At the door of the upcoming martial arts conference, the Japanese side carried coffins and tied white flag strips with red sun on their foreheads one by one. There was no doubt that they would fight to the death. Under this tragic atmosphere, everyone pinched a cold sweat for Cui Hao and other three people. It was really too dangerous. The three people, representing Chinese martial arts, met the anger of Japanese martial arts, How much courage does it take?

In the face of such a tragic atmosphere, Xiao Qi is still calm and calm. He is a super beast and has his own pride, while Ruilin's excited eyes shine. Tiansha is a lone star. He was born for martial arts and killing. This kind of life and death makes him feel like fighting!

Under the flicker of countless fluorescent lights, Cui Hao swaggered into the huge Dojo with Xiao Qi and Ruilin. Then, countless journalists from various countries and judges of the international martial arts association poured into it.

"A lot of people!..."

Although I had already prepared in my heart, I stepped into this huge Taoist field and witnessed everything around me. Everyone, including Cui Hao, couldn't help sighing.

As the largest ashram in Japan, this ashram in Tokyo is vast and solemn. The ground is paved with a kind of hard and brilliant white oak, showing luxury and pride. It is still an oval shape similar to the ancient Roman arena. In the center is a huge and incomparably empty place, and countless seats are filled with people, It's boundless!

With a slight glance, Cui Hao roughly made an estimate that at least 100000 people are at least several times larger than Yongqing hall. Indeed, it is worthy of being the largest Taoist temple in Japan!

At this moment, Liu shengape's help led the people to the central area quickly. There are three huge temporary challenge platforms made of refined iron, which are roughly divided into two areas: Japan and China.

In the center of the two regions, there are four huge and incomparably bronzed characters, which are the four words of the Martial Arts Conference!

The 100000 people's Daoist arena, the grand pomp and everything show that Japan attaches great importance to the Wudo conference this time!

Seeing hundreds of people such as Liu shengape's help tied national flag cloth on their heads, many Japanese who carried this cloth tied it silently at the scene. Suddenly, the atmosphere at the scene was strong and tragic! Everyone can feel the determination of Japanese Bushido this time, to defend dignity and kill the three challengers of China!

Entering the ashram, Cui Hao took the lead. After seeing him, the Japanese howled like beasts, "shameless Chinese killed our nine Japanese masters by despicable means, damn it! Kill them, kill them!"

At the moment, the whole scene was dull and tragic. As soon as the howl was issued, a stone immediately aroused thousands of waves. Countless Japanese shouted up. Many stood up, waved their arms, shouted hysterically, and roared. The sound rumbled, sweeping the whole Dojo!

Three people from the Chinese side have just entered the site, and the scene is a little out of control. In this regard, the Japanese side of the host keeps silent. This general trend is very good. It can give the enemy a downfall and completely surpass the enemy in momentum!

Unfortunately, Cui Hao won't let this wishful thinking really start. He suddenly took a deep breath. The lion roared, and the voice rumbled like thunder. With a sense of anger, "yes! I killed all the nine wastes, but I killed them squarely, not with despicable hands! They are too weak to be beaten!"

At the moment, Cui Hao is really angry. Since arriving at the martial arts conference, Japan wants to crush China again and again. Although only three of its own people participate in the competition, they can't be bullied! When the momentum is suppressed in a fight, the power cannot completely break out, and if the momentum is occupied, the momentum is like a rainbow. Naturally, the momentum cannot be weakened in this first collision between the two sides!

It's boiling!

Cui Hao's words were not bad. As soon as the words of provocation and contempt came out, they suddenly fell like a spark into a gasoline barrel. In an instant, the anger of nearly 100000 Japanese on the scene was ignited. Countless people shouted and roared angrily. The voice grew louder and louder like the waves. Many people were ferocious and wild in their bones.

Such a momentum is too fierce. Many journalists have weak legs and pale faces. The Japanese side really shows the home effect incisively and vividly!

Among the dense crowd, there is an old Taoist with a fat Taoist. It is Taoist Tianji and Taoist Mingyue.

Shocked, the little Taoist Mingyue whispered, "senior, it's so shocking. I didn't expect that the anger of ordinary people can be so strong and terrible. Brother Cui Hao and them are afraid to lose the momentum!"

Hearing this, Taoist Tianji shook his head and whispered proudly, "don't worry, I'm not a fool. If I don't fully grasp the momentum to suppress the enemy, how can I make sarcastic remarks? Look!"

It was completely boiling, and all the students were excited. When they stood up, thousands of people present were extremely sad and angry, and a huge commotion was brewing.

"No, this anger is almost out!"

Feeling all this, even Xiao Qi and Ruilin are not calm. They see countless people shouting around, angry and distorted faces, and a chill rises in their hearts. One, ten, 100, 1000, they may be able to be barely calm, but what about 100000 people?

Ferocious roar, countless Japanese are like wild animals. They are extremely angry and green veins jump around their necks. It's terrible!

Almost all of these anger hit Cui Hao. He felt countless extremely hostile eyes all over his body, which almost ignited the air. He was also surprised. He didn't expect that the scene of 100000 people getting angry was so terrible!

In this situation, Cui Hao took a deep breath and his whole body strength was brewing. He made a move. His legs sank, one hand turned over and dragged, and the other hand became a fist, roaring. He used the King Kong inverted cone in the old frame of Taijiquan to smash it out!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

In an instant, countless white oak boards exploded, and the sound fusion was like thunder. The whole grand ashram shook violently. With Cui Hao as the center, the hard white oak floor burst, and countless wood blocks and debris burst out. That momentum, when there is really a momentum of bomb explosion!

All the floors in the huge ashram are hard white oak floors, which can withstand all kinds of impact, and the wood has a certain elasticity. It is most suitable for practicing martial arts and tumbling on it. However, Cui Hao's Vajra tamping cone is really terrible. Cement and steel bars can be smashed. Moreover, he uses the power of blasting thunder. His power instantly penetrates the ground. It's a terrible mess!


Large areas of white oak floors burst and collapsed like glutinous rice dominoes, one by one.

With one foot, countless floors burst, and the momentum was like thunder. This momentum was so terrible that it immediately frightened many Japanese who howled wildly,

Cui Hao stamped his feet so fast that everyone subconsciously avoided it. Xiao Qi and Ruilin hurriedly helped a group of reporters nearest them to protect themselves. This momentum has not stopped, but Cui Hao roared a lion "Hahaha... It's ridiculous! How many people in Japan also play the home effect? Today, I have three people from China, but behind me are billions of Chinese children. I'll be afraid of you?"

Cui Hao's laughter was so violent that the whole Dojo shook, and the loud buzzing noise kept reflecting and whirling.

If it's in the wilderness, Cui Hao's stamping and laughing naturally can't cause such momentum, but it's in the dojo. Moreover, stamping and laughing one after another stimulate each other and are better.

In the field, nearly 100000 Japanese were shocked by Cui Hao's King Kong inverted cone, and then he laughed like thunder. Suddenly, many people felt dizzy, their eardrums were about to burst and tingled. They subconsciously covered their ears. They were filled with righteous indignation and generous and passionate momentum.

Among these people, some timid Japanese saw the messy ground of the dojo and looked at Cui Hao, who stood upright. The fear in their hearts was born immediately.

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