was very distressed. The next step was to step out and come to him.

Save people! This is the most important thing!


Cui Hao grabbed his palm and turned it over. The shrine and his daughter were sent to the door of truth. At this moment, his tightly hanging heart was slightly put down. After completing this step, this rescue operation was equivalent to half the success!

"Ah! Who? What do you want?"

The person closest to Cui Hao and Xiao Qi is Jianer Matsumoto. Such a scene suddenly appeared in front of him. He was startled, exclaimed, and suddenly had a creepy feeling in his heart! At this moment, Jianer Matsumoto felt that the young man opposite was staring at himself. It was terrible, like a beast!

"Boss, we'll kill it hard before we leave. Don't worry, I'll help you entangle the old monkey!"

Xiao Qi can feel the anger in Cui Hao's heart, so after he rescued his daughter, Xiao Qi suggests so. Cui Hao naturally has no opinion about this. He has held back his towering anger. It's time to release it. Even if he will encounter some dangers, he must release it!

"Be careful, Xiao Qi!..."

Cui Hao responded through telepathy. At the same time, he kicked the ground, made a loud noise, and suddenly rushed out like an invincible king!

"Beast, die!..."

For this Matsumoto Jianer, Cui Hao is gnashing his teeth. This Japanese devil is too vicious. He designated all kinds of conspiracies against Huaxia fraternity group, even the elderly and children. Now he tortures his daughter like this. Cui Hao has long wanted to kill him!


With the explosion of thunder, Cui Hao blew out a fist with great momentum, giving people the spirit of shaking heaven and earth and swallowing the eight wastelands. When this fist was hit, his body seemed to be infinitely tall, becoming an invincible existence between heaven and earth, and an invincible spirit filled the air!

Qinglong Shenquan, Longba Sifang!

"So fierce! Not good!..."

Cui Hao's fist was too abrupt. It was like lightning and flint. Matsumoto Jianer was startled. He felt that the young man's fist was too terrible. His fist was like a dragon, giving people an invincible feeling. The void trembled violently, and even cracked a series of void cracks. The whole world was shaken with the falling of the fist!

Although he is an expert holding the five products of Dan, under Cui Hao's fist, Matsumoto Jianer feels as if the field has collapsed. A giant fist is upright and crushing everything. It is really like the invincible giant spirit waving his fist and smashing it out!

The giant fist flew into the air. In an instant, it was approaching, covering the sky and earth in front of Matsumoto Jianer. His inner fear also intensified with Cui Hao's giant fist!

Cui Hao's physical strength is so powerful that he doesn't know it. He has already reached the point of locking the jade pillar with the Golden Dragon. After that, he became more and more terrible under the tempering of the scourge of heaven and thunder, and had a real taste of immortality of the golden body.

At the moment, his fist burst out with all his strength, and even cracked the void everywhere, which was amazing! You know, even in the realm of King Kong, there is no such power at all. One punch cracks the void. This is the ability of half step magic!

"Ah!... no..."

Matsumoto Jianer trembled all over. There was a terrible breath under Cui Hao's fist, which made him almost paralyzed and sat on the ground. There was no time to resist. At this time, his huge fist hit his chest with a bang!


In an instant, Matsumoto Jianer burst like a watermelon hit by a big hammer. The whole person turned into a thick blood mist mixed with bone stubble. In an instant, he was blasted and his bones didn't exist!

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