In Japan, in the hinterland of Mount Fuji, Taoist Tianji came and scared away the mysterious Mr. Jin. Perhaps he valued the qualifications of Cui Hao and wanted to earn income from the holy ruins. Maybe he had another plot.

"Master! Have you passed the pass? Have you broken through?"

Seeing Taoist Tianji crossing the void, Cui Hao was overjoyed and couldn't help asking.

His face showed a pleased look, twisted a sparse goatee, and Taoist Tianji leisurely said, "that's nature. Who am I, your master? A famous wonder in China, once again stepped into a half step magical power, just like drinking water!"

Having said this, he said with a dignified look "Dear disciple, I know all about the great event you did in Ecuador, the death of summer and Qingfeng, the gambling stone competition in Myanmar, and the sneak attack of the fraternity group. You did a good job! Shifu is proud of you! People can't come back to life after death. See it for yourself. You are taking revenge for them in this martial arts conference. After this war, Japan Bushido has been completely trampled, and the experts have withered. The whole martial arts industry has encountered an unprecedented cold wave. It is difficult to recover in at least ten or twenty years! "

It's better to fight bravely than to kill. It's better to kill people. Rolling openly and using Yang Mou sometimes plays a more amazing role!

Referring to the death of summer and Liu Qingfeng, Cui Hao felt inexplicably heavy. He squeezed out a smile and said, "master, don't worry, I understand this truth. By the way, how did you find us with the Taoist priest Mingyue?"

"Wuliang Tianzun, brother Cui, we meet again. How are you?"

Hearing that Cui Hao mentioned himself, the little fat man in the bright moon smiled happily. His face like a big apple was flattering with a touch of flattery.

For this Taoist super genius, Cui Hao naturally didn't care much. With a smile on his face, he talked with a pleasant face.

Through a simple understanding, Cui Hao knew about the situation. It turned out that after Taoist Tianji left the customs, he soon received an invitation from the Kunlun holy land. After divination, the ancestor of the holy land finally asked him to come with the bright moon and ask them to help Cui Hao do a great event. Once successful, there will be Chinese Qi blessing.

Even if there are no many benefits, Taoist Tianji is duty bound to deal with his disciples, so he came with the bright moon. As for why he could find Cui Hao, because Taoist Tianji's great development of Tianji technology has made a great breakthrough, he can naturally feel the same breath. He found it by means of breath induction. It happened that he met Mr. Jin's coercion and inducement, so he spoke Scare it away.

Hearing the description of Taoist Tianji, Cui Hao became more and more curious about the ancestor of Kunlun holy land he had never met.

Smiling, Taoist Tianji happily patted Ruilin on the shoulder. He saw his grandson. Later, he asked Xiaoqi's identity curiously. Cui Hao never told anyone about Xiaoqi's being a unicorn, so he covered up a few words and prevaricated. Taoist Tianji was so smart that he could see it at a glance without telling. The two sides had a good conversation 。

Since Taoist Tianji and Mingyue came to help themselves, Cui Hao simply stopped hiding and looked for a hidden place. He talked about the Ananda sword he accidentally found in Myanmar, and talked about Japan's unparalleled evil array, Xu Fu's conspiracy, the will of lingxiaozi, the Sword Fairy of Shushan, and even the struggle between the two countries in detail.

Silence! Dead silence!

When Cui Hao finished speaking, everyone present was shocked and inexplicable. Even Taoist Tianji was no exception. This is really great news!

A moment later, Taoist Tianji took the lead in recovering. He pondered, "disciple... According to you, although we have great advantages, master the entrance, and the peerless evil array is destroyed by Chinese sages, it is still too dangerous. What's your plan?"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao told the truth about his plan to sneak into the array to destroy a heat weapon with amazing lethality obtained through the four divine beasts. After listening to his plan, Taoist Tianji's face eased a lot and nodded, "this plan... Is also good, but there is still great danger!"

"Master, I know the danger, but I'm one of the four divine beasts. It's my duty!" Cui Hao replied with a dignified face.

Seeing Cui Hao's firm face, Taoist Tianji sighed, "well, since you are determined to do so, I will accompany you! With me, the peerless evil array is easier to get through!"

Taoist Tianji is not modest at all, because his achievements in Qimen dunjia and the five elements of the array are definitely one of the best in China.

A warm current rose in his heart. Taoist Cui haochao nodded and thanked him. Then, he looked at the three men of Ruilin with a dignified face. "Xiao Qi, Ruilin, Taoist Mingyue, the peerless evil array is very dangerous. I suggest you stay!"

"No! Master, you just made a mistake. It's not your responsibility alone. It's the responsibility of everyone in China. The disciple is also a Chinese. Naturally, he has to do something!" said Ruilin with a firm face.

With a careless smile, Xiao Qi nodded and said, "nephew is right! Boss, if you go alone, I really don't trust you. You know my skills. It's not dangerous to go with you!"

With a shy smile, Mingyue heran said with a smile, "brother Cui Hao, I came here specially for this matter this time. You can't drive me away. You must participate!"

Seeing this, Cui Hao hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "well, since you three insist, I don't force it. Let's go together!"

The joining of Taoist Tianji and Taoist Mingyue strengthened Cui Hao's confidence. Therefore, they continued to move quietly and went deep into the hinterland of Mount Fuji.

Half an hour later, they entered a very hidden valley. It was very large and quiet inside. There was a kind of beautiful orchid all over it, which was a bit of the charm of empty valley orchid.

Pointing to the valley, Cui Hao said, "according to the map I got, the entrance is deep in the valley!"

In fact, even if Cui Hao didn't explain, everyone felt that there was a powerful breath in the depths of the valley, constantly sucking in the thin aura in the surrounding air.

He found his destination. At present, Taoist Tianji used the art of looking at Qi to wait and see. Gradually, his face became more and more dignified. It seemed that he saw something extremely terrible!

For a long time, Taoist Tianji stopped and said, "it's terrible! It's terrible! This place is in crisis step by step. Disciple, the peerless evil array here is indeed broken and has loopholes. However, its explosive power is very strong! Let's go. From now on, you must follow me closely!"

With this saying, Taoist Tianji took the lead and led the people in-depth.

Soon, the people went deep into the valley. Gradually, there was a faint white fog around, and there was a terrible murderous spirit brewing in it. It was illusory and ethereal, which was difficult to capture its breath.

After careful emotion, Taoist Tianji finally expressed such emotion: "what a terrible murderous spirit, so pure, the peerless murderous array here is really not simple!"

Hearing Taoist Tianji's emotion, the people were naturally awe inspiring and followed his steps carefully. The white fog was getting stronger and stronger, and there was a dense atmosphere around.

"Ow, ow, Ow!..."

At a certain moment, there was a sudden roar, which was very dark and terrible. It seemed that a ghost was roaring. It made people's scalp numb. It was terrible and evil to the extreme.

Surprised, they hurried to follow the prestige. They saw that between the white fog ahead, there was a huge black shadow with a height of more than ten meters roaring up to the sky. There was a strong smell of death on his body. His eyes were scarlet, the size of his fist, emitting the most vicious and resentful light!

Its shape was hidden in the white fog and could not be seen clearly, but its eyes were extremely frightening. After roaring, it immediately had a ferocious impact, as fast as electricity!

Suddenly, everyone was surprised to see such a situation. If ordinary people saw such a situation, they were afraid that they would be frightened and split up!

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