After the martial arts conference, the whole Japanese martial arts industry was silent and desperate. The spirit of Bushido was hit hard as never before. Liu shengape's help and others were crazy. They tried their best to find the three Cui Hao who disappeared strangely. No matter what method they used, as long as they killed the three, at least the spirit of Bushido could be defended and revived.

However, no matter how they looked for it, there was still no news. The three people went into the sea like a clay ox and had no news.

At the foot of Mount Fuji, there are three more foreign tourists with dark skin, just like Kenyans. They are generous and have gone deep into the hinterland of Mount Fuji all the way.

These three people are Cui Hao, Ruilin and Xiao Qi after Yi Rong.

On a quiet mountain path, there are bees buzzing in the flowers, butterflies dancing, birds chirping and streams gurgling.

Looking around, Xiao Qi said, "boss, this is the first mountain in Japan, Mount Fuji. It's not very high, but the scenery is good and the surrounding aura is rich."

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded slightly and said, "we have an ancient saying in China that mountains are not high, fairies are spirits, water is not deep, and dragons are shaped. Mount Fuji should answer this sentence. Well, it goes deep into the hinterland of Mount Fuji and is rarely visited. Even if it is a war, it won't cause much noise."

Speaking of this, Cui Hao suddenly raised his voice and said loudly, "friend, don't hide. It's time to follow the three of us all the way. Is it an enemy or a friend?"

Hearing Cui Hao's words, Ruilin and Xiao Qi were surprised. They were surprised. Someone followed them all the way? The way of sincerity can be known before. Along the way, Cui Hao always felt a murderous intention around him. He changed his route several times, but he didn't get rid of it. He simply broke down in this inaccessible tunnel to solve the problem.

"Hahaha... You are really extraordinary. Your spiritual sense is so extraordinary. I tried my best to hide my breath, but you noticed it!"

With Cui Hao's voice, a hearty laugh soon sounded. A figure stepped into the void and arrived quickly. He was a powerful man with a golden mask and a blood red Sabre behind him.

Cross the void!

Seeing this, Cui Hao's eyes shrink slightly, and Ruilin and Xiao Qi are alert and pose to meet the enemy. Even if they are self-confident and powerful, the three must be 120 careful and vigilant. There is a big gap in the realm.

With a faint smile, Cui Hao said, "excuse me, what's your name and why are you tracking us?"

The golden masked man smiled awkwardly, fell to the ground and said "I'm from the holy ruins. I'm one of the three holy places on earth. Have you heard of it? Just call me Mr. Jin. In fact, I'm also half Chinese. My mentor is a great master of Chinese Taoism and is reclusive in the holy ruins. Sakai baihezi and Ryutaro Shimamoto are the outstanding young disciples of my holy ruins. Unfortunately, they were killed by you."

Mr. Jin opened his mouth in a calm tone and said it with his own style.

Hearing these words, Cui Hao and his three friends were awestruck. Indeed, the comers were not good! Mr. Jin claimed that he came from the holy ruins, one of the three holy places. He came from a great source. Moreover, he was a strong man with half a step of magic power and a hard stubble!

On his face, Cui Hao said, "Oh? So, Mr. Jin is going to avenge the two disciples of your holy ruins? I naturally know the three holy places on the earth, Kunlun holy land, holy ruins and WuChao. At least I have the support of Chinese forces behind me! What do you want? Draw a line, and I Cui Hao will follow!"

With this, Cui Hao's body shook slightly and made a thunder sound of tiger and leopard. At the same time, his body surface was filled with sharp vigorous Qi with extraordinary momentum.

"Tianzong's talent! It's really Tianzong's talent!"

Seeing that Cui Hao was filled with vigorous Qi, Mr. Jin couldn't help but praise him. He said calmly "Bu Gang's Dharma is one of the best in our holy ruins. Long taro Shimamoto paid an unimaginable price to get it. Unexpectedly, it was cheap in the end. You stole the teacher and succeeded. You don't have to be nervous. If I want to avenge, I would have done it long ago. Why so much nonsense? There is a battle of life and death in the challenge arena. In full view of the public, if they die, they will die. My holy ruins need it We want genius, not dead people. When we are dead, it will be like a ship destroyed and people killed. Why should we pay attention to it? "

Cui Hao also saw that the man was not ready for revenge, and said faintly, "in that case, please leave!"

With a slight frown on his brow, Mr. Jin seemed a little unhappy. He pressed his dissatisfaction and said "Little friend, why are you so far away? Since you've heard of the three holy places, you should know how respected they are! I'm here today to invite you three to accept the examination in our holy ruins. After success, you are qualified to become disciples of the holy ruins! Although the competition in our holy ruins is cruel and we cultivate experts by raising poisonous insects, we will give them as long as they rise You are guaranteed to be the top super expert with rich rewards, unique skills, elixirs and weapons! There are many disciples in Kunlun holy land and WuChao, but you are still overwhelmed by us! "

Cui Hao knew a lot about the three holy sites through Skynet authority before. Mr. Jin is right. However, he has accepted the invitation of Kunlun holy land. Moreover, he doesn't like the way of cultivating disciples in the holy ruins. It's too cruel and cold-blooded.

So Cui Hao smiled coldly, reached out, took out a token in his arms and said, "sorry, the three of us have been invited by Kunlun holy land and have decided to join Kunlun Holy Land!"

What he took out was naturally the red gold Kunlun order.

Seeing this, Mr. Jin was stunned and slightly surprised, but he still didn't give up and his eyes were faint and cold "What's so good about Kunlun holy land? It's not as good as the holy ruins! Little friends, you just accept and can give up the invitation! With your strength, I can guarantee that at least two of the three of you can get the qualification to enter the graveyard of the gods as long as you join! Another year will be the opening day of the graveyard of the gods once every 50 years, in which there are too many secrets and opportunities, even if you can It's a pity that the quota is limited, and there are few holy places in Kunlun. Can you join us and get the quota? "

"The graveyard of the gods?"

Hearing this, Cui Hao was stunned. He hadn't heard of this place. It seems that it is very mysterious and precious.

Seeing Cui Hao's stunned face, Mr. Jin continued "The cemetery of the gods is guarded by three holy places. Each time it is opened, it pays a lot of money. Among them, it is the ultimate place where many super powers came and fought on the earth. It is more precious than other ancient relics on the earth, such as the Bermuda Triangle, the pyramids, the tegustong Road, etc.! Although there are dangers, there are also great opportunities , the powerful are eager! Why are the three holy places the three strongest forces on earth? It is because they control the graveyard of the gods! "

The battlefield of the gods!

There is no doubt that the gods in Mr. Kim's mouth may be at the level of divine power, or even beyond the level of divine power, and have the lower God of life, or even higher!

One year later, the cemetery of the gods will be opened, which is undoubtedly very attractive and a great temptation to Cui Hao. However, after thinking about it, he still thinks it is better to join the Kunlun holy land. Even if the quota is difficult, there should be a chance to win it. Moreover, it is impossible to obtain the quota by joining the holy ruins because of Mr. Jin's word.

So Cui Hao smiled a little sorry and replied, "sorry, I have promised Kunlun holy land."

"So don't give face? Little friend, you let me down!"

Hearing the speech, Mr. Jin's tone suddenly cooled down. He was really angry. Cui Hao didn't give himself this half step Magic face. Although he was a super genius, he was too proud!

Feeling the change of the other party's tone, Cui Hao slowly posed a posture. It was clumsy, but it contained great wisdom. He said coldly, "sorry! If you are not satisfied, I Cui Hao. Next, come on!"

With a frown on his brow, Mr. Jin seemed to be really angry. The bloody war knife behind him was clanging and shaking. His momentum was like the vast sea, and his eyes were shining with sharp eyes. It seemed that he would be angry at the next moment. However, after seeing Cui Hao's fist to defeat Shimamoto longtaro, he also knew that the young man was not simple. It was difficult to defeat him in two or three times, and he might not be able to defeat him There was a killer mace, so he hesitated.

Just then, he seemed to feel something. With a cold smile, he turned and left across the void.

At this time, a lazy and angry words came out of the void, "Taoist friends, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Do you want to stay and drink some more old Taoist wine?"

With this remark, a sloppy Taoist appeared, crossing the void, holding a chubby little Taoist in his hand. Who is it, not Taoist Tianji and Taoist Mingyue?

"Ha ha... Taoist friend, your wine is delicious. Next time, if you come to the holy ruins, I will treat you warmly and leave!"

Mr. Jin's voice echoed, but the man had gone away and was startled away by Taoist Tianji.

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