Tokyo, this day is destined to attract the attention of the world, because the martial arts conference will be held today, and what kind of array will Japan, as the host, put forward?

The disastrous defeat of Aikido in Yongqing hall has severely trampled on Bushido in Japan. Therefore, they are bound to defend it to the death at the Wudo conference, and such a conference is destined to be wonderful!

As early as three days ago, Japan vacated the largest dojo in Tokyo and made many arrangements to be used as the venue for this martial arts conference.

At dawn, countless Japanese celebrities and gentry who received invitations, big figures from various forces, big figures from other countries and so on all flocked to watch the martial arts conference. They were deeply shocked when they came near the dojo!

On both sides of the spacious road where the ashram is located, all of them are Japanese warriors. They are neatly arranged on both sides. Each one looks very solemn, with iron blood and murderous spirit on his body, and his eyes are sharp and cold. Anyone who sees such a team will tremble!

These Japanese fighters gathered here a few days ago to cheer for Japanese Bushido.

The representative team of Huaxia came. The huge team of reporters was surrounded by three people, Cui Hao, Xiao Qi and Ruilin. They did not smile. They also felt this depressing atmosphere, but remained unmoved.

Martial arts convention!

From a distance, Cui Hao caught a glimpse of these four characters hanging at the door of the huge dojo. Countless Japanese fighters stood under them, emitting a strong and incomparable atmosphere, intertwined with each other, which was very terrible The crowd continued to move forward. Suddenly, the reporter team of Huaxia stirred up, and many reporters shouted. It turned out that nine dark, heavy and huge black coffins were placed in the middle of the door of the dojo!

This scene is creepy. Cui Hao couldn't help thinking of a word to carry the coffin and fight!

Nine coffins and the cold gaze of thousands of people, all these intertwined into a dull and terrible atmosphere. Seeing this scene, countless people were shocked!

What is the Japanese warrior doing? Unexpectedly, carry the coffin and fight!

Needless to say, many people have guessed that the coffin should contain nine Japanese super first-class martial arts masters who have just been killed!

In front of the nine black coffins, there are hundreds of Japanese warriors. Each of these people exudes a terrible momentum. None of them is weak. In the front, there is an old man wearing a pointed hat and thin like a big ape. Now, the only ancestor of Japan's ancient martial family, the half step powerful man, with the help of Liusheng ape!

The expression was unprecedented solemn. Facing the fluorescent lights of countless reporters, Liu shengape's words were cold, with a strong and incomparable evil spirit "Everyone, you must have felt our bushido spirit. In order to show respect for China, the martial arts community of Greater Japan held this martial arts conference today, which was a collision between nations. Today, 30 warriors are ready and have put life and death aside in order to defeat China and defend the great Japanese samurai Tao spirit! "

After saying this, Liu shengape's voice turned and pointed to the nine dark coffins "The Chinese people are shameless. They killed nine top Japanese martial arts masters by means of hot weapons and other vicious means. They want to hurt the hearts of the warriors of our great Japanese Empire on the eve of the war. Unfortunately, they are wrong. Japanese Bushido will never be hit! Those shameless Chinese people, including Cui Hao and Cui Xiaoqi of the Chinese team, so the next martial arts conference , I, the great Japanese warrior, will be brave enough to kill these two people! "


As soon as Liu shengape's help came out, it was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, causing a violent response! At this moment, the hundreds of Japanese fighters behind him and countless Japanese fighters around him showed angry expressions, a huge anger rising!

After hearing the cause of the death of nine Japanese martial arts masters, countless Japanese martial artists became angry and filled with tragic killing intention. How tragic and grand is the breath? At the moment, the atmosphere seems to be suffocating and depressing, making people unable to breathe!

In this case, many journalists trembled in their legs, and one of them from South Korea was the worst. A stream of urine flowed out of his crotch....

At this moment, hundreds of Japanese warriors behind Liu shengape's help stared at Cui Hao fiercely, as if they were going to devour him alive!

"This group of Japanese fighters is terrible, really terrible!"

A group of reporters were frightened and pale.

These hundreds of people are all experts in Japanese martial arts, and almost half of them belong to the Japanese actual combat faction. They have grown up step by step. They have experienced many life and death wars. They naturally have a terrible spirit of killing and cutting. At the moment, they are all in a violent mood of grief and anger, which is terrible!

In the face of such anger, Cui Hao was very calm. He looked directly at Liu shengape's help and said sarcastically "You are also the great master of Japanese martial arts. I didn't expect you to be so shameless. It was you who killed me and my little brother with nine of them. We killed a lot of people, but we confused black and white and made irresponsible remarks! Do you dare to swear in public that what you just said is true. If you lie, Japanese Bushido will collapse and be completely destroyed?"

Cui Hao's words are sharp. It can be said that he kills his heart word by word. After hearing his words, many people look to Liu shengape's help and see how he expresses his position. If Liu shengape Zhizhu swore without hesitation, perhaps the credibility of the words was still high, but if he dodged, some of them would be fishy.

He was furious. At this moment, Liu shengape's help had a wave of killing intention in his eyes. He wished he could tear Cui Hao apart. However, he didn't dare to swear. His inner piety and enthusiasm for Bushido made him dare not make such a poisonous oath!

After biting his teeth, Liu shengape Zhizhu shouted, "baga! How dare you talk to me like this? Just admit that they are your despicable means to kill them. Today, at the martial arts meeting, you three are dead!"

After throwing out such a paragraph of words, Liu shengape Zhizhu took out a long white cloth from his arms, on which there was a fiery red sun, which was the pattern of Japan's national flag!

There was a dignified and incomparable look on his face. He tied the cloth on his forehead, and his body was filled with a huge and boundless atmosphere of killing and brutality, just like the shape of the kamikaze death squads in Japan.

Seeing Liu shengape's help like this, hundreds of Japanese martial arts mainstay masters behind him took out the same white belt red sun cloth and tied it to their forehead.

At the same time, thousands of martial artists outside the dojo were like this. In an instant, a tragic, indignant and heroic emotion filled the scene. Everyone was deeply infected. They felt the great determination of these Japanese martial artists and the determination to fight to the death!

After completing this action, Liu shengape's help turned and walked towards the Taoist arena. Hundreds of martial arts experts followed behind. The array was so tragic that it was shocking and could not extricate itself!

Such scenes spread through all corners of the world through live broadcasting. In Japan, countless people in front of the computer all looked solemn. They found such a cloth at home and tied it silently on their forehead! No matter how much dissatisfaction they have with this country, their patriotism is awakened when the enemy challenges!

Huaxia, countless Huaxia children were deeply shocked. They secretly squeezed a cold sweat for Cui Hao and shouted in their hearts to cheer for them

heroically tragic! Tragic! Kill!

Feeling this almost suffocating tragic atmosphere, Cui Hao's eyes are full of war. He turns to look at Xiao Qi and Ruilin. He finds that they look like normal, nods with satisfaction and laughs "A country's martial arts will is really not so easy to overcome. Every country does not lack tragic people in times of crisis. Destroying such martial arts makes people excited! Xiao Qi, disciple, let's go and destroy it!"

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